Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1517: Winter Comes Spring?

Several of the elders present… and a few who were not present gathered together because they shared a common goal.

After Dao Zi became a saint, the second person to suppress the heavens and the earth, and to climb to the top of the heavenly path. He will once again take the Confucian family to the peaks of the heavens and the earth. So today's heavenly ways can never be restored.

Unlike other long-lived people, the goal of Akamichi is to ‘cultivate a way of heaven' and he has no interest in the position of 'way of heaven'. In fact, even the red roller itself is wondering why it can't lift itself up at all as soon as it hears' Become Heavenly Path ’.

In fact, Akatsuko has made a lot of layouts in his life, leaving ‘the edge’ behind many ‘Atmospheric Luck’ brothers. Even the newcomers raised many monks —— like leeks?

And the Master Vajra, who has grown all the muscles of the world on himself, has an old grudge with today's 'Heavenly Way’, and his goal is to avenge ‘Heavenly Way’. Specific grievance process, nobody asked, he didn't say.

Fairy Cheng Lin needless to say, one of the ruiners of 'Ancient Heaven', the ability to do things is top notch.

“What we need to do to stop the restoration of Heaven is to stop the reconstruction of the 'ancient heavens'?” Taoist gently patted the scriptures of the saints, asking.

“Yes.” Yas echoed.

“I have a question.” At this point, the meditating Master Vajra suddenly raised his head.

Yas: “Master, please. ”

“Can you change the name of the Alliance? That name looks silly.” Master Vajra took it seriously.

Yeth's eyes lit up and tears continued to fall.

Master Vajra: “??? ”

Did I say something wrong?

“I've wanted to change that name for a long time, but I can't talk about it without you.” Ye Si: “I support a change of name. ”

“Names and all that, I don't care.” Taoist silence.

He would not hesitate to join the Alliance even if its name was' Poop ’, as long as he could pull Dao off the stage today. False names mean nothing to him.

“The corridors are random.” Red roller smiled.

In a few days, he's going to retrieve the Scarlet Sword... and when they do, his body will also enter a space like the 'Heavenly Path Little Black House', cutting off all impressions of him from all over heaven.

“Then let's get down to business.” Master Vajra raised his head and said: "The easiest way to stop the ancient heavens from rebuilding is to take down the resurrected heavens, right? ”

“Following the saint, I was also interested in another ‘emperor’ who suppressed the existence of heaven and earth. I just don't know how much strength he has left after his recovery.” Daodo raised his head and made a sound.

“Then, the short-term action is settled - take the Heavenly God first.” Then another statue rises in the desert. The statue of the god is a gloomy, ancient statue.

On this statue stands an eight-armed ancient demon, and behind his head also emerges the light wheel of the 'Grower'.

After the appearance of the eight-armed ancient demon, he looked to the Dao Zi: “I am not interested in the heavenly seat... if anyone is interested, I can also become an auxiliary. I have only one request, whoever promotes the way to heaven, please lift the curse on my people. ”

Of all the Daoists present, there are currently only Daoists, with a strong desire for the position of 'Heavenly Daoist'.

Daodo nodded slightly, sort of should carry on.

The other side.

In a confined space.

Song Shuhang and Bai Senior TWO crossed the Gate of Space.

What is before them is a world of gray hues, a world that is starkly dead-end and lifeless.

Their detailed location is in the 'Tian Tian Island Master Room’. Whether it's a computer, a door full of rooms, or even Song Shuhang's phone on the ground, it's the same thing.

It's just that everything is in two colors: 'gray white'. It's like a black and white cartoon with a gray hue.

“It's like copying the whole 'Tian Tian Islander's room’ over.” Song Shu Hangdao.

At the same time, he reached out and tried to communicate with his‘ core world ’.

The result was unexpected… the core world was screened. In this‘ confined space ’, the core world cannot be opened.

Good thing he had white seniors with him this time.

Even if the core world doesn't open, don't worry! Song Shuhang's heart is self-comforting.

“Go out and take a look.” Senior White two rolled the sheets and went outside the room.

Song Shuhang followed him.

Outside the room, there is a door marked with a waypoint.

However, these doors are all open at this time.

Senior Bai TWO and Song Shuhang came outside Xianfu.

Even Xianfu looks exactly like Song Shuhang's memory.

“Take a look in the air.” White seniors two jump gently upwards and rise to high altitude.

Song Shuhang followed the emptiness of his foot and swept away.

When you reach high altitude, you can see the full picture of 'Tian Tian Island'.

The entire island of Tian Tian is dark grey… even the ocean surrounding Tian Tian Island turns grey.

