Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 309 Data Emperor and Eternal Secret (4000 words)


In the night sky, the next aircraft next aircraft follows the invisible orbit, when the part is partially area, the ground is brighter, and the window of the aircraft is illuminated.

In the illusion space, Lin Du, Huaxi, Sinai Mountain and even Hathaway have a significant change.

Lu Liang's answer completely unexpectedly.

That dominates the "court state", all the governors of all the issuance of all the politics, is not human, but a supercomputer?

Also or said, in the empire, the meaning of "Governor" is different from them, and the representative is not a real-purpose office, but a agency?

Just like it is in the earth, the company's legal person is not the same.

If the "Governor" is the network of this planet, the government is released by officials that control its officials, that is, but Lin Tuo does not think there is no such thing.

"You said that the Governor of Uen is a computer," Lin Duo said Lu Liang, "Who is the real executive?"

"The Governor." Lu Liang was confused, "the Governor is the highest executive official of Shangye, in addition to accepting the leadership of the emperor, here, there is no one's executive level exceeding it."

"... So, what you mean, it has your own consciousness?" Lin Tu finally understood.

"Of course, the Governor certainly has self-awareness, in law, although it is not human, but in view of their specialty, owner and human equivalent power." Lu Liangyi gravised.

Lin Du said.

Simply, the essence of Ueno may be with spiritual lord, or Haitiway approximation.

It is powerful, and has born independent awareness, which has become a part of the imperial person, and has been awarded the position of the governor by the emperor.

If you are a metaphor, it is like Lin Tuohai Hathaway to the second world, then give her an official position, let her have the same power.

"Is there a lot of governments like it?" Lin Tuo continued to ask, he wanted to know, in the empire, the Governor of Ueno is an example, or most.

Lu Liang looked at him and the rest of the person, Di Babao said:

"All the governors are like this,

I don't know if it is in the wild, and the officials at several stars in the empire of the Empire are also a computer. "

"The emperor ..."

"Of course, it is also a supercomputer." Lu Liang's consciousness opened, finished, the whole face suddenly blurted, and the cold sweat rolled down.

He finally realized that it was not right. If you say that some of yourself is from the master of the empire, how can you not know this kind of "common sense"?

Unless ... these people are not an imperial! I don't know where to live, or ... from other unknown civilizations! ! !

However, at this moment, Lin Tu and others have not died in the mentality of the normally, and Rao is early preparation for this unknown world.

At this moment, I learned that the entire empire, from the emperor to all the people, but not human beings, a few people are still unable to cover up the shocking look!



what is this?

To be a metaphor, it is like the heads of a big country on the earth, as well as the leaders of the states in the country.

"It is difficult to imagine." Sinai muttered.

Huaxi is looking at the sea of ​​Hathawei, and the brain is inexplicably in this goods as a national leader ... Hizzard, will it be a scene? ?

Lin Du is silent, looking at the Lu Liang of the cold sweat, showing gentle smile: "You ..."

"You are not an imperial!" Lu Liang Jiaba Road.

Lin Du saw him a few seconds and said, "Is this important?"

"I ..." Lu Liang Zhang said, and welcomed Lin Duo's breathworthy as a quiet lake, and it was like a leather, and bitterly said:

"go ahead."

"Very good, the second question ..."


In the night sky, few people noticed aircraft that rushed around this city, and won't know what happened inside.

Lu Liang seems to be really afraid of death, even if it is aware of Lin Tu and others, there is no problem, and there is no trial resistance, almost there is a question, which makes Lin Tu's interrogation work is particularly smooth.

If you have previously been on the bulletin board, it is just a basic framework impression on the empire, which is now playing more vivid.

In Lu Liang's narrative, the administrative system of the entire empire is almost entirely on the supercapacity network consisting of "Emperor" and "Governor".

If the "Emperor" as the core of the entire empire, "Governor" is the "emperor" of the weakened version, and they have the ability to think, and the huge spirituality, through the entire network, control the square side of society .

It can be said that the entire society's operating framework is built on these supercomputers.

Unlike human society, the administrative system consisting of various departments composed of people, almost all government affairs work inside each star area of ​​the empire are handled, proved, and analyzed by the Governor.

Then it will be issued to each particular, a sector consisting of people, and these people do some work that cannot be done directly by the Governor.

