Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 180: Strong Lives Again Today!

Around 12 pm, Song Shuhang received a telephone call, an agent arranged by Huangshan Zhenjun, who was responsible for transporting various types of cars to the underground parking lot near Jiangnan University City for Huangshan Zhenjun.

After questioning whether Song Shuhang was at home, the agent rushed to Song Shuhang's current residence with great attitude. Money not only makes ghosts push and grind, it also makes ghosts push!

Afterwards, the agent drove Song Shuhang and Senior Bai to the underground parking lot.

Doudou is not interested in going out with Song Shuhang this time, he keeps it at home. Anyway, the disciple Sugar Master of the Airborne Gate stays, and he can torture Sugar Master in various positions to relieve boredom.

Song Shuhang cautiously accompanied Senior Bai to the car, afraid that he would suddenly rise and tear down his car.

Senior Bai is uncomfortable being stared at by Song Shuhang: “Don't stare at me like that, I won't disassemble the car, give me some trust! ”

Song Shuhang grabbed his head.



Have a safe journey.

Upon arrival at the underground parking lot, the agent gave Song Shuhang the keys to the parking lot.

The whole parking lot is wrapped up by Huangshan Zhenjun, a small parking lot that can park more than 50 cars, which Huangshan Zhenjun is preparing to fill.

“Hello, Mr. Song Shuhang, please confirm that this is the first thirteen cars, each full of oil. It was tested and sent here without any problems. Here is the vehicle model list and contract signed by Mr. Huang Wenzhong. If you have no problem, please sign and confirm it. I will reply to Mr. Huang Wenzhong.” The agent smiled.

Huang Wenzhong, is naturally a modern name used by Huangshan Zhenjun, it should not be a real name...

Thirteen cars in all styles.

There are tens of millions, there are hundreds of millions. Anyway, the agent has no idea what this young man needs so many different cars for in front of him... he really doesn't understand the way rich people think.

But it doesn't matter, if you have money, it's you. Even if he had to buy tens of millions of cars with a tricycle, he had nothing to say, did he? As long as he has enough points, even if the customer wants a rickshaw, he can buy the prettiest one back.

“Please feel free to contact me if you notice any problems with the vehicle. I'll make sure you're handled properly.” The agent patted the thoracic canal.

Song Shuhang took over the purchase contract and compared it to 13 cars in the garage.

Having made sure that it was all right, he nodded and signed each contract.

After he signed it, he suddenly reacted - I went, the owners of these cars, Song Shuhang! Huangshan Zhenjun directly hung so many cars in his name.

I won't be reported to the D.A. 'Unknown Origin', will I? Song Shuhang spit in his heart, of course, Huang Shan Zhenjun did the work, surely this will not happen.

After Song Shuhang confirmed and signed, the agent handed over all the car keys and cautioned: “These are the keys to the thirteen vehicles, according to Mr. Huang's introduction. After all the vehicles have been delivered, Mr. Song will be responsible for the security issues? Are you okay?”

“We take care of the security issues ourselves.” Senior White has a silly look on his face and can't wait to hear it.

“Well, I'll contact you when the next cars arrive.” The agent's service attitude is 5 stars and 32 compliments.

Everything was settled, he said goodbye to Song Shuhang and Bai Zhuang, and left in his car - he had to check with Mr. Huang Wenzhong later.

“Senior Bai, let me show you how to drive in a circle.” Song Shuhang asked.

“Well, no problem. I downloaded traffic rules, driving instructions, and some tips online. Besides, I'm a licensed driver, no problem!” Senior White laughed.

“…” Song Shuhang.

Senpai, your driver's license is from Snow Wolf Cave!

When he got in, he started introducing Senior White: "Insert the key, rotate the ignition. This car is more traditional, and some new cars don't need to be inserted to ignite the keys, so we'll talk about this next time. ”

Song Shuhang specially chose this and the coach car one style of car to get on, after all, he is also a newbie on the road. Then introduce the steering wheel control, brake, throttle, clutch and other uses to Senior White...

Senior White has a good face to learn to listen to.

After exiting the garage, Song Shuhang pressed the garage key and closed the garage door.

Then he took Senior White out for a circle and went all the way to Watervision Road.

This is a new road, because it is located in a slightly different location, and there are very few vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Exactly the right section for new recruits to try.

“What do you say, Senior White?” Song Shuhang pulled up the parking brake and asked.

“Well, it's a very simple means of transportation, and I feel like I should learn.” Senior White nodded: “Besides, you're driving too slowly on the way, it's only three or forty yards. ”

“I'm a beginner, too.” Song Shuhang laughed, it was the first time he drove on the road besides the coach's car.

Senior White's foolishness tried: “I'll do it! ”

Then Song Shuhang switched positions with him.

Senior Bai learned the look of Song Shuhang, ignited, started, these are hard to beat him.

