Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1391: Fool, I Am You ~

“She's still extremely weak, don't be frightened by her momentum. Porcupine, Song Shuhang!” Cheng Lin was in Song Shuhang Center Road.

Cheng Lin is one of the perpetrators of the destruction of the heavenly garden. She knows the secrets that many ancient heavenly gardeners did not know. Most importantly, she and God are dead opposites.

Tian Tian has not yet noticed Cheng Lin shrunk inside Song Shuhang's body, otherwise she would surely be the first to die Song Shuhang.

[More troublesome, she occupies the body of Yoshiko Yu...] Song Shuhang Lane: [Besides, I don't necessarily get over her, how weak she is, she is still heaven.

That said, he didn't slow down.

The "Never Fall City" 33-piece set appeared behind him. The boar hit the corner in front, and the shrimp dragon chariot appeared at his feet again.


“Pregnant BUFF to give her a taste of the horrible and ghost animals of Confucian saints. She was only possessed by Yuzuko Yu. She was still a four-piece corpse and was not immune to pregnancy stares. Then the pig stuck her, hit her. Don't hesitate, you have to know that if you want to save Yoko Yuba, there is only one option to crash the Emperor back into the 'Trial Land'!” Cheng Lin continuously encouraged Song Shuhang.

By the time Cheng Lin spoke, Song Shuhang had taken control of the ‘Never Falling Holy City' towards Yoko Yu [Emperor's Edition].

Fairy Cheng Lin was right. The only way to save Yoko Yu is to crash the Emperor back into the 'test ground'. There must be no hesitation at this time.

Boom Boom Boom ~

‘Wild boar hits the corner’ and hits the Emperor's version of Yoshiko Yuba hard.

Shrimp Dragon Chariot in the back.

Huge holy city again.

The three were in line, and the pigs rushed forward.

‘Never Fall to Al-Quds' - Raid!

Behind Song Shuhang's body, eleven ancient holy monkeys turned the Confucian scripture, instead of the master shouted ‘666’ to enhance the master's momentum.

“You're grumpy, I like it. I… I have decided that he will recast the Heavenly Palace and make you the ‘Princess’.” Yoshiko Yuba reached out her hand and her white palm gently blocked the boar's angle.

The fierce wild boar collides without allowing Yoshiko Yu's 'Emperor's Edition’ to move for half a step.

What the hell is a princess's name? The name sounds trembling.

“It's not over.” Song Shuhang bites his teeth, and he sacrifices his holy seal and prepares a sigh of relief from the seal on the 'Never Falling Holy City'. By then, the full set of eight-grade 'Al-Quds’ will hit down, at least let the Emperor move a little, right?

“Stop dreaming, Thirty-three Beast Combiner. You think I haven't seen it?” God smiled and she stretched her hand in front of her.

A dignified rune appeared before her.

[This is Emperor's original 'Daiwen', be careful.] Sister Bai Long's voice sounded in front of Song Shuhang.

“Whatever it is, after the impact of Al-Quds Al-Sharif began, the car could not be stopped.” Song Shuhang's pathetic and luxurious path.

He can also see the high end of the 'Daiwen’, which contains the power of law. The word "Confucian" written when fighting with Confucian saints is a hierarchical force.

But when the 'Never Fall City’ strikes, there is no braking.

The heavenly emperor smiled and stared at Song Shuhang, his hands behind his back, and the state-of-the-art spirit of repression of the first generation emanated.

This is the self-confidence of the strong, the temperament of the strong.

Boom ~ ~

The Shrimp Dragon Chariot crashed into the defense formed by 'Devon’.

The shrimp dragon on the front end of the Squadron almost collapsed, while the defensive thread of 'Devon’ was immobilized.

Song Shuhang's chest was stuffy.

Strikes the power of feedback, almost breaking his body apart.

Behind him, the body of 'Never Fall Al-Quds' began to unseal.

Unseal the six-pin seal...

The seven-pin seal began to be lifted.

Song Shuhang's ‘spiritual power' is rapidly consumed.

Emperor's hands behind his back: “Even if you unseal it, it's useless... ahhh!"

In the void, suddenly something drilled out and hit heaven.


That thing, when it appears, is quietly interest-free, with no space fluctuations, as if it were there.

After the heavenly emperor was hit by that thing, he kept falling back.

“Something!” The heavenly emperor's dark eyes flashed. She grabbed the object with her bare hands and stopped it easily.

“Oh, silly.” Song Shuhang's mouth is up: “THIS_IS_Armrest tractor raids! ”

“Huh?” Tin Tian pushed the hand tractor toward the side and the treasure in the car hopper fell all over the floor.

This is exactly what Song Shuhang, Su Shi A XVI, Yoshiko Yu and Senior Bai gained when they were separated in ‘Heavenly Dao Little Black House’.

Senior White was separated two days ago. After sending Song Shuhang three people + everything for sale out of the small black house with a 'one-time flying sword to break the small black house version 001', another flying sword was used to send out the armrest tractor.

For some reason, however, the armrest tractor was delayed in the 'space passage' and did not appear until now.

Because the property on this armrest tractor belongs to 'Su Shi AXVI, Yoko Yu’. So when Senior White sent this tractor out separately, he locked Yoko Yu and XVI, using them as coordinates.

