Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 156: How Terrible Are Seniors to Fall Flat?

At this time, Baek Zhenjun's voice was heard in Song Shu's ‘Qianli Pronunciation Xiao': “Is the book navigator there? I waited too long and went to practice for some time... now I don't know where they took me. Can you still find me? I'm ready to come out of the statue case. ”

Song Shuhang couldn't cry: “Hello Bai Zhenjun, I'm right here with you. ”

“…” Shinjun Bai is so embarrassed.

“Senior, just come out. By the way, when you pop out of the statue, do I have to hide?” Song Shuhang asked.

“Well, just retreat ten meters away. I can control the power of the explosion.” Bai Zhenjun replied confidently.

Ten meters? Song Shuhang retreated about twenty steps.

That's about 10 meters? At this point, he turned his head and suddenly saw the beans of the demon dog calmly retreating to the hundred meters outside, his little tail still swinging from left to right.

Song Shuhang recalled Bai Zhenjun's "confident" reply, and then looked at the calm expression on Bean's face. He did not hesitate, quickly stood on the same front as the beans and flew back 100 meters away!

“Some brains, Wang!” Beans. Hey, smile.

“I just think there must be a reason why you're so far away, but Baek Zhenjun's predecessor looks so confident, and an expert like him should be able to control the power of the explosion perfectly, right? Why are you still 100 meters away?” Song Shuhang asked softly.

“Oh, did I say he couldn't control the power of the explosion?” Beans tailed: “I'm hiding something else, lest Bai Zhenjun pit me! ”

In the middle of the conversation, the statue that Bai Zhenjun had made had been blown up!

It was really loud, and the whole ground was vibrating, just like it was releasing a 'cannon'.

But Baek Zhenjun's control was super strong, and the exploding statue shell fragments, though excited to fly out, all fell to the ground within ten meters.

When the statue's shell explodes, it reveals the body of the White Makoto inside.

It was a red and dusty fairy figure, dark long hair sprinkled behind him, eyes bright as stars, attack white clothes by the afterwaves of the explosion light dance, engraved with complicated array method, at all times energy flowing as liquid, to make him appear more immortal escape from the dust.

Song Shuhang had to exclaim that Bai Zhenjun was more immortal in reality than the ‘illusion’ he had seen when he was in the view of anonymity.

Well, it has to be said —— even if he hasn't washed his hair for over a hundred and fifty years, his long hair is still black and smooth. And the white robe, for over a hundred and fifty years, is still white and clean.

The hair is still supple and can be considered to be free of dust after the strength of the monks reaches a certain level. Clothes... Is there really a legendary 'purity spell’? Ah, it's supposed to be a pure clothes spell? Body cleansing or something?

If there really is such a spell, how wonderful is it? You don't have to wash your clothes. A spell goes on, and the clothes get as clean as new. How wonderful is it?

Especially in winter, this spell is particularly important. Song Shuhang still recalls last year in cold winter and December, when he washed his clothes in winter, his hands were frozen and unconscious.

Far from it.

Song Shuhang stared at Senior Bai Zhenjun - if he could keep the explosion within 10 meters, why did Beans quit 100 meters all the way?

At this time, Bai Zhenjun raised his finger and far away made a Taoist fingerprint on Song Shuhang: “Hello, Book Waterman! ”

Song Shuhang had never seen such etiquette, but could only learn Bai Zhenjun's appearance to return a gift: “Hello, Bai Zhenjun senior. ”

“Where are we going next? After 150 years of lockdown, it always felt like the outside world had changed so much. Whether it's the transportation that drags my shell statue, or what's supposed to be the house, or the outfit; it's just over a hundred years, and it's a lot different than it was in the last millennium!” Bai Zhenjun smiled lightly, "he said.

That smile, it's like a dump in the city, it's hard to open your eyes!

“Let's go to Gangnam University City first. If Bai Zhenjun doesn't dislike it, he can buy a building from the senior pharmacist for a while. During this time, I can take you familiar with modern things.” Song Shu Channel.

“All right, listen to the book, sailor. Your arrangement.” Shinjun Bai smiled again, smiling all kinds of beauty, all kinds of shine!

Then, Baek Zhenjun's eyes fell on Kyung Ba Dou: “Xiao Dou, long time no see. ”

“Wow, long time no see, Senior White.” Doudou shouted twice.

Bai Zhenjun asked: "How is Shinjun Huangshan? ”

“Yellow Mountain is very good and is preparing to impact the Seven Distinguished Realms.” Beans replied, speaking of Masaru Huangshan, he hated his teeth.

“Wonderful, talented and hard-working monks like Shinjun Huangshan must be able to successfully advance to the realm of the honored.” Bai Zhenjun replied, then walked to Song Shuhang.

While walking, Baek Zhenjun's eyes became disoriented and seemed to be thinking about something.

