"That... man... is about half a head taller than me. The chin is very short, it seems to have double chins, and the cheekbones are high. He wears an all-black hat, which is an ordinary baseball cap. Oh, I... I can't remember."

"Don't be afraid, you think slowly, what do you remember about his looks?"

"...The eyes are fierce, and my face is a bit dark, I...I really don't remember, I was scared and stupid...a lot of blood..."

"What other physical characteristics does he have?"

"His neck seems to be a little short, thick, and a little hunched..."

"Do you have a long beard?"

"Woo... the beard... seems to have a beard, and it doesn't seem to be, I can't remember... I really can't remember."

The witness was a fifteen-year-old girl with big watery eyes. Not long after she entered the city, she hadn't been tall enough and had no formal employment contract. She worked as a part-time worker in a hair salon opened in the same town. Illegal child labor.She had been frightened by the things she had encountered before, and she was crying and crying, and she could only finish her words intermittently only with the comfort of the police.

The whole process of the murder took place in the early hours of yesterday morning. Within five minutes of the whole process, she was hiding under the pool where she was washing her hair. She was frightened by the blood and the dead, only remembering that the murderer had a disgusting face.From the beginning of the case, the face was printed in her mind, lingering, all the characteristics were clearly there, but when I think about it, there are only fragments.

"If you draw it, can you recognize it?"

The girl nodded hesitantly, wiping her tears, and looking at the person drawing the picture on the other side.The man sitting in the interrogation room tilted Erlang's legs and drew on the sketch paper with a pencil.

It was a young man in his twenties. He lowered his head at this time and looked attentively. From this angle, he had deep features, a tall nose and a clean face.Even though he is sitting, it can still be seen that he is very tall and his legs are slender.The hand holding the paintbrush is well-knitted, moving very fast, seeming to be wanton indulgence, in fact, he has a strong control over the brush.The second joint of the little finger is occasionally drawn across the pencil as a perfect blending. Not long after, a figure outlines...

Just seven hours ago, at 12 o'clock in the morning, a vicious murder occurred in a small hair salon in the west of Nancheng City that was about to close. A short and fat man suddenly rushed in and stabbed the owner of the salon.

The suspect took away the murder weapon, leaving no hair, only half a bloody footprint, and the rain washed away other traces.The shampoo girl in the hair salon was an eyewitness, but the little girl was shocked and could provide very limited information.The autopsy found that several knives were pierced into the abdomen and the liver was injured. He lost too much blood and was immediately killed. Besides, there was not much information.

The suspect is not asking for money. The cash in the store has not moved. The victim's social relationship seems simple, but it is very complicated to arrange it carefully. It takes a lot of time to figure it out.The effective evidence that can be relied on is the little girl who can’t say this, and a video taken by a camera at the entrance of a hair salon.

But the video was too blurry, only the vague profile of a man with a hat, the murderer twisted his head in the camera and turned to the front, still a moving black and white light and shadow.

Tian Ming, as the criminal police captain responsible for the investigation of this case, can only use these materials as a living horse doctor.He immediately went to the police station’s imaging department head Wang Rui, who was specially recruited to enter the police station and was good at simulating portraits.

Wang Rui’s independent office is quiet like a studio, but the walls are covered with all kinds of sketch heads or 3D models that only reach the shoulders-men, women, old, and even children, these people Either a murderous murderer, a key person in the case, or a long-lost person.Those graphics made the entire room airtight. Just watching these countless pairs of eyes, Tian Ming felt that he was going crazy.He hurriedly lowered his eyelids and talked to Wang Rui about the basic situation.

Wang Rui looked at the things he handed over and was helpless: "Team Tian, ​​isn't it difficult for you to be strong? With these things, I can't simulate killing me."

Tian Ming knew that his information was indeed lacking, but he insisted: "Why can't it be simulated, there are surveillance, and descriptions by witnesses, isn't it enough?"

"Three-dimensional simulation must give me the data on the front side, and the witness must have a detailed description." Wang Rui spread his hands and said that he is really helpless: "There is too little information, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. I am not skilled enough, I can't imagine. I'm trying to mess with you. If you can't catch anyone, come back and blame me.

