Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 302 Upon

"We have arrived!"

When I heard this news, Lin Tuo spirit shock, the heart is tension and excitement.

More than a month, finally arrived at the end, although he can switch back to the region a lot of time, most of the time awareness is still left here.

The long-term monotonous monotony around the surrounding scene is easy to suppress a boring.

Soon, others who heard this news also rushed over and turned their sight to the front.

"Where? Where?" Huaxi stared at his eyes, looking for a goal, but in the spiritual world, it naturally couldn't see the outside world.

"It's almost, according to the current speed, I can arrive after an hour." Hathawei said.

One hour?

Huaxi face is one: "Then you said."

"This is not ready to prepare in advance?" Hathawei Zhenzhen said, "and I will tell you, who knows the front situation? In case of walking, I have to fight the enemy, where is it."

Huaxi was stunned, said that it would not come, Sinai Mountain, which is still wearing a black wind, and his eyes are also bent.

During this time, she has been used to seeing two people.

Lin Duocked cough, attracting a few people, doubt: "Some are not all right. Have you found that the forefront of the spirit is like a decrease?"

Several people are gone, and they are looking forward.

"Really." Huaxi did not hide his surprise.

All the way, the surrounding background is always like a starry, although the spiritual columns are also intensive, sparse distinguish, which can be substantially or uniform.

However, with the battleship close to the "Upper Star District", the front, Wan Ruo, the Golden Radius begins to decrease sharply, and yes, it is also bleak, the volume is small.

This is obviously not a normal scene.

"There is no life in the spiritual world." Mount Sinai is bright and blaming the light.

Yes, not just a light group, with it with it, almost ubiquitous life has disappeared, although it is still, and the fluctuations are even,

The front part of the whole spot is like "empty".

Only on the dark background, the faint blue halo is blown like a wind and waves.

And the more, the more serious, very fast, and only one empty is left around.

"Maybe it was paid by the imperial person. After all, what is life, it is very troublesome." Hathaway guess the road.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book artifact, can change the source book!

This logic is very clear, and it is likely to suffer a lord, or an extraordinary article is probably in the development of civilization that cannot enter the spirit.

Then, if the empire is like this, you can carry out the civilization of the spiritual jump, and it will definitely not let go of the danger of doctors.

For the Lord, even the spiritual transgression group that may inflow into the material, it is also a complete logic behavior.

"It makes sense, so, at least prove that we have not went wrong."

Lin Duo smiled, the atmosphere in the rest room was too fast.

Although he said, he always thinks that this exception may not be just because of the defense needs, perhaps, there is a deeper reason.

In the silence, the time flowed in a second, finally, the space in front has a more obvious spiritual fluctuation.

"It's very stable, showing slowly, indicating that the society of the empire is in a stable period." Lin Tuo silently made judgments in his heart.

Hathaway is also in the glass curtain wall, through the mapping of the torrential ripple, outlines a terrestrial sector:

"We are already very close ... , as if there is a detector!"

Said, the antennas of the search ship gently swore, cleverly, obliquely, flew toward the voids in front, and there is a new thing on the screen.

That is a four-four side, the unclear "satellite" that is covered by the energy shroud, and it has emerged from the corner of the picture, and it is flying in a invisible track.

The speed is not slow, the search ship has always maintained a relative movement with it.

With you can't see it, the real-existing planet cover itself ... The cabin, Lin Tuo has already made a battle preparation, once found, will immediately shoot.

Tick ​​... Tick ......

In the big rest room, the chop is silent, and the dead is often quiet. It is only the mechanical watch from Huaxi from the martial art. It is reminded that the time passed.

I don't know how long, the "satellite" disappeared again ... Go to the back of the intangible planet.

This reflects the magical in the spiritual world.

Although it is invisible, the sight isolation of the material planet is still reflected in the spiritual world in another way.

I haven't waited for a few people to let go, Hatherway manipulates a sensitive direction of the search ship, next second, from another direction, the second "satellite".

So everyone had to continue to be tightly tightened, carefully and evaded.

At this time, Lin Tu can't help but worry. If this satellite is enough, it will be troublesome.

Although they can also adventure the team to implement the task to return, but the risk is too big.