A great advantage of this structure is to almost solve internal losses.

On the earth, a government is issued, and it needs to be discussed by one department, and then it will be issued, the efficiency is low, and the different sectors are different, and they will hold each other.

It is often more consumed.

Don't say some private behavior of the departmental supervisors may damage the entire system.

And in the empire, these are all accomplished by the Governor, the super high spirituality and data-based characteristics make it easy.

This eliminates a series of problems and is extremely efficient.

In particular, because the Governor is working on the entire star area, it can be calculated by calculation, summarizing the demands of the parties, and calculates a relatively optimal solution.

In this system frame, the whole society really became a "machine", and the imperials, completely need to accept the "Governor" is nowhere.

And the governor of all parts only need to be responsible for the emperor, the instructions are clear, and the rule of the "empire" across many light years will be completed.

However, if this is, all people are not to obey the only emperor? The whole civilization has changed in accordance with the emperors of the emperor, "I heard these, Lin Duen could not help.

In his opinion, this incredible "focal power" is too horrible, and the whole civilization will be used in a will ... This behavior is too difficult to understand.

Lu Liang wants to think:

"This problem, of course, some scholars in the empire have always had this concern, many of our world's art works, but there is such reflection, but so many years have been running, the effect is obvious."


"I haven't experienced it, but I have learned in the history class. I have been in a long time, the empire is also human to govern.

However, with the maturity of the transition capabilities, the empire's layout gradually expanded, gradually difficult to master, plus some technologies, and ancient talents tried to deal with the supercomputer.

Then after a long time test, the result is determined more than the original governance method, this is gradually promoted, so that finally, it will become like this. "

Lin Dao: "Those Computers ... Is you made?"

"Is it," Lu Liang Road, "According to the history of history, the early empire uses Ethernet to develop a series of new things, the supercomputer is originally made in the style of spirituality.

Later, their spirituality is much enough, and they have born awareness, from the jurisprudence, equivalent to people. "

"Of course, the early ancient people are definitely worried, so in the beginning of the manufacturing, some rules were written in the underlying system under the system.

These rules ensure that the emperor must put human power in the first place, can't make things hazardous.

In numerous years, although there are still some short-term things that don't make sense, it can be long farminated. The emperor has always firmly fulfilled this set of rules. "

"And, limited to these rules, the imperial humans are actually constrained."

Lin Tuockey: "For example?"

Lu Liang used a mouthful of mouth:

"Proposal. Human can control the emperor, or the governor of the local governments, and different people have different voting rights in proposals.

In this case, different groups can also strive for rights and interests through proposals ... Of course, according to what I know, most of the proposals will not involve too big topics. "

This statement allows a few people to think of the 15th proposal.

"Once a major thing is involved, some groups in the empire can also play a game, such as the ethics committee, it is said that there are many votes ..."

Lu Liang said some calls.

"This model ... really doesn't have problems?" Sinai has some unbelievers, this structure, it sounds to always feel weird.

"I don't know, anyway, it is very good for these years." Lu Liang shrilted his neck.

A short silence, Lin Tu asked: "What is going on with the resurrection, memory upload?"

Lu Liang silently, explained:

"This involves cycling with the energy of the spiritual world, you know that people's existence can be anchored to be too?"

"Know, continue to say."

"According to our research, the soul of people is actually consisting of spirituality and memory data, normal situation, people after death, the soul will return to the spiritual world, return to pure spirituality, memory is dissipated ...

When people are giving birth to new life, they will absorb spirituality, the initial birth, and do not bring any of the souls of memory data to form new people ... "

"This reincarnation is death and freshman. However, no one is willing to die ... so, in a long time, the empire is studying the way of eternal life, and finally explore two ways."

"One is evolution, absorb the so too, quench body, extend life, get more practice time, absorb spirituality, growth soul ... Waiting for physical aging, you can also re-birth in the spiritual industry."

Lin Duoti: "I know this."

Lu Liang also swallowed and spit, said:

"But this way has a problem.

As soon as I come to this level, if I want to take shortcuts, the spirit is not enough to use ... Not only supplying evolutioners, but also supplies computer and other equipment ...

This thing is not as much as so much. "

"Two, even if it is reborn, there is sequelae, such as the past memory, it is possible to disappear."

"So, this road is unreasonable, and later found the second road."