After all, his strength is there, and at his reaction speed, even if the control is wrong, he can react within a thousandth of a second to correct the mistake.

Steady start, steady acceleration.

Skilled steering, channeling.

After just one look, Bai Zhuang has completely mastered the vehicle's management.

“It's simple. Where are we going to play next?” The White Honored asked.

“Seniors are at will.” Song Shuhang replied.

“All right, sit tight.” Senior White stepped on the throttle and the car snapped up.

Song Shuhang hurriedly shouted: “Pay attention to speed limits, Senior White. ”

“Be careful, don't worry. I'm familiar with the traffic rules... and it's okay to deduct the light score. Let Snow Wolf get another driver's license at most.” Senior White is confident.

In the first half of the sentence, Song Shuhang was reassured; the second half of the sentence directly hung Shuhang Shuhang's heart to his voice.

Fortunately, Senior Bai was a discipline along the way, no violation.

After another journey.

The white man suddenly found a place to pull over and squatted beside the car without knowing what to draw.

“Senior, what are you doing?” Song Shuhang asked curiously.

“I carved out three formats - the Invisible Array, the Soundproofing Array, and the 'Hidden Energy’ array for counterreconnaissance. After the painting, our cars are invisible and will not be found by people or equipment.” The White Honored replied.

“Why are you hiding the body?” Song Shuhangzuo quickly came out of his mouth, as soon as he exited, he thought of the result: "Senior, are you going to rush the car? ”

“Oh, too slow, old to get used to.” The white man clapped his hands: “Done. ”

Then he gets in the car, re-ignites, starts again.

And then, a foot of throttle.

Boom... The vehicle roared forward and quickly exceeded a hundred yards.

The speed is still increasing, and soon the pointer will have exploded.

Song Shuhang's face is white.

“No, it's still too slow.” The white honored are still unsatisfied.

Then he looked at the hanging on Song Shuhang's wrist - the magic instrument left behind by Brother Aoi Hua after his death. Song Shuhang hung a 'soul sealing ice bead’ around his neck, and this pendant was on his hands.

“Hey, hey.” The White Honored reached out and gently placed the hanging on the Song Shu Navigator.

‘Blue wind accelerating! ’

The hanging accessories were activated, and the White Venerable applied this spell to the car.

At the next moment, Song Shuhang felt the vehicle instantly break through a certain limit value.

The surrounding landscape flies backwards.

And Bai Zhenjun handsome twisted the steering wheel, the vehicle flexibly traveled on the road, constantly overtaking...



“What's that stand in front of you?” Driving, the white man suddenly saw a platform ahead and a row of cars waiting there.

“High-speed entrance… we have to stop and pay a fee.” Song Shu Channel.

“Hey, hey, can't pay. We're invisible now!” Go ahead, white-handed, pat gently in the car: "Traction! ”

The next minute, the car was empty, jumping over the tall toll gate and onto the highway.

“Wow, it's better here.” The White Honored laughed.

Song Shuhang leaned on the car, hidden room, he seemed to hear the scream of the car about to break apart?

The cars are still going.



Five minutes later.

“Ha-ha-ha, faster, faster! Huh... Ahhh ~” Suddenly, Senior White's happy voice stopped.

“What happened?” Song Shuhang turned his head.

Then he saw Senior White with the steering wheel in his hand, which was normal. But the problem is that Bai Zhuang turned half of his body toward Song Shuhang's co-pilot seat at this time. He caught the steering wheel in his hand and separated from the body of the car...

Bai Zhuang's innocent hope turned to Song Shuhang: “It was too high, the steering wheel broke as soon as it was hard...”

“Brake, brake!” Song Shuhang called.

“Ha-ha-ha, so, just before the highway, the brakes seemed to collapse, ha-ha.” The white honored man laughed twice. I'm so embarrassed.

“Hit it, hit it!” Song Shuhang pointed to the guardrail in front.

“It's okay, look at me, traction!” Once again, the White Honored will drink a sip.

“Forget it, Senior. Up ahead is the cliff!” Song Shuhang called.

But late, the vehicle had jumped high… jumped off a cliff. That posture, handsome.



Five minutes later.

Song Shuhang fanatically drilled out of the vehicle's body, rubbed his face hard, fell from such a high cliff, he was not injured, did Senior Bai protect himself?

Where's Senior White?

He turned around and quickly discovered what Senior White was digging in a bamboo forest under a cliff.

“Ha ha, good, good. Two green bamboo shoots, the audience has a share, Book Sailing Little Friend divided you. This thing has the ability to clear your nose and improve your sense of smell. You're shooting at the 'nose tip' boundary, and it's good to eat.” Bai Zhuang threw a purple bamboo shoots at Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang's face forced him to take over the baby - the strange good luck of the seniors had another seizure?



Meanwhile, Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Shinjun Huangshan: "Little Book Sailing friend, I heard you were going to learn to fly? The North River isn't here, I'll arrange it for you! ”