CS Bonus Hunter

Section 3

A smile, not at all like the smile of a woman whose child has gone to elementary school.Another employee surnamed Wang handed him a photo of the company and said: "The photo taken in Huangshan last year. Each of us signed it for you. Good luck! Goodbye!"

Liu Zuo said: "Your efficiency is really high..."

Liu Zuo walked on the Zhujiang Road where the wind was whistling.It was the time of doing nothing in the afternoon, and suddenly lost his job, he didn't know what to do.So I walked into the Internet cafe and went to QQ first.The profile picture of MM who met yesterday on QQ kept shaking. It was the profile picture of a cute kitten.Liu Zuo suddenly wanted to vomit again. He ran out of the Internet cafe and vomited some acid water. He was a little worried. He was afraid that he would return to the Internet cafe because of the habitual vomiting. He bit his scalp to see what MM said.It turned out that MM said that he did not expect that Zuo turned out to be such a handsome guy, who looks "far ahead of Takeshi Kaneshiro and Yan Chengxu."She also said that she would meet next time, if MM is in a good mood, she might not mind spending the night with Zuo-"but stay purely overnight."Liu Zuo felt another nausea in his heart. He thought that when I was finished, I was finished.

When it was about to delete, QQ rang.Someone asked to pass the verification, and the postscript said there were important matters to discuss.Liu Zuo let him in.The man was called the "Purple Demon", and he knew it was not a good bird.The following is a record of their dialogue: Purple Demon: I have something to ask you!

Left: Who are you?

Purple Demon: I am a CSER.

Left: Su~The old porter of our company is also CSER.(After speaking, he remembered that he is no longer a member of the company) Purple Demon: Don't say so much, I have something to ask you.

Left: Say.

Purple Demon: Help me get revenge!

Left: Free to talk.I never help people fight.

Purple Demon: I mean to help me get revenge in CS.I was endorsed by someone on the "Tian Tian Le" server, and I need a master to help me level the scene!

Left: This is an obstacle...I am not in the mood now.I just became unemployed, and I don’t know how to live in the future~ Purple Demon: I can pay you 20 yuan for half an hour.As long as you can win, 20 yuan is yours.

Left: ... (in thinking)

Purple Demon: Are you afraid of duels with others?I heard you are the gun king of Nanjing!

Left:……(Continuing to think)

Purple Demon: Please, help me out of my anger!

Left: ... (suddenly open up)

Purple Demon: Please...

Left: I agreed.Tell me the time and IP address and your ID.

Purple Demon: I rely on, I love you!The time is from 11:00 to 11:30 tonight, the IP is, and the server name is #2 Tiantianle.The OP has promised us to provide a duel venue, the server will be locked, only the two parties to the duel know the password.password is******.Don't forget that you need to use my ID, which is ZISEYAOMO-the pinyin of the purple monster!

Left: Oh.

Purple Demon: Also, you have to help me scold him to vent his anger!

Left: This is not good, I will not swear.

Purple monster: add five!Add five yuan to the appearance fee for you!

Left: Okay, but not too much

Purple Demon: I wrote a list of insults and sent it to your mailbox.Please~ Liu Zuo put his hand behind his head, stretched his waist deeply, and said to himself: "Okay, Liu Zuo, face God's will! From then on, he has become a bounty hunter, first put the 25 dollars Earn it!"

He even laughed: I found a new job so soon.

When he walked out of the Internet cafe, Liu Zuo bought two meat buns on the street and gnawed while walking.Go straight, turn left, go straight, turn right again, Shigu Road 28-3-201.He opened the door and sighed.The house is always so chaotic, there will never be miracles, and it is not worth looking forward to."There is no hardworking conch girl, and no seven fairies..." He thought to himself: "The stories my old lady told me were all deceived to the young and ignorant me..." But a miracle happened in the house today.

The half of the bun in Liu Zuo's mouth fell straight to the ground, completing the law of gravity perfectly.He stared blankly at the person sitting in the room with a smile, unaware of the fact that the bun fell to the ground.It's just that the person in the room is not a conch girl, but a fat old man.

The fat old man smiled and said in standard Nanjing dialect: "Xiao Liu, are you coming back? There is a metre of chaos in the hanging man's room!"

Liu Zuo said: "Landlord..."

The fat old man said: "Stop talking nonsense! Bring next month's rent!"

Liu Zuo said: "You don't even have a cup of tea when you come, just go straight to the subject, I'm not quite used to it."

