Create a sandbox world

Chapter 275, Lien, Disclaimer

In the moment, Lin Tuju only gave the head of the brain, and the severe pain, spared, it has been in the third pulse, and it is still unable to resist, can only be strong in compression of pain -

The demon lord has really a matter, even if there is twelve of thirteen deaths, there is still a power that is enough to collapse "illusion space" ...

Fortunately, the ambush of Hatherway played a role. This battle is still earned.

As for the pain, on the one hand, the anti-alveolatosis caused by abilities, and another more important reason, the spiritual excess of phagocytosis.

As a lord, its own spirituality is not low, and there is so much "belief".

This is falling, and the spirit is disintegrating.

Part is absorbed by many extraordinary people, which is restored, and even enhanced, and most of them are swallowed by Lin Du, which is also a small pressure.

"Well ~" At the same time, in another seat, Huaxi and Hatha also wake up at the same time, and two overlapping pains.

Huaxi is okay, just withdraws the remaining wave.

The key is Hathaway.

The life form of her data is a kind of spirituality.

In the last time, I swallow the origin of the devil's lord. At this time, I was lying in the ball, the four-legged, the two legs were dead, and the crushed eyes.

Two hands cover the drums of the drums, a call, heard Lin Du and Huaxi face black.

"Can you not call?" Huaxi stood up, "Do you think you have children?"

Hayserry is stomach, and the face is painful and pleasant:

"Yeah, I ... I can't control it ... support ... so much ... I haven't been eaten so much for a long time, I can't ..."

On the other hand, she was going down while looking down, and she had to sleep, just like a person was full, it would be sleepy.

Next to it, it is difficult to solve the gods of Lin Duo, who want to say from pain, but I want to say anything, but after all, I just sigh:

"You also go back to rest."

"Austria" Huaxi played a yawn, it should be.

She also swallowed a lot of spirituality this time, which will be actually sleepy.

Even the power of celebrating the victory is not, full of brains are sleeping.

Seeing Lin Duo, there is no , turn around with Hathawei, who has played a snoring.

Waiting for two people, Lin Duo gave himself a cup of coffee and slowly drinked.

After half an hour, he was completely slow, and he wore the window, it was already in the middle of the night, and the candlestick in his hand was completely gray.

"How much is there in my body?" Lin Duo thought of this time and asked.

[The host currently has a very large value of 15 points]

Lin Tuo's hand is toned, the face is bitter, fifteen points!

How long have you been so poor? !

Although it is also used to "big hands" habits, but he also cautious personality, will always leave a few hundred reserves, in order to kill the devil, it is completely filled in this time.

A small portion is used to maintain the existence of the illusion space, most of which are used to drive a prayer candle.

However, the result is still satisfied.


Recall the event, from the discovery, to the organization, then kill ... The whole process can be said to be the best once the "spiritual invasion" processing.

"Single Giant" is also good, and you can gain information mainly tortured. If you simply evaluate the battle of "four seasons", it is still a loss.

At least did not make the head.

This time, because the whole battle is locked in the illusion space, there is no damage to the five sandbox.

Well, the extraordinary participants have never been injured, but the quantity should be very small, and most of them have gained spiritual nourishment.

In fact, this is also the intention of Lin Du, if he has a thought, the extraordinary absorption does not absorb spirituality.

"This wave I absorbed the seven-made spirituality of the demon lord, two ingredients gave all kinds of extraordinary people, and there was a Haburi Vulus."

"Unfortunately, I was eaten by her lingering. Otherwise, I should still absorb a different capacity, but ... it is not important."

Today's Lin Tuo's demand for "abilities" is really not high.

Moreover, the situation at the time, if not in advance, Hathaway ambush, I am afraid it is really escaping.

"However, I don't know if I will improve this time."

Lin Du is still quite expected.

In terms of strength, he can feel that this wave of swallowing spirituality is very good, and it is digesting, and it is time to make him two and three small grades.

"Reaching the five pulse? Liulin? Or even ... step in place, arrive in seven veins?"