Just when the detection was deadlocked.Gu Ju, who was watching the progress, gave Tian Ming some advice, and said lightly: "Song Wen just handed in the closing report of the previous case. He is free now. How about you go to him for help?"

Then Wang Rui didn't think it was too big a problem: "Yes, Team Song must do it, he is much better than me."

Help?!Tian Ming only felt an evil spirit in his chest. He glared at Wang Rui: "Little brother, what is the use of our city bureau? It is simply combined with Song Wen's salary."

Wang Rui aggrieved: "Team Tian, ​​I sit here full-time eight hours a day. Team Song is a busy man. Can he do it? Well, if you dislike me, don't come to me next time."

Yes, one by one is an uncle, who can't afford to offend, Tian Ming reluctantly walked out the door with his notebook.

Mentioning the name Song Wen made him furious.

There are three teams under the Criminal Police Detachment of Nancheng City Bureau, the first team leader Song Wen, the second team leader Tian Ming, and the third team leader Cheng Mo.Among the three teams, it is said that they are colleagues and teammates, but there is fierce competition inside. The reason is that the detachment leader is vacant. Whoever does well may take this position.Among the three, the third team leader is sleek and buddhist, and in addition to his age, he is not very competitive on the surface.The main competition took place between the second team leader Tian Ming and the first team leader Song Wen.

Tian Ming has a characteristic, that is, he is eager to win, he likes to be top in everything, his name is taken from the blockbuster, he has lived up to expectations since he was a child, outstanding, and he is also a top in the police academy.When Song Wen was first promoted to the captain, Tian Ming couldn't help comparing himself to him-Tian Ming, thirty-two years old, had worked for ten years, was in his prime of life, had rich experience, solved big cases repeatedly, and received two awards for three consecutive years. The city bureau has the highest rate of solving crimes; Song Wen is twenty-five years old and has worked for two and a half years. He is a fledgling team of criminal police captains who have no one to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

Everyone knows who is better, right?

Tian Ming originally thought that he was more than enough to crush a young man.Unexpectedly, the result of last year's evaluation was rubbed by Song Wen on the ground. Not only was the case-solving rate 6.5 higher than him, he was also far behind Song Wen in the year-end personal assessment.

What's even more annoying is that Song Wen was worse than him when he was preparing for the test, and he didn't know how to practice. In the formal assessment, whether it was shooting or fighting physical ability, he scored higher than him. Moreover, this Song Wen still has a hand. The stunt of the suspect's portrait.He caught a picture that Wang Rui, a technician who was specially kept in the police station, could not draw.

In this regard, Tian Ming can only express the emotion of Ji Shengyu and He Shengliang.

Just get angry on weekdays, now, let him ask Song Wen for help?Unless you write his last name backwards!

After half an hour, Tian Ming obediently went to Song Wen's desk and smiled calmly and said: "Song team, do me a favor, our team has encountered a problem, help us draw a portrait. "

Witnesses’ memories and clues on the scene will become more and more difficult to restore with the passage of time. Tian Ming knew in his heart that Gu Ju’s suggestion was correct. Confirming the portrait of the criminal in the first time can greatly help solve the case. .As long as it is for the case, the man can bend and bend and seek perfection.

So, there are three people sitting in the interrogation room now, an eyewitness, and two criminal police captains. The little girl has already said everything that should be said, sobbing silently there, and Tian Ming is also quiet for a while. In the small interrogation room, Only the rustle of pen and paper in Song Wen's hand can be heard.

Tian Ming sat at the table nervously, watching Song Wenyun's pen flying, stopping from time to time, taking a look at the monitor screen on the notebook on the side and continuing to draw.

Tian Ming rubbed his eyes and wanted to see some useful information, but the picture was full of mosaics, and he couldn't even see where the eyes were, let alone identify facial features.Looking at the painting of Song Wen on the side, Tian Ming wanted to say in his heart, this person is not fooling me to paint, right?

Thinking about this, Tian Ming felt a little regretful in his heart. He shouldn't listen to Gu Ju's words so much. What if this surnamed Song gave him a stumbling block, so he could not catch people even more, or did useless work? do?Just thinking about it, Song Wen stopped writing, flicked the pencil shavings on the flick, took it up and asked the girl: "What else is not like?"