“Shit, Shinjun Bai is lost!” The fur on the bean tail is all up.

“?” Song Shuhang wondered.

Bean talk just fell, suddenly Shinjun Bai tripped like something, and then the whole person fell to the ground!

Song Shuhang promised that before Bai Zhenjun was tripped, there was no obstacle on the ground!

In other words, this is the magic trick of 'falling flat’!

If the average person accidentally tripped and fell, climbing up and patting the dirt on his body would be fine, rubbing a little skin at most.

But if it was Baek Zhenjun who fell flat...


A deafening outburst was bigger than the previous explosion of Baek Zhenjun from the statue.

Bai Zhenjun's location is dusty.

Half an hour later, Song Shuhang opened his eyes and saw where Bai Zhenjun had fallen. He was smashed out of a huge hole! It's like a crater!

The beans whispered: “150 years of shutdown is really not a joke, this hole is so big. It's a good thing you quit 100 meters away, or you're going to fall into the pit. Look at the size of this bottomless hole, maybe... Bai Zhenjun is no longer Bai Zhenjun, but Bai Zhenjun? ”

Song Shuhang swallowed his saliva: “Beans, tell me honestly, do Bai Zhenjun seniors often accidentally trip to the ground? ”

“Well, don't worry!” Doudou answered comfortingly: “Bai Zhenjun can only trip easily when he thinks about the problem. ”

However, Doudou would never tell Song Shuhang that Bai Zhenjun could be distracted anytime, anywhere, even a hundred times a day!

“Is it possible to fall flat when distracted?” Song Shuhang immediately thought of this image in his mind - if one day, he accompanied Bai Zhenjun's predecessors on a walk in the street, while introducing some modern knowledge to Bai Zhenjun, when Zhenjun was distracted by the thought of the problem, he tripped to the ground...

Then, boom!

Visually observe the height of Bai Zhenjun's predecessors. If other factors are not taken into account, from Bai Zhenjun tripping to even-speed landing, ask Song Shuhang what the psychological shadow area is?

At that time, it may only be explained by 'falling into the ground’.

Absolutely remember, pay attention to the situation of Baek Zhenjun's predecessor at all times, and don't let him accidentally fall flat.

Stupid seniors are not terrible.

Strong predecessors are also terrible.

People who fall flat on their skills are also fearful.

But a strong predecessor who falls flat when he's stuck is terrible. That's what it really means to go anytime!

High Damage Tables!

“Huh?” At this time, Baek Zhenjun in the pit climbed up, and if he had nothing to do with it, he shot himself in the clothes. His clothes are still as white as snow, and it looks like this white robe really has a 'clean, dust proof' function.

“One thing I was thinking about when I shut it down was inadvertently distracting. Oh.” Bai Zhenjunwang smiled embarrassingly at Song Shuhang and Doudou.

Then, Bai Zhenjun pointed in front of his forehead and sipped a softly: “Flat earth curse! ”

As he drank lightly, the dirt around the pit moved up and quickly filled the pit. Looking at his skilled technique, Song Shuhang knew that Bai Zhenjun's "flat earth spell" must have been useless before!



After burying the dirt, Bai Zhenjun said: "Okay, it's done. Shall we go? ”

“Good seniors, I'll lead the way with the beans, just follow us!” Song Shuhang replied.

Beans silently raised their body size to five meters long, and Song Shuhang climbed onto its back.

“Hey, wait! I'll take the beans too.” Bai Zhenjun suddenly said: “My natural flying sword was stolen when it was closed, and I could not fly with the sword. After a few days of familiarization with modern things with Song Shu Waiyue, I will go find my own flying sword! ”

Song Shuhang: “…”

People steal your sword? Senior, what the hell is wrong with you?

The bean dog's face was also moving, and eventually it sighed and raised its body a little more.

Bai Zhenjun smiled and jumped gently on the back of the beans: “Thank you, beans! When I get back to reopen the treasure, I'll bring you some delicious food. ”

The beans immediately said, "I want a thousand years of jugo. ”

“No problem, I have to see how much fruit this 150-year-old jugo tree has grown.” Bai Zhenjun said soberly.

Doudou was satisfied, took Song Shuhang and Bai Zhenjun to the air and flew to Jiangnan University City.



Along the way, Song Shuhang asked: “Say, Senior, why are you in that statue, where you are closed? ”

“It's a long story, my lockdown, because an accident destroyed it.” Bai Zhenjun sighed.

The demon dog Doudou questioned: “At least 300 defenses in your half-closure, right? What kind of accident would have lost your half-closure? ”

“is heavenly robbery.” Bai Zhenjun shrugged: “When I was just closed for more than 50 years, I suddenly got promoted, and then the sky burst! The robbery was so powerful that it blew up my 300 + defenses in just a few minutes, and then my closure was blown away. ”

Closed, closed, suddenly promoted? This is really a happy and tragic way to get promoted.