Shooting a projection, lowering everyone's profile, and saying we're going to soak ourselves in the hot water slowly, our beloved companion is producing something complicated with magic paper. I was murmuring something with bumps in the language of my hometown and folding the magic paper again.

That's because of magic. Absolutely. But when I broke it for Mima-san earlier, I threw it and it didn't fly at all. Does that mean the flying image worked? What if I imagine this guy standing up? I can't stand it. What's the difference? That sword back there, huh? What does it say? Ah! Okay!! Can you speak Japanese?

Magic paper folded in small hands is too delicate and elaborate for a toy. The finished work was as prosperous as it could be as a work of art.

"Zhu Zhu, take a bath....."

"Hey, Assam, there's something I want to try. Can I borrow what you write?

Zhu Zhao wrote something down on the magic paper when he took the brush from the console. The letters of Zhu Zhu's hometown are many and I still don't remember them. I began to fold the magic paper with the letters again. I can't help it. Let's go to the bath first.

"Zhu Zhu, I'm going to take a bath first. Do you want to come with me?

When I asked her, she replied that she didn't want to. I couldn't help but sigh on that serious expression again and go to the bath.

Zhu Zhu, who was working behind, murmured "well", but I didn't understand the meaning.