Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1473: Blessed be Senior White!

Song Shenghang woke up from a coma after this bull forced him to bomb.

Then he finds himself in a cool scene.

This is a pure white world with a large gold coin at the top of his head, spinning and spinning...

Gold coins just float over your head, spinning in a circle, not fast or slow.

Each spin takes exactly the same amount of time as the last one, and a smooth spin rhythm is particularly solid in the mind.

Looks like a sci-fi aesthetic.

“What is this place?” Song Shuhang grabbed his head and looked confused.

He remembers he should rest in the cave of Senior Wong Shan. Why did he show up here?

After he fell asleep, Senior Huang Shan moved him to this special room to rest?


“Am I dreaming now?” Song Shuhang's secret passage.

And then... about three seconds passed.

“Bedtime.” Song Shuhang suddenly jumped.

He finally woke up from his naked state.

Song Shuhang's eyes stared dead at the gold coins in the sky.

This Thelma is a resurrection gold coin!

A set of twelve resurrection coins he bought from 'Fairies in Everything', each successful resurrection, can be used again every ten days. More importantly, it is affordable and there are discounts on more purchases. It's a work of conscience in the reanimation world.

But why did this thing start?

“Did Song Shuhang die again?” Song Shuhang couldn't believe it.

Though the resurrection apparatus was bought to prevent ‘death’.

But he's dead somehow. Isn't that weird?

What have I done?

How did I die?

Why would I die?

Death is not scary. What is scary is that you have no idea how you died.

I just fell asleep. Did I say I was "sleeping dead"?

In the air, the big gold coin at the table spins faster.

Circle after circle, at the end of the day you can only see a golden shadow.

This is the Resurrection Instrument Activation, entering the final stage.

Song Shuhang remembered the introduction to the Golden Coin of Resurrection by 'Fairies in Everything'.

The resurrection gold coin is slightly different from other resurrections, and it carries a bit of luck.

If it is positive, it will be brought back to life in ten months.

On the contrary, it will take 10 years to complete the resurrection.

And if luck goes against the sky and the gold coins rise, the resurrection process will be completed within ten minutes.

Less than six grades are available and can be used again every ten days after each use.

So, are we going to throw a coin?

“Bless you, Senior White!” Song Shuhang waved hard.

Bang!! Gold coins bounce high like shells and spin down again.

“Stand up!” Song Shuhang called, he has confidence in Senior Bai.

Ding ~ ~

The large gold coin of the table landed, and it rolled and spinned in the void.

Eventually, it landed smoothly on the ground.

No standing up.

It turns out that holding Buddha's feet temporarily is totally useless. If you want to rush to the luck of Senior White, at least set the picture of Senior White as a screen protector, and burn columns and incense every day to get a chance.

Song Shuhangxin said: “Then give me a front if you don't stand up, at least give me a front. Ten months is acceptable. Ten years is the end. ”

If he doesn't show up for 10 years, his life will be a complete mess.

In fact, ten months is a hassle, and he doesn't even know what excuse to find to explain it to his parents.

The coin rolled over on the ground again, eventually… facing upwards.

Ten years of resurrection.

At this moment, Song Shuhang felt that his life had become as bleak as this pure white world.

Resurrection begins ~

“Ten years, no, absolutely not. I still have eleven gold coins, let's do it again.” Song Shuhang bit his teeth.

Unfortunately, one coin at a time cannot be reused.

The light of the resurrection coin covered Song Shuhang's body, and the power of resurrection brought him into the link of rebirth.


He remembered the last part of his memory before he died.

In memory.

He fell asleep as soon as he arrived in the lounge for very tired reasons.

But when he falls asleep, a lot of information comes up in his head.

That's a lot of huge, messy information.

There is the harvest of the fairy feast; there is the harvest of the Sacred Doctrine of Xuan, after all, he participated in the discourse instead of the Sage of Guan, and enjoyed most directly the wonders of the Sacred Doctrine of Xuan; there are also the 88888 voices in his mind that whisper with accompanying information and knowledge; at the same time, there is the awareness that he had previously come into contact with the 'world of meritocracy networks’.

In addition, there is a lot of strange information coming from Yas, who is still accepting Cheng Lin's inheritance. Because of the ability of spiritual ghosts to connect with their masters, Yas occasionally sends messy messages.

And from his third core, the Seven-Colour Demon Dan, there's also some information coming through. It's the gift of 'pseudo-immortality' that brings some information. This state talent itself is a supermassive packet.

Apart from this, from the core world, Enlightenment Dao Shi, onto the zodiac instrument, the Holy Seal, the Demonic Seal, there is some information squeezed into Song Shuhang's mind.