The pencil portrait is a bit wanton. It is not as careful as the art students drew. It does not look like a masterpiece of art, nor does it look like an academy from an academic background. However, when you look closely, it has distinct characteristics. Not many pens, a few strokes outline the characteristics of the characters, the facial features are even more vivid, and a pair of eyes are a little cold, as if staring directly at the person outside the painting.

The girl glanced at it and cried again. She pointed to the painting and said, "Like, it looks so alike, it's Sister Yun who killed this person." The painting was not very good, but it was so vivid that she suddenly remembered a few more things. The bloody disaster just hours ago was this face, her nightmare.

Song Wen put the painting down and got up and said, "I'm fine here." The light in the interrogation room was dim. When he raised his head, the little girl could see his eyebrows clearly. She felt that the person raised her head and her eyes were not. Big, but young and heroic, and a peculiar kind of youth, he was even more handsome than when he looked down just now, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Tian Ming was relieved now, some of the shame that he had saved the belly of a gentleman with a villainous heart, he looked at the painting, and then at the surveillance, and then thinking about the description of the previous witnesses, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Thanks to Team Song, but, how is this... drawn?"

"Talent." Song Wen raised his eyebrows and spit out two words briefly, without any humility in his words.

Tian Ming's face couldn't hold for an instant, and he almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. At this time, he wanted to give himself a mouth very much.

Fortunately, Song Wen didn't mind if he came down the stairs, and turned around as soon as the door closed.

The human face is made up of bones, flesh and blood, and skin. Each bone grows with age. The movement of muscles changes due to various external and internal factors. These changes are not irregular.Some experienced old detectives can recognize the grown-up people from the crowd based on a childhood photo. This is the reason.

In modern criminal investigations, the police are increasingly relying on the ever-changing science and technology, DNA testing, and various surveillance videos. These traditional skills are not as valued as in the past, just like Wang Rui. Although he is responsible for tracing the head, More work is responsible for the imaging department, using computers instead of brushes, using electronic databases, and 3D modeling to form facial features that can be replaced at any time.The simulated portrait produced in this way greatly saves time.

However, Song Wen felt that as a criminal police captain, he needed a great skill. He didn't think that criminal investigation simulation portraits would be outdated, and he liked the feeling of detecting people's hearts from the description of the facial features.Although the three-dimensional image is fast, it lacks soul and can only be used as a reference.

Song Wen likes to study human faces. Thousands of thousands of people have thousands of faces, just like no two leaves are exactly the same. Even identical twins will have different looks. , Just like a person’s fingerprint, DNA, is the unique information of each person.Moreover, his appearance will be inseparable from his growth experience and living habits. It can be said that all the joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows and separations in the years are hidden in it.

Just now, although the little girl’s speech was unknown, she said important features. The protruding chin may be caused by long-term mouth breathing. Correspondingly, the nose will enlarge, the nasolabial folds will deepen, the upper jaw surface is underdeveloped, and the cheekbones Obviously it will cause the deformation of the eyes, the hunched posture will produce wealthy bags, wretched necks... This series of features are like dominoes, which increase the features of the five senses and influence each other.Although the video is blurry, it provides a very important point, that is, the light and shadow changes of the face. There is a lot of information in those mosaics.

Although Song Wen was not born in a science class, he has an observation ability that ordinary people can't match. In his mind, these bones move and join together like a jigsaw puzzle, which finally allows him to draw a similar portrait of a suspect.Everything that seems magical is actually the result of cleverness, experience, and repeated practice and observation. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is talent, but these Song Wen are too lazy to explain to outsiders.

About half an hour later, a small policeman from the second team came over and said, "Song team, Tian team asked me to come again. Thank you. After we showed the portrait of the deceased’s mother, the other party recognized that he had been engaged to the victim before. A fellow from home, later the victim insisted on retiring from the marriage, and then dated her boyfriend himself, and blocked the suspect’s contact information. This is..."

Song Wen nodded: "Just find it."