"Second?" Lin Tuix.

"Yes, like I said, the emperor and the governor's spirituality is very powerful, powerful to the absorption of human souls with the spiritual world ... can even replace the functions of the spirit of the spirit.

After experiment, we have found that you can use another way to achieve eternal life.

That is, after people die, the soul is flying to the sky, and the governor is intercepted, and it is not allowed to enter the spiritual industry, but it is stored in the data pool in its own, also called the cloud.

The spiritual part integrates into the Governor's body, and the memory data is peeled off, and it is stored separately ... "

"In this case, as long as you get enough contribution points, you can use the base to customize the clone body because a deceased will purchase back memory, injection, injection, and achieve resurrection ... Of course, this is very expensive."

Lin Duo and Huaxi and others paired the eyes, they didn't speak, after a moment, Mount Sinai couldn't help but said:

"According to you, this resurrection price is high, not everyone can bear, this ... something will also be implemented? No one will feel unfair?"

Lu Liang took care of her and said:

"The fair issue will definitely have, but so after all, there is still a chance to rebirth ... especially some upper characters are completely capable of paying prices, even if they can't do it, they can also expect future generations.

If you come out for a bad person, you can resurrect the whole family ancestors, no more than ...

So ... this proposal passed. "

"Then your resurrection ..." Lin Du looked at him.

Lu Liang explained:

"We are more special, I served in the special action team in the military, and our team often go deep into the spiritual world, go to the depths of the universe, high mortality, so there are special places.

As long as it is a standard action, the Governor will help us make a memory backup before departure.

If people die outside, they can resurrect ... Of course, if they are dead in the empire, they can only queue, wait for me to resurrect. "

"... I understand." Lin Duo silently.

Until at this moment, he finally understood that why he did Lin Jing, Qin Feng directly in the high speed outside Wucheng.

It is not fear when you die in the afternoon, because they have backups, naturally fearless.

"I saw that there is no spirituality in the spiritual group near Shangrong Planet, and there is no spiritual life." Suddenly, Hathaway asked.

Lu Liang blinked:

"... Yes. Some conveyance to the Empire Headquarters, part of the brought back to the governor, as energy use.

Actually ... the daily tasks of our special action team is to go far from the distance to collect spirituality, bring back, as for those creatures ... are definitely paid when they are collected. "

"There are fewer evolutionary strong people, but also because of spirituality?" Huaxi jacket asked.

"It should be," Lu Liang Road, "the higher the evolution, the more spiritual resources needed, and most of them are supplied to the local, plus normal consumption ...

We are far from the sideline, the number of evolution is far less than the local, otherwise, so many people want to immigrate ... "

"What about your combat power? What is it?" Lin Tuo asked.

Lu Liang hesitated, he said:

"Weapons, battleships, military bases are also the largest weapon library in the Star District, using those weapons, we can consume Ethernet, launch an attack.

But the words of the spiritual life are dealt, or the spiritual energy to be deployed by the Governor ... I know so much. "

"The last question, have you heard the derivative sand table?" Lin Tuo asked.


"What about the substance converter?" He asked again.

Isn't it said that the last one is there ... Lu Liangwei, the road:

"It is the infrastructure, you can consume energy, enlarge the material, a metal change into many kilograms, every city, in the central area of ​​the material, very well."

"Very good, I have no problem." Lin Duo spit, said, "As for next, please help me to do an experiment."

"Experiment? What do you want to do? I said anything!" Lu Liang as if something is aware, and it is shocked.

Lin Du was silent, sighed: "Sorry."

"Do not……"

In the next second, Lin Du Changxi handed a look, the latter's body disappeared in this room.

In the sky, keep the aircraft of a moving capsule model, leaning on the seat, if the sleeping flowers are open, open your eyes.

Looking at the opposite side, I was hugged by Lin Duo, and I didn't move, my double-eyed driver, raised my hand, and set out a fine, tapping a sterium, and pierced into the opponent's heart.

After a few seconds, Lu Liang's body died.

In the illusion space, Lu Liang's soul is dizzy, and the spin is flying towards the sky, and if you want to break free, leave.

Lin Duo raised his hand and gently waved, and the illusory chain slammed.

Lu Liang's mental body instantly disintegrates, dissipates, and there is no trace.

"We are enemies, so I am sorry to kill you."