The fat old man said: "I am very comfortable. My family is waiting for the rice to be cooked."

Liu Zuo sighed, counted a few tickets from the salary pocket and handed them to the fat old man.The old man dipped his mouth and counted, nodded, and walked to the door with a smile.When he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and said, "I heard that you often play with swords and guns. Isn't it a gangster?"

Liu Zuo said dumbfoundedly: "Landlord, you praise me too much! I only play CS occasionally, and have nothing to do with the underworld."

The fat old man nodded solemnly and said, "Yeah. I think you are still honest. Tell you, my brother-in-law and his second uncle's old comrade-in-arms classmate is a criminal police officer from the Gulou Public Security Bureau. Don't play tricks on my ground. Otherwise. Call the police immediately to fix it!"

Liu Zuo also nodded solemnly and said, "You can rest assured, the landlord. I will not disturb your brother-in-law and his second-uncle's old comrade-in-arms classmates. I am a good citizen who abides by the law!"

After seeing off the host, Liu Zuo wandered online for a while.I kept thinking about the purple demon's order.I don't know how long it took, and finally it's the appointed time.

Time: 23:00 PM, February 15, 2002

Location: 27015


Liu Zuo was dressed in the traditional costume of the gangster, with a small flower jacket and silk stockings, holding an AK47 submachine gun, standing quietly in the ice and snow.

No one knows when he came, no one knows how long he stood and how long he had to wait.He stood there just like that, just like when this icy world was just formed.

His hair under the stockings waved slightly with the wind, and his eyes were exposed in the two cut holes in the stockings, and his eyes were firmly looking into the distance.

The opponent finally came.

It was as if two lovers were looking forward to each other, but were unprepared for the sudden meeting.The two of them stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say.Finally, Liu Zuo broke the deadlock: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"It's China Telecom. It took me a long time to get here, the network is too crowded."

"Let's start then. Don't throw grenades, flash bombs, smoke bombs, no CAMP, whatever you want."

"Okay... wait a minute. I have to say something."


"You are a pig!"

After saying this, the man jumped up quickly and started shooting at Liu Zuo.Liu Zuo smiled slightly and stepped behind the bunker.

ICEWORLD, as the name suggests, is a white world.It is different from a regular battle map, it is very small, and it is especially suitable for single-handed opponents.It’s also great if you use it to practice guns, because there are all kinds of guns all over the floor, you can pick them up.Liu Zuo didn't put his opponent in his eyes at all, holding GLOCK18 1 in his hand, he ran to the police in a daze.His feet squeaked on the snow.

The policeman’s ID is indeed F5.The purple demon had already told Liu Zuo that the F5's marksmanship should be terrible, even a rookie like the purple demon knew he was terrible.Liu Zuo thought what was going on, but the two bad guys were fighting so hard, it was like a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City.Forget it, get the opponent in half an hour, and finally get the screenshot of the killing score sheet and send it to the purple demon. 25 yuan will be credited to the card.A smile appeared on Liu Zuo's face.

At this moment, he saw the policeman, and when he was about to run and shoot, he suddenly felt weak and dizzy.

No, that's not a problem with the mouse!It was Liu Zuo who was headshot by F5, using the police USP pistol!

Liu Zuo was surprised at first, and then angry.Lao Tzu is the first batch of CSER players in China, and DF turned over.When he came up, he was headshot by a rookie with a pistol?

As soon as he was born in the second game, he charged again with GLOCK18.But this time he was more cautious.He hid behind half of the stone wall, watching the enemy's movements vigilantly.There was silence in ICEWORLD.Liu Zuo was puzzled, could it be that F5 didn't know how to charge and would just stay in place?Or is he disconnected?Unlike, he still exists on the list.While thinking about it, F5 suddenly appeared like a ghost in the opposite channel.Liu Zuo was shocked in his heart. The opponent used walking mode 2 so calmly, and suddenly appeared and caught him by surprise.And judging from the sound of his shooting, he is still using a USP pistol with silencer 3.Liu Zuo fought back while thinking: Who is he?Who is he?How dare to rush to the enemy without a machine gun like me?Will he kill me with such confidence?

F5 shot Liu Zuo while running fast.Liu Zuo saw the other side disappear behind the next bunker.He himself had been knocked out with more than 70 drops of blood, and the opponent's gun was fast and accurate.But Liu Zuo clearly knew that the other party was also injured.A large pool of blood on the snow.He did not hesitate to catch up.Just make up one or two