Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1165: Will My Sacral Mutate?

Song Shuhang only felt a sense of fullness coming from the natural Dantian. The fat whale Dantian grew bigger and bigger, and had the illusion of crowding the entire natural Dantian.

At the peak of the Eight Pints of Xuansheng Saint King, he spreads a tremendous amount of power during the 'Abandonment Ceremony'. Coupled with his special training skills, he was incredibly pure.

In order to provide Song Shuhang with the strongest foundation of four grades, the Great Northern Emperor adjusted the method of formation to allow him to stand in the eye and accept the power of Guan Saint King diffusion to the greatest extent possible.

So, just a few moments after the opening of the Great Battle, Song Shuhang's fat whale Dynasty got the sum of spiritual power for months compared to his own painstaking cultivation + Holy Imprint Channel.

Fat Whale Dynasty expands like a blowing balloon and eventually really fills the entire air field.

Little bellies rise, there is a feeling of eating and holding up... again, Song Shuhang hid the illusion of urine rush. He also has a sense of urgency at this critical time and feels embarrassed about himself.

Of course, this feeling is entirely a psychological illusion of Song Shuhang.

Fate Dantian exists in the small belly location, but in fact, it is a subtle presence - as the strength of the Brothers continues to grow in practice, so does the capacity of Fate Dantian.

Four pint Brothers' natural Dantian capacity is more than a thousand times that of two pint Brothers. If translated in equal proportions, the whole body of the Four Pint Brothers is filled with the native Dantian, not enough to let go of the native Dantian.

But in fact, changes in the size of the natural Dantian can only be detected through ‘internal vision'. The size of the native Dantian did not change when the 'endoscopy’ was released.

Dantian is like a Kun bag, the interior space can be expanded by upgrade, but it doesn't change in appearance, which is interesting.



On top of his head, the Great Northern Emperor kept an eye on Song Shuhang's physical condition.

“It is interesting to see the expansion of Dauntless to this extent.” The greater the great emperor of the North, the greater the dawn, means that it can contain more spiritual power!

The ability to contain more spiritual power means that its owner has more spiritual power to form the Golden Dragon pattern when promoting the Five Grades Realm. While the amount of spiritual power is not the only factor that determines the number of dragon stripes in Golden Dane, the more spiritual power that can be included in Dauntless Dane is only beneficial.

After counting the interest again.

Song Shuhang's fat whale vain Dan is still expanding, to support the feeling of the natural Dantian Tian explosion. He began to sweat cold, and the fate of Dantian began to send a sharp sense of rising pain.

You know, Dantian was already a lot bigger than an ordinary monk.

When he was promoted from one pint to two pints, Bai Zheng gave him the 'Gas Expansion Method’, which improved his Dantian capacity. Afterwards, he went through a series of adventures, practicing several secret methods and taking dragon magic drugs. And in the promotion of four pints, he went through two steps of the exalted and Xuansheng discourse, gathered the seal of holy seal, and made his fate Dantian even bigger.

Although he has just been promoted to four grades, the immense size of the original Dantian has surpassed that of the other four Peak Brothers, and is approaching the Dantian capacity of the five-pint King Danling King.

But even so, Dantian's life is still about to explode.

[We can't go on like this. If we go on like this, Dantian will really be finished.] Song Shuhang's heart is hidden.

If Dantian explodes, his cultivation path is over.

So Song Shuhang was ready to try to interfere with Fat Whale Dynasty and make it stop expanding.

And at this moment, a strange breath passed from the ‘glance’ to Song Shuhang's body, which very skillfully entered Song Shuhang's body and squeezed into his fateful Dantian.

“Don't be nervous, calm down, there's loneliness to protect you.” In the ear, the voice of the Great Northern Emperor came.

At the same time, the bizarre scent reveals its original appearance.

It is the scent of a divine beast purified by the formation method, derived from the scent of the divine beast blood source 'divine whale’ contained in the 'Eat Melon Holy King’.

After entering the natural Dantian field, this breath merged with Song Shuhang's fat whale Daodan. Fat Whale Dan finally stopped expanding, and it began to evolve and become more lifelike.

It was initially made up of daffodils, and in some details it was still very dainty. But now, every scale and every hairy hair of the fat whale is so lifelike and meticulous.

That's what the Great Northern Emperor and Song Shuhang meant by "lucky".

Song Shuhang practiced the Thirty-three Beast "Giant Whale Story", and the "Dauntless Dan of Life" in his body has not yet fully condensed. At this time, he encountered the melon eater Holy King with the blood of the "Divine Whale".

All of this, if no one intentionally intervened from it... can only say this, Song Xiaoyu's luck has gone against the sky.

The Northern Emperor felt it should be the former - because Song Shuhang mentioned that strange ‘gossip tag' when explaining to him about 'eating the melon saint'. Looks like someone is secretly guiding the gourd saint to approach Song Shuhang at the right time.

If that were the case, the Northern Emperor's subconscious mind would have remembered his‘ Friend of Death 'Song Wood pen.