Lin Tu guess.

According to the information disclosed before the demon lead, wait for him to light the seven veins, the probability can open the "Gate of the Ling".

Considering this, Lin Tu decided that the next period of time no longer tossed and stabilized, first tried to complete this goal again.

As for others, there are some invisible gains.

For example, through this battle, strengthen the cohesiveness inside the trunk.

At the same time, Lin Tuo is also a chapter, and the "big angel" has been recognized by many extraordinary people. This, he can directly commanded four.

Basically completed the control of the four sandes of the opponent.

Well, the earth is not counted.

"I still need to work hard." I am emotionally, Lin Du is in the forehead of pain, and I looked at the derivatization sand table next to the eyes, and later learned, smiled.

"I almost forgot, the gang is probably nervous, the battle is too rush, I have to appease."

Thinking, Lin Tuo strongly supported the body of the sleepy, passed the "Demon", and the news of the "Devil" was passed through the "Wish Master".

After doing this, he dragged the tired body and returned to the house.


It turns out that mental strength does affect sleep, and when Lin Tuo is raised by a series of alarms, it is already 11 hours.

"Call. Almost missed time." Lin Duo climbed up, approached the bathroom, take off the clothes, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Not only limited to two arms and front half, even most of the legs are about to complete, only rear left blank.

Lin Duyi:

"Six pulse? This is the six pulse?"

When I slept, he did three small grades. !

Yu Yu, Lin Duo is also emotional: "This feeling is not, it is not too fast recently, and the sense of accomplishment is not strong."

"Hey, I'm not careful."

But it is ... Recall that Lin Tuo has a little vigilance.

Many times, the upgrade is too fast, it will be uneasy. It is better to be smooth, it is better to steady, step by step, a footprint.

"I always feel like it is going to have something, so I am crazy to improve the strength." Shake your head, throw this inexplicable idea.

Mei nourish took a shower, wait until the bathroom, Lin Tuo only felt very good, and the status never.

After reading, Lin Duo sat down, closed his eyes, once again entered the illusion space, condensed a magnificent hall, and waved a long table.

Passing the news through the "Interface", there is not much time, one side of the long table is entitled.

Peng! "

Peng! "

Peng! "

In the blink of an eye, the strong people of three major ethnic groups in the Wushu gathered.

Gallos and Byzantine are on the left side, or the orc, the power of the wizard is concentrated on the right, and the two sides are arranged on both sides.

Similar scenes are unfamiliar.

It's just a few times a few times, this time, because I have learned the news in early, everyone is relatively loose, and it is easy to bring the atmosphere.

"I have seen it!"


"I have seen it ..."

On both sides of the long table, the strong people of all nationalities have got up, and they will be in front of the left arm, express their respect, Lin Du's mood is also excellent, the same start, make a similar action, right hand is analogist to face the front side -

This belongs to the extraordinary etiquette of the world's extraordinary people. After all, the forest is the angel, and it is not a "god", so doing this more in line with him.

At the same time, Lin Tu's eyes also swept away.

Humanity is mainly the leader of the east, Western, and the two eight-level strong people who have "big god" and "big sacrifices", and the extraordinary strength of the military on behalf of the royal family, the age is not small.

The representative of the elves is the "Jungle Elf" called Messiah, the nine-level "shadow" is extraordinary, and the ordinary high-end super power in the second world, the departments of the South China Continent are similar, and the departments of the side are also the elf tribe. Chief Executive.

And the orc, the nine-level "warriors" pathway is the most eye-catching, in fact, Lin Tuo is not a certain orc, "Kreuus" is not a certain orc. Instead, the name of the status of the Big Emirates, where you are here, you have a crown.

"Sit down, I hope this meeting did not affect your rest." Request to the eye, Lin Tuo took the lead smile, "this victory is more."