“Where the hell is this world?” Song Shuhang was confused.

Around him, Senior White Tow frowned and pondered: “I thought this was a ‘shadow world', similar to the shadow of the Lord's world. Now it seems to be hiding something more interesting. ”

Song Shuhang: “Something more interesting? ”

“Well, something interesting. For example, ● ○ △ ■, and for example, @ № ¤ # □, and ° ■ #. In addition, you are looking over there, and there are № ◎.” White predecessors two fingers constantly finger in this grey space, occasionally clamped with some 'ancient language’ to describe.

Song Shuhang's face was so embarrassing that he had no idea what Senior White TWO was talking about.

Meng Xinwei talked to the boss. The professional words spoken from time to time in the boss's mouth made Meng Xinwei rush. Sounds like something big and awesome anyway.


“Plus, I found something interesting. Maybe this space has something to do with me.” Senior White Tow General Terminal.

“Senior White, your experiment?” Song Shuhang asked.

“Could be another one of my experiments, to be exact.” Senior White Tow Road.

Song Shuhang's right fist gently hammered his left hand: “Isn't that the one who says he won't do it? ”

He's been guessing about this.

If every Heavenly Way becomes Heavenly Way, it will produce a corresponding Nine Phantoms Dominance in Nine Phantoms.

That fat ball Heavenly Way corresponds to Nine Ghost Liquid Fat Balls.

And Senior White Tow, of course, corresponds to Heaven's way of saying he won't do it, right?

“Recently, you've only improved Jindan a few times, and you've mastered a lot of gossip.” Senior White Tow Road.

Song Shuhang: “…”

I'm moving up pretty fast, aren't I? It's only halfway through October, and I've got a few more. If I go on like this, I'll have the illusion that at the end of the month, I'll hit the Six Pints Realm.

“You stay here and I'll go up again. If this is really another one of my pieces, maybe I can find some clues.” Senior White Tow Road.

His counterpart, suddenly disappeared. As the Nine Ghosts, he hasn't disappeared. He's still getting fat every day. He's also desperate.

Nor did he know what his counterpart had done.

If there was a clue, he would also like to know what arrangement he had made with his counterpart.

“By the way, put this sheet on.” Senior White two took the ‘monophony' out again and threw it at Song Shuhang.

Once inside the 'confined space', the sheets will no longer be excluded because they are now in the same mode as Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang will be single-handedly wrapped: “Is it dangerous? ”

“Perhaps if this space were a 'failed experiment’, it could even breed horrible monsters in it. Anyway, you stay here and don't move until I get back to pick you up.” White senior two ordered.

Come on, his figure swept up. After a few breaths, he disappeared into Song Shuhang's eyes.

Song Shuhang landed from the air.

He returned to the front door of Lord Tian Tian Island's cave and sat down.

In confined space, the temperature gradually drops.

This chill, straight into the soul.

Even Song Shuhang's health is a bit irresistible. He had to tighten the sheets on tight.

In this cold world, only this quilt on his body can give him a little warmth. He was unable to help himself, and his body was curled into clumps.

It's kind of like 'selling anything, big guy’.

“It would be nice if the core world could open up at this time, and I could hide back from the core world.” Song Shuhang muttered.

“Huh ~ ~" he opened his breath, the breath forming a cold mist in front of him.

In the sheet, Master Tian Tian Island's ‘wreckage’ also drilled out, the same light ball of the hair clump, shrunk in the sheet motionless.

“By the way, Senior Tian Tian, can you sense your other souls?” Song Shuhang asked.

The rest of Tian Tian Island's soul is scattered in this enclosed space as a result of feedback from previous methods of identification.

Master Tian Tian Island's cruelty was slightly bright. A moment later, an idea came to Song Shuhang's mind: “When can I resume Internet access? ”

“Don't think about internet at this time, find your cruelty and bring yourself back to life.” Song Shuhang bit his teeth.

The soul of Lord Tian Tian Island: "…”

While talking, Song Shuhang felt the temperature around him start to rise again.

Temperature picks up quickly.

In a few moments, it's as if from the cold winter to the ‘big summer’.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Song Shuhang, a ‘figure’ emerged one after the other.

That's a member of Tian Tian Island.

As the temperature rises, the shadows of these members emerge empty-handed.

The members of Tian Tian Island showed up and were in a state of rigidity.

A moment later, as if recovering from a pause in time, they began to act.

This scene is like the original "Bishui Pavilion".

When Lord Chukou wakes up from his' sleep ’, all members of Bishuikou will be lifted from the pause of time and act.