Corporate Slave Hero Says He’s Quitting His Job
Spectacular Brave
The magic that was coating our bodies fades.
"Time. I asked for it."
On the verge of running out of magic, me and Leona kick up the sea level and jump.
If we keep falling into the ocean, we'll feed the tentacles in no time.
The only way to avoid that is to make this operation a success.
"Beast God's Heartbeat (Beast Beat)!"
The sound of Leona's heartbeat grows so loud that it can be heard around.
Beast God's heartbeat - sure, that was a move to temporarily super strengthen your physical abilities by increasing the drainage of blood containing magic.
"I'm not going to blow you away!
Leona waves her fist up.
The tentacles were already starting to move at this time, but they couldn't make it anymore.
"Beast God Fist!
Leona's fists, enhanced to the extreme, collide with the sea level.
At that moment, the impact ran with the roar, and the sea level bounced and flew.
Waves spread all at once around Leona, and huge holes can be made in the sea itself.
Tentacles are also stirred up by the strong impact that has occurred, keeping them away from us.
And the giant octopus body that lived hidden in the water finally becomes dewy.
"I see it!
"Because it's one chance!
"I know - heh!
I land on Leona's feet in the air.
I can't just end up checking my figure.
We have to decide here.
"Buh - fly!
Leona kicks me in the eye with a fling attitude.
Having gained a cooperative propulsion, I fleshed to the octopus at once.
"I've got enough magic! We can go, Lord!
There was plenty of time to prepare.
With all this magic, I can be sure that I can amputate it.
"Flying Sword - Strong and stunning!
It's the biggest flying sword I can unleash right now.
Octopus tries to protect himself with his tentacles, but it's too late.
The flying sword, which flew without bracing straight, dives into the octopus' body.
And it passed through the octopus body as if it was transparent.
As soon as that happens, the octopus stops moving, and the item drops without force.
Fluid, neither known as blood nor ink, seeped out and began to contaminate the sea water.
"Nice cleavage."
"Well? It's mainly because a second-rate sword does it, such as giving a blade response (...). '
"I'm glad I picked you up"
'Huh!? Well, well, well... don't suddenly praise me... I'll have a little trouble'
"Conversely, I hope it doesn't suddenly illuminate..."
When the usual different reaction returns, this one also has trouble reacting.
- No, not if you're having that exchange right now.
"Are you okay with the seawater?
'... if you take good care of me later, I'm sure you won't be fine'
"Okay. I'll take good care of it."
At the end of that exchange, we were wrapped up in returning sea water.
"Ho ho... Ha, ha..."
"Huh, are you okay? Al."
"Oh, I'm fine..."
I wake up and look around.
Since then, we've been pulled up to the ship, falling asleep on the deck to work our heavier bodies in sea water.
Octopus demons have been completely crusaded, and now the Knights of Silver Wings are turning to me in the end.
"I've never seen a demon that big before. What would have happened if Al hadn't been here?"
"I've never seen a demon with a big body that far too. Thanks to everyone."
"Right. If it helps, I'm glad!
Leona laughs vibrantly and slaps me in the back.
I got to step on it a little bit, but I don't feel bad.
I moved from the deck of the ship to a position where I could see the sea with my feet intact.
"I wonder why such a big demon appeared... and suddenly"
"Not suddenly"
Under me and Leona looking out over the ocean, Silver approached me.
Silver has a magical face and looks down at the octopus carcass that has risen to sea level in the same way.
"Not all of a sudden... what do you mean?
"Before we left, some information came in from the guild. There are no precedents, and apparently demons of strange size have begun to be confirmed across the country -"
A tortoise that would mistake it for an island.
Birds enough to hide one of the cities.
A dragon blows up the mountain with a swing of hook claws.
What was told from Silver's mouth was the demons that could make such a disaster light.
At least, I've never heard of such demons in my valiant days.
"They say the highly-ranked clans in each city are dealing with it, but I hear the stoop hasn't come to a resolution with the best of their ability. Greed, Tiger, we're gonna keep going to those backups, but how's it going?
"Oh, my God, are you in a streak? There's nothing wrong with that. We can still use the Beast God heartbeat, and the Grid Tiger will help us."
"Well, that helps. Al will send you to the Promised Demon Continent. This quest would not have been accomplished without you."
Thank you...
That's what Silver told me once.
I didn't think they'd say thank you to me face to face, and I look a little surprised.
"You don't look great to thank. I owe you, and I did what I deserved."
"It's only natural that the minister should help the king."
"... that makes me angry, but I was relieved that it sounded like the most silver"
As we have that conversation, members of the Knights of Silver Wings come closer as they rub their heavy armor together.
"Dear Silver, The collection of demonic material has been completed"
"Good luck, you can rest."
That's what I say, of the Knights of the Silver Wings. He goes down.
I looked again at the sea level wondering if it was over, and there was only a blackened sea spread out there.
"You can't just pile everything up. Tentacles, some organs, ordered it loaded. The material itself is just huge and looks like the same thing as the existing demons. The dirt of the sea will sooner or later be purified by the magic present in the sea itself.
"Well... that would be reassuring"
"The question is, why did these demons suddenly show up?"
"If I clean it up with a mutation, is it cheap?
"I think that's the most likely thing. but... it stinks that it occurs simultaneously"
I can understand what Silver is feeling.
If this is a mutation, it would be too much to do.
I'm still more convinced that there's a reason for it to be huge.
"There may be someone, another organization, or someone who set this up. We're going to run for the cause as soon as this thing's cleared up."
"Should I help?
"When we're done with what we need to do on the Demonic Continent, we need your help. It's only natural that the minister obeys the king."
"Yes, sir."
I flattered my shoulders, but honestly, I'm concerned about this, too.
If demons of this magnitude spread to the world, peace will be threatened in no time.
If it's something you can solve, I want to solve it.
Not as a brave man, but as Adele's conscience.
"If Al's gonna help, I'm gonna help you, too, Atashi! Ok!?"
"What are you saying? You were originally forced to participate. Perform your A-rank clan responsibilities."
"That's complicated, but hey... well, if Al's around, okay"
Is that okay?
That's what I wanted to get into, but the voice was blocked by the sound of the ship.
Apparently it moved out again.
"We're heading straight to the Demonic Continent, but be careful. The demons are bloody."
"Yeah, I'll take good care of the advice."
On a slowly departing ship, I look to the Demonic Continent, which would be in the direction of progress.
I hope Isbells hasn't gotten into trouble yet.