The voice is falling, and the person in the seat is to be resigned, but he is swayed by Lin Tuo:

"This is what you should, in fact, if you don't think about many extraordinary spirit, it is difficult to recover in a short time." I want to pull them together. "

Byzantine, the big marriage of the horns and white, busy:

"Thank you, our damage is much smaller than expected, even, many people have enhanced the power of the power."

Opposite, the body is long, the ear is pointed, and the appearance of the appearance is also nodded.

"Many elves have similar experiences."

This is not humble, but there are do things.

A part stems from absorbing the spirituality of the demon leader, which can be enhanced, and the other part is purely this special battle.

Although the ultrafine system of the Trouko, although the "sequence" approach given by "Engraving", this does not mean that each of the same level, the same sequence is equivalent.

Talent, understand ****, mentality ...

There are too many factors that will affect the actual combat power. This time, the state of the Soul is also unable to get a new sentiment, and the way of spending spells is also helpful.

"This is good." Lin Du smiled, and then a set of spells that were ready to be prepared, there was no extraordinarily for this "Jihad", during the period, the "Shenling" was encouraged (flicker) Two sentences, last, only:

"This big fortune, all of you have a job, although I don't dare to come to the spirit, what needs, I can, I can satisfy it."

Everyone he said, busy shaking his head: "For the gods, it is not dare to have a change."

Lin Du is so good, deliberately face, stressed:

"This is not the gift of the god, just my personal thoughts, what needs, convenient, strength, I will be realized."

Lin Tu clearly, the use of authority is not a long-lasting, Ens and Ensong is the right way.

This time I took out the "Devil" lord, although it saved them, can be in the opponent's angle, the surface does not say, there will always be a slice, I feel that I am forced to be involved in "Jiha".

This is different from the last time, the autumn sectors, the autumn sectors, they are different, after all, the second sandbox has experienced many kinds of spiritual invasion, and I have received too much help from Lin Tuo.

This is why he must give "reward".

"This ..." At the scene of the strengthening, after a moment, the big elf Msroya suddenly showed Yan:

"In this case, it is not as good as the life, and my forest tribe has shrunk in recent years. The southwestern desert is more serious. I have long been in the past, and I will shrink it in my elves. I don't know whether the respect can help."

Land desert? This is the case of the climate. According to the experience on the earth, Lin Tu is instantaneously judged. As long as the terrain is changed, the rainwater distribution can be resolved, the at least a thousand years, the problem is not big.

He immediately smiled: "I will improve later."

The Messiah eye is bright, she is just trying, I didn't expect the big angel actually responded, think of this, the nine-level strong congregation smile, praise:

"Thank you for the angel!"

Next to it, the body is two meters, the iron tower, the orc eatellite blinks, tested:

"My orcs are in the wild mountain, there are few fertile soil, the food is insufficient, can you ask if you can help?"

How many wild mountains? ...... Lin Du recalls the terrain of the next ring, thinking, has an idea:

If a part of the mountain peaks are moved to the north, it is used to transform the terrain, accumulate rainwater ... should be able to solve two things at the same time.

"Can. I will improve later."

Greu is full of expectations, as thunder: "Thank you big angel!"

With two people, the rest did not end, and they have begun to make requests, most of them have solved the business of local country.

As for the promotion of personal strength, I don't know if they are smart, or more, I am sorry to open, in short, it is not.

Lin Tuo is so happy, one is met.

At the end, he looked at the old man, a gentle road:

"This battle, God's extraordinary is the most injured, you can make an extra request."

An eye-catching.

The big gods thought for a few seconds, and they said: "Don't dare to greed, if you say anything ... This time, the wishes of each family, there is also a credit ..."

Lin Du has some accidents, deeply looked at the gods, recalling the five-top sandbox information, laughing:

"It is reasonable, in this way, several of the respects, the wishes of this, will be awarded to the statue of the gods later, what they want, and they will come."

Everyone does not hide, starting with: "Yes."


After a while, the war after the war, Lin Tuo returned to "reality", and record a few things on the memo, this only faces the window, and stretched a lazy waist:

"The event is over this side."

Then he suddenly felt that something was missing.