Finally... the armrest tractor suddenly came out and hit Sooko Yu.

The ability of the catastrophic tortoise clan to ‘walk in time and space' is weird. Even the Emperor could not sense the timing of the appearance of a 'space-time walk'.

× × ×

“It has to be admitted that the timing of this hand tractor appeared strange. But... it still didn't work.” The heavens calm down.

In the talking room, she shifted her position just like a walk.

Previously, she was in a straight line with "Trial Place" and could hit her back on the "Trial Path" with a single impact.

And after being hit by a 'hand tractor raid', she dared not do that again. After all, she has not recovered to the invincible God.

So she switched positions to avoid being hit back into the trial site in a straight line.

“Pregnant gaze.” At this time, Song Shuhang's left eye lit up.

He did not borrow the "Eye of Confucian Saints" because in the memory of dreaming of the "Making Fairy", he had received a fax of the "Pregnant Gaze" from Confucian Saints.

A strange light emitted.

“Pregnant eyes of Confucian saints… you have a lot to offer.” The heavens laughed.

Pregnancy cannot penetrate after staring at 'Devon’.

Weird lights quickly disappeared.

“I advise you to stop, the seal of the magic seal behind you will be unlocked, and you will be drained of your spiritual power.” The Emperor calmed down again.

Just talking... Song Shuhang suddenly disappeared.

Without space fluctuations, it just disappears.

The heavenly emperor frowned and she expanded her mind and searched everywhere.

At this time, Song Shuhang appeared in front of her emptiness.

The Shrimp Dragon God Chariot was damaged, so Song Shuhang wore a full suit of armor and hit the Emperor with his flesh.

At his feet, he stepped on a kung fu flight. This is a one-time flying sword he picked up for 'White Senior Tow' from White Senior. He summoned the power of this disposable flying sword and made a short 'timeless walk’, ignoring the defensive layer of 'Emperor' and appearing before the Emperor.

“Interesting, you can still use this trick.” Instead of hiding, Tian Tian opened her arms and embraced Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang crashed into Yoshiko Yu's ‘Emperor's Edition' arms, only feeling like he hit Tie Zhu, the force of countershock made him vomit blood.

Behind them, the 'City of Al-Quds never falls' also hit hard.

The City of Al-Quds has now unlocked the seven-pin seal.

Song Shuhang would not dare to unseal it without the energy assistance of the 'small lark'. Unseal it again, and he'll really be squeezed dry.

Boom ~ ~

The holy city, which will never fall, smashes into a pit that is deeply invisible, and the smoke is scattered.

In the distance, Sister Bailong wrapped around Su's XVI and stared at the location where the holy city had fallen.

A moment later.

Never falling holy city disappeared, this is Song Shuhang energy depletion, the disintegration of holy city returned to Song Shuhang body.

In the pit.

Yoshiko Yu ‘Emperor Edition' gently held Song Shuhang in a coma.

[Put him down.] White Dragon's voice rang out.

“Are you ordering me?” Yoshiko Yu raised her head and her dark eyes stared calmly at the white dragon.

The white dragon also stared at the heavenly emperor, and its shape swelled.

“You care about him? But he's not Song Wood.” Heavenly Emperor calmed down.

White Dragon has no voice, and its white body reveals a hidden golden glow.

“Well, since you want me to put him down, you have to take it.” The heavens slowly let go.

At the moment of her release, Song Shuhang appeared under a space door that directly devoured him.

“If you can't catch him, don't blame me.” Tian Tian smiled.

White Dragon rolled up Su Shi A XVI, his body flashed, and immediately followed Song Shuhang into the ‘Gate of Space’.

“You have another weakness, Golden Dragon Taoist.” God is pleased to close the gates of space.



“It's time to leave.” The heavens stretched out a lazy waist, reaching out to open the door to space and ready to leave.

But as she opened the door to space, a huge voice rang out in the void.

“The heavens and the earth are upright, cluttered and flush. ”

At the same time, a golden hand squeezed out of space.

“Down is the river and up is the sun. ”

Another golden hand appeared.

“People say it's huge, it's full of meditation. ”

These golden hands suddenly grabbed Yoko Yu's ‘Emperor's Edition’ shoulder.

“The Imperial Road is Qingyi, including and Twitching Court. ”

A man three meters tall squeezed out of space.

Instead of coming out through the gates of space, he was born violent and squeezed out of space.

The void leaves a clear facial imprint.

Such a violent treatment of space, if it had a spirit, would have cried long ago.

This strong man, three meters tall, is wearing a Confucian shirt and a Confucian towel over his head.

“Who are you?” Yoshiko Yu's ‘Emperor's Edition' frowned and she tried to struggle but couldn't break the big hand on her shoulder.

“Have you forgotten me? What a forgetful thing, Too Zodiac.” The golden Confucian smiled and revealed his white teeth.

“Cheng... Lynn!” The Emperor squeezed two words out of his teeth.

“Wrong too, wrong too ~ ~ I'm not Cheng Lin.” The golden Confucian stared deeply at the Emperor, "Silly, I am you. ”

Emperor: "…”