But it is also not ruled out that Song Xiaoyu was really unlucky. In calculating the gossip, the owner of the gossip sign figured out the opportunity to "eat melon holy monarch" to promote nine products, which brought melon holy monarch to Song Shuhang.



At this time, Fat Whale Dynasty completely deformed bone and calmed down in Song Shuhang's fateful Dantian. But since its size is already the same as that of the native Dantian, it cannot move.

Song Shuhang watched it through his inner sight.

Well, now a metaphor is fitting to describe the change in fertilizer whale daffodils —— the style of fertilizer whale daffodils, from the original coded clarity, all of a sudden became codeless super clarity.

So, I'm a true Four Grade Brother, huh? Song Shuhang's heart is hidden.

And as he pondered, the fat whale dazed over his head and started spraying water.

Whale spray, nothing strange.

But the question is... this is a dastard, a dastard sprayed with hair?

Fat Whale Dynasty ejects pure and incredible spiritual power that enters Song Shuhang's body through the 'Sacred Seal Channel’ and the 'Eye' beneath it.

After these spiritual powers erupted, they began to strengthen Song Shuhang's Dantian expansion in a smooth and powerful way.

Fat whales eject the spiritual power, first integrating Song Shuhang's natural Dantian, strengthening its strength, and then expanding it. Expansion has been followed by a renewed process of strengthening, expansion and such a cycle.

This is Wangdao Expansion Territory.

This expansion does not make Song Shuhang feel very painful, but rather very comfortable.

I don't know how much more...

Song Shuhang's zodiac Dantian ‘Boom ~ ~' had a sharp shock. Under Wang Dao's expansion, Dantian broke a line.

That is the boundary between the four and the five qualities boundaries.

Song Shuhang's natural Dantian capacity was forcibly expanded to the extent of five products. From the beginning, Song Shuhang was crowded with fat whale dainty, and suddenly expanded to accommodate four fat whale dainty.

Moreover, this expansion process has not yet stopped.

With the constant influx of power in the eyes of the foot, with the spiritual power of the 'Sacred Seal Passage', the natural Dantian infinitely expands.

In Song Shuhang's consciousness, the growth was finally halted after the natural Dantian eventually expanded to a level sufficient to accommodate ten fat whale daffodils.

This is the limit of his current body.

If his "Confucian Vajra" is upgraded some more, take a few more 'Dragon Magic Agents’, and raise his health, the natural Dantian can continue to expand.

Fat Whale Idiot also finally stopped spraying water.

The next moment, the great array of feet and the Saint Seal passage are fully opened, continuously filling Song Shuhang's natural Dantian with pure spiritual power.

After the transformation of "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong", the spiritual power was converted into the innate naive yuan belonging to Song Shuhang, filling the entire natural Dantian.

The fat whale is finally no longer shallow and begins to float in the innate circle, sinking up and down.

Dantian was filled with innate yuan, and Song Shuhang was forced to hold his fist gently.

The long-overdue sense of ‘power satiety' passes.

At this time, he felt like he was full of strength, with endless strength, and could not help but explode the planet.

“Tsk, you have a big appetite.” The Northern Heavenly Emperor measured Song Shuhang, and none of them were forced to make a secret noise.

At this point, the distribution of the ‘Abandon the Body' ritual benefits of the Cucumber Saint King is nearing completion. With such enormous energy infusion, the Great Northern Emperor originally estimated that Song Shuhang could concentrate at least a few ‘sacral bones’.

Unexpectedly, the welfare is almost over. Song Shuhang can completely condense the 'Dauntless Dan’. Most of the power is used to expand the natural Dantian.

[Time is running out, hurry up and try to muster a sacral bone first!] The Northern Heavenly Emperor preached to Song Shuhang.

Four-pink brothers, those are the nine great sacred bones. This is the most critical part of the promotion, and each sacral bone needs to be well agglomerated in order to find a solid foundation.

The intention of the Northern Heavenly Emperor was to allow Song Shuhang to congeal at least the first sacral bone in the formation.

The first sacral bone that condenses under the Array of the Holy Monarchs of the Melon, with its' divine whale 'bloodline, will certainly be of immense benefit.

Sacred bones! Yes, the four taste realms cultivate sacral bones.

After warnings from the Great Northern Emperor, Song Shuhang awoke from a brief ‘sense of power fullness’.

He began to run the fourth edition of "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong", which was modified by Senior White, and began to try to condense his sacral bones.

Previously, because fat whale daffodils were not completely molded, most of the energy entering the native daffodils was absorbed by fat whale daffodils and was only inaccessible.

And now, fat whales are shaped, and every time they absorb the spiritual power in, there's an in and out. Spiritual power comes in, and can then be transformed into a pure, Song Shuhang's real life yuan.

Condensation of sacrum, very smooth.

When Song Shuhang's will directed the body to ‘condense the sacral bone', the first sacral bone emerged into the canal.

Curved sacrum, white when it first appeared.

In theory, the sacral bones that a monk sees through his' inner sight 'are similar to human bones.

But Song Shuhang found that his‘ sacral bone 'appearance was incorrect, flat, long, with a slightly curved radius.

My sacral bones haven't mutated, have they?