Song Shuhang felt his brain like paste, messed up.

Sleeping with him, he tries to combine all kinds of information into categories. Only by handling so much information can he sleep well and regain his spirit.

He started trying to sort out the enormous amount of information in his mind.


He's enlightened.

With so much information impacted, he felt something, water to gutter into enlightenment.

Upon entering the state of enlightenment, he handled all kinds of information in an orderly manner.

Meanwhile, he began to adjust his main method, "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong".

Because he found that the old Thirty-Three Beasts Innate Qi Gong was no longer suitable for him.

The old technique, the five-grade cultivation process, is cultivated and promoted according to the method of ‘single core golden dan’.

But Song Shuhang now has three nuclei in his body.

Even, in the future, he may grow more nuclei - besides the native Dantian, there are seven Dantians [Dragontail, Dragon Claw, Dragon Body, Dragon Palm, Dragon Neck, Dragon Head, Dragon Horn].

If his remaining five Dantian fields can also grow corresponding cores such as Golden Dan or Demon Dan, then training according to the old "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong" can not move at all, nor can his multi-core power be exerted.

He now belongs to the body hardware and the software system has not been upgraded.

The effect of a state of enlightenment is a bunker.

With that huge data information in mind, Song Shuhang succeeded in adjusting and modifying his "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong".

The "Thirty-three Beasts Innate Qi Gong" multi-core Golden Dan version, this upgraded work method was created directly with the "eight core inner Dan" as the ultimate state.

After finishing the method adjustment, of course, you should try it.

Even in a state of sleep, this does not prevent Song Shu Shipping from running a new method of kung fu.

The effect of the new method is incredible.

After a week of Song Shu Shipping, the power of the three cores in the body was perfectly operated.

After a smooth operation...

Song Shuhang heard an exaggerated explosion.

The timeline is finally smooth.

Then you can attach his‘ Resurrection Gold Coin ’to activate it.

Song Shuhang: “…”

Is that how he died?

At this time, Senior Wong Shan's cave house.

After Xiaobai seniors plundered, Qixiu Holy King, North River Scattered People, Ancient Lake Guan Zhenjun, a group of more powerful members, also followed Bai seniors and swept towards the location of Huangshan and A Qi.

Su Shi's sixteenth heart had a feeling of uneasiness. She also rose and directly sacrificed her life knife, flying at low altitude, right behind your predecessors.

When the crowd arrived, they saw Senior Huang Shan and Su Shi A Qi were covered in blood.

Huang Shan and A Qi are frowning.

Senior White squatted on the floor and stretched out his fingers to pull up the blood on the ground, testing the blood.

Song Shuhang's bracelet space apparatus, one inch shrink bag, broken wallet, and broken bloodstained clothing are also on the ground.

Song Shuhang disappeared.

“What happened?” The North River opened its eyes.

This is Senior Wong Shan's cave, who ate the bear heart leopard dare, what's going on here?

“Book sailing blew up.” Su Shi A Qi Sinking Channel.

North River scattered: “…”

“What's going on?” Su's XVI also rushed over and asked.

Qixiu Shengjun: “Qi said, the book sailing is blown up. ”

“Book sailing is not an inflatable doll. How did it blow up?” Zhenjun Bao was confused.

“I was just carrying Song Shuhang and was about to arrange a room for him to rest... but when I got to the door, Song Shuhang suddenly exploded. Splashed me and Senior Huang Shan with blood.” Su Shi A Qi is still blushing.

“What about the book sailing buddy now?” The North River was scattered and asked.

Even if it blows up, at least leave some remains behind.

But now, all you can see on the scene is blood, nothing else.

Where's the astronaut?

“The breath of life is still there.” Senior White's fingers pressed into the blood on the ground, making a noise: “He should still have the resurrection apparatus, now he should be in the resurrection state. ”

“Book Sailing is back? Strange. Why should I say ‘again’?” Senior Huang Shan questioned.

“How long does it take to revive Senior Song?” Yoshiko Yu asked.

“It depends on what magic trick he's resurrected.” Stand up, Senior White: “Before Book Sailing is resurrected, let me continue to disguise the tree demon as him and continue to take his place. ”

Song Shuhang's resurrection enters the final phase.

His consciousness began to blur.

[Now is not the time to worry about how I die, next I'm going to enter a 10-year resurrection period, 10 years!] Song Shuhang's heart became anxious.

Ten years is definitely not a good time, and this time must be compressed.

Time, time.

By the way, Time City!] Song Shuhang's heart lit up.