Continuity is the Father of Magical Power

Episode Seven: End of Dungeon Strategy

It's been one night since the day I defeated the rock bird on the 40th floor.

Right now, I'm having breakfast with my grandfather in a dining room with nothing.

The menu is one crunchy bread....

Eating a mog of it, I'm checking my status.

I wonder how far the level has gone by defeating a rock bird and fulfilling it?

Leons Forster Lv.45

Age: 8

Race: People

Occupation: Creator

Health: 209x10x/209x10x

Magic Power: 200x10x/200x10x

Force: 113 x 10 x 1.5 (169.5 x 10 x 10 x)

Speed: 130 x 10 x 1.5 (195 x 10 x)

Luck: 1,000.

Attributes: None, Created


Appraisal Creation Magic Lv.4

Unattributed Magic Lv.5 Magic Operation Lv.5

Heartless Lv.2 Swordsmanship Lv.7

Magic Sensing Lv.3


who have memories of different worlds


I'm eight, and I don't feel like this level... (I don't care about status anymore)

And Elena's level was up, too.

< Demon Sword Elena Lv.3 >

I can talk to the owner.

It absorbs a lot of magic from its owners to enhance its sharpness and durability

Increased ability to do it when the level increases

Self-repair capability

Lv.3... Heals the owner's health for the amount attacked

Creator: Leons Forster

This ability may not be very necessary to me right now.....

I have tremendous strength.

Besides, I haven't been attacked since I got into the dungeon.

Well, I don't think I've ever been over one.....

And then, after breakfast, get geared up.

"Then we're leaving."

We left the 40th floor behind.

When I walked into the 41st floor and I was about to walk out,

Suddenly, everywhere in the aisle was lit red.

This is.... You're a wana terrace.

"Grandpa, stop!

"Oh, what's this red one?

"This light is lighting the trap red."

"Well, if it weren't for this, you would have been alarmed and touched the trap....."

You really are....

You definitely touched this number.

"But how did it all of a sudden come out when it hadn't happened before?

"I guess that was the aim of defeating the alarmed with a trap"

"That's scary.... I need to move on with caution for now"

"I guess I'll have to."

Then he proceeded, carefully avoiding the red marks that were all over the ground and the walls.

And Gargoyle came out on this floor.....

Gargoyle feels like a flying stone statue.

"Ha, this is swordsman killing floor"

"What do you mean?

"Swordsmen can't be defeated unless they get close."


If you don't get close, you can't put your sword on it.

"And if he's the guy whose opponent is flying, he'll have to move for that matter"

"Oh, okay. You mean it's possible to trap for that matter."

"That sort of thing"

"Then I'll magically defeat you from one end to the other."

"This may be aimed at reducing the Wizard's magic, but it has nothing to do with Leo."


With that said, quickly, I'll try to shoot dirt magic towards the gargoyle.

... but Gargoyle easily avoided it.


You're avoiding it?

"Leo didn't practice magic, so it would be hard to hit a smaller opponent, wouldn't it?

Sure, people who can normally use magic practice magic.....

"What to do...."

"This is practice too. Get the hang of doing magic here."

"Ha ~ i"

In the meantime, I'm gonna make a ton of magic and shoot it at Gargoyle.

..... but it doesn't hit one again

What am I supposed to do to hit it?

The first thing I can think of is anticipating and hitting the direction in which the other person moves.

The next thing I can think of is increasing the speed of magic.

In the meantime, I decided to try both together.

Speaking of fast magic, wind magic.

So I used more magic to make wind magic.

And release them anticipating their movements!

Then I could hit him nicely and defeat Gargoyle.

"You were pretty quick to guess. Strong wizards out there can't guess what's going on, huh?

"It's because my special training with Grandpa had me learning to read their moves."

"Right. It's just that the wind magic was pretty amazing."


Then he also proceeded with caution of the trap and took about a week to advance to the 45th floor.

Even though it would take some time to avoid the trap, it was the speed of whether to take a day to move on to the ground floor or not because it was getting wider and wider.

By the way, the gargoyle drop was a gem.

This gem was so brilliant and beautiful.

And now it's finally a boss fight.

"This time, given the difficulty so far, the enemy is quite strong"

"I guess."

Because of the sudden increase in difficulty from the 41st floor.....

"So be careful, okay?

"Yeah, okay"

"Then let's go."

Boss, when I walked into the room, there was a dragon a couple meters long.

"This is Wyburn."

"Oh, it's my first dragon!

"No, Wyburn is weaker than the Dragon"

"Isn't Wyburn a dragon?

"Oh, you're not gonna lose it."

"Yes, it is."