"Only two." I waited for a while. When the first "satellite" turned into the line of sight, Hathawei was obviously loose from the megaphone:

"It should be something that monitors, but it is not completely sealed, it can be around."

"What should I do after entering? If the battleship is stopped, it will definitely be discovered." Huaxao.

Hayserway is not panic:

"The problem is not big. When I get a help of the hand, I keep the remote manipulation of the search ship, I am, in fact, you see that their operation is regular, I should write an automatic driving rule."

"These things don't seem to be a defense facility for the outside world." Sinai Mountain is keenly analyzed. "I don't know that my feelings are right, but I think that they are more monitored."

"It is possible," Lin Duotong, "and unlike a military purpose, it should not only have two."

He doesn't feel that the civilization that has the ability to make a battleship will not make more "satellite".

As for what role, it is not good to say, maybe similar to the Earth, is a secondary communication?

In the conversation, the warship of the warships quietly sneak in the blank period of the two satellites. In order to insurance, Lin Du even use the dream ability, try to invite the battleship.

The same is cautious, and Haitiway has not been tearing in high altitude, observing, but has been diven to a too low-lying area before stopping.

Opened a little.

"It seems that it is a field of field." Hathaway reported.

Lin Duo is decisive: "Enter!"

After him, Huaxi and Sinai have already been packed.

At this moment, the three people are already in the lounge, but standing at the door of the battleship, and they have replaced those imperialists stay in the bedroom.

Lin Tu uses the ability of non-chance to adjust the appearance details according to the face model of Hatherway data, which makes the appearance approach the imperial.

Sinai Mountain and Huaxi also use "deformation techniques" to carry out certain camouflage, this spell is also a course in which two people have fixed exercises.

Three people look at it, and the hearts are .

Next second, the hatch is opened, the pedal carpet is facing forward, and the energy cover is short to depreciate and open a passage.


Lin Duo lowned, three people jumped into it, blinking, the channel disappeared, everything was attributed to calm, and the whole battleship slowly moved according to the written procedure, hiding the surveillance angle.



At the same time, in the real universe, in the air, the silent star sea, a planet with the earth, the blue and green intertwined planet rotated.

The hot sun is quiet in the distance.

In this planet called "Uen", the only land, the city and the field of the field, the air is slightly distorted.

The heat waves baked in the hot summer day.


Suddenly, a space channel appeared, and the three people have jumped out.

Because it is too hasty, Huaxi falling in the back, I fell to my head, and immediately rolled up, the raccoon cat was wary of the scorpion:

"Lin Tu ..."

"Safe." Front, standing upright from the original Lin Tuohun.

As the first in the squad, he stepped into this unfamiliar place, and he used to scan around and determined a surrounding environment.

In the field of view, it is an empty road, straight, long, like falling on the main land.

The warm sun is sprinkled and falls. On them, the breeze, the oxygen content is similar to the globe.

Lead, you can see the blue sky.

On both sides of the road, it is a green field. If the perspective is high, it will find that there is no half a shadow in the vicinity of the three people.

It is really like the earth here.

If it is not a confirmation that I have arrived at the universe, Lin Du even doubt that he arrived in a certain agricultural planting area of ​​the earth.

"Haishaway?" Received the attention, Lin Tuo took out the crystal ball of the boulevard and called.

"What is it, put me with it! Don't take it away! I can communicate directly with you, it is really no, you can also communicate with your bracelet!"

Hathaway did not reveal the body, her voice appeared in the three ears.

Lin Tuo spit: "How is the search for the sale?"

"Everything is normal, I can remotely, I am relieved, even if I have interrupted the contact, the few months will manually drive according to the procedure, these days they still have to learn a lot."

Hathaway has some unhappy:

"Don't bother me, I am trying to contact with this world, damn, this gateway agreement is something, I need a little time!"

Lin Du, Huaxi, Sinai Mountain three people did not disturb her, collected crystal balls, Lin Du four looked up, suppressing the flight, overlooking the earth, said:

"Let's walk forward."

Before Hatheriang didn't touch, he was not prepared to rank the drain.

Based on the same reasons, Nadi Mount also did not release the "Master's Eye" spell, try spooping around, just tight backpacks, keep back.