"If it's a dragon, you can't defeat me or my grandmother."

"Boulder Dragon"

It's just the most powerful demon.

"Gua ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

Wyburn barked.

"Be careful, Wyburn, because I'm the opponent on my own to see if I can win the critical!

"That's strong enough Wyburn too!

With that said, I'll try to attack with my favorite wind magic lately.

Wyburn didn't try to avoid my magic, so the magic hit me beautifully.

But it seems almost devoid of damage....

"This is amazing."

"Use magic to the point of blindness!

"Okay. Well, it's been a while since I've used Elena."

(Can you finally use it?

(I'm sorry. Because I'll use it as much as I want now)

First, shoot the water magic into Wyburn's eyes

After seeing it hit, he approached at full speed and shook Elena off Wyburn's neck.

Then I succeeded in easily dropping Wyburn's neck.

".... that? I knocked him down ~"

"I didn't even see the speed."

Speaking of which, I forgot (intentionally) that my status sucks.

"Les, it's the level."

"Sure, if you ask me, Leo would have defeated all the bosses in the dungeon by himself"

"Oh, you are! We came a long way."

"Right. Guess the next boss is Las Bosses?

"I hope so."

Saying that, a big demon stone dropped from Wyburn.

"It's been a long time since you've had a big demon stone."

"Where did you see it before?

It's the Dungeon of the Demon King.

"Demon King's Demon Stone?

"It's not the demon king, it's the guy who was his man"

"What happened to the Demon King's Demon Stone?

"After defeating the Demon King, I didn't see the Demon Stone because it came buried in the Demon Forest without taking it out"

"I buried you."

I'm surprised.

Like he was a good guy, actually?

"Yes, so I needed proof that I defeated the Demon King, so I turned it into a demon stone for the Demon King's men."

"Hee ~"

"Well then, I guess this dungeon is just around the corner, so we'll do our best!


I put a big magic stone in my backpack.

"Speaking of which, is that pocket a different space storage?

"Am I right?

"I thought so."

"Is that it? Aren't you surprised?

"I'm tired already...."

Are you tired?

I'm sure Grandpa got tired of a long dungeon life.

Then, go into the tent and take the day off

The next day began the attack on the 46th floor.

From the 46th floor came out demons other than the bosses who had come out so far.

All demons were high level and numerous.

Then again, the size of each floor spread again and the number of traps increased dramatically....

Because of that, it took about 10 days to get to the front of the boss room on the 50th floor.

And he's probably coming in front of Las Boss' room.

"You're finally here."

"Oh, that was a long time"

"Did it take more or less a month since we started the offense to get here?

"It'll be over here, too"

"Yeah, let's go in then"

There was a creepy man-shaped demon when I went inside.

I'll be right back...

< Mad Demon Lv.80 >

Health: 11000

Magic: 12000

Force: 8380

Speed: 9300

Luck: 30

Attribute: Darkness


Dark Magic Lv.9

This is strong enough for Grandpa's full season.....

"This is a demon."

Sounds like it.

"Leo, this time I fight too"


The reason is simple. Because the enemy is strong.

We checked with Grandpa and confronted the enemy.

Then Mad Demon laughed niggardly and disappeared into the darkness.



There was a sound of a sword crashing from behind.

Looking back, Grandpa was protecting me from attacks from Mad Demon.


"I'm old too, but if we still use limit breaking, we can multiply our stats by 10 and fight!

Then again, the daemon disappeared.

"It's just that in about 3 minutes the bonus time will be over"

"How can Grandpa see a daemon?

"Extremely unattributed magic also enhances your senses. So if you aim where you come out, you can fight."

"How can I..."

"By the end of my bonus, make an item that you'll see something!

"Wow, okay."



Also, Grandpa protected me from demon attacks.

"Just do it! Or we'll both die!!"

"Ugh, yeah."

I hurried and took everything I could possibly use out of my backpack.

First, I put all my magic into Wyburn's demonic stone.

When you're done pouring, hurry up with the ingredients you put out of your backpack and use your creative magic.

Then some of the ingredients glow and mix with the demon stone

Then wait for the completion hoping you'd hurry.....

When I saw Grandpa, it was getting tougher and tougher to attack Daemon.

Please, just make it!!

Then the light subsided.

The finished one was the kind of goggles that airplane pilots could wear.

I wore it in a hurry.


(Set the owner to Leons and start navigating)


(Discover enemies and view opponents)

Then a daemon appeared where there was nothing.

I hurriedly chopped off Mad Demon's neck, without question.

"Yay, I managed to make it, Grandpa"

Looking back, looking at Grandpa

Then Grandpa fell powerless.....

"...... Grandpa?