Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1731: Invisible Death

Yoshiko Yu: “I also saw all the seniors floating behind Sung's father in the first group of Jiuzhou. ”

“…” Song Shuhang: “I am Song Shuhang. ”

As he thought, it was Yuzuko and Beans.

Yoko Yu replaced Tian Tian, because Tian Tian uses her spirit ghost.

Beans replaced Song Shuhang's steel split for ‘Steel Friend Seal’ reasons.

“Why did Senpai Song grow so old? Senior Song, what the hell is wrong with you?” Yoshiko Yu blinked - and whether Senior Song's left eye was blind and seemed to have no moisture.

“It's the Heart Robbery. Our Heart Robbery is coming to an end, so the Heart Robbery appears.” Doudou.

Song Shuhang sighed: “It's not a heart attack, it's hard to say. Yoko Yu, Beans, anyway, you two come here first. ”


In the middle of the conversation, the void sky has been supplied and landed again. The previous' Purple Golden Thunder Column 'was the first wave of trailer skies. And this wave is the beginning of the official holocaust.

During the heavenly robbery, the Sanskrit sounds were actually emitted.

Subsequently, a statue of the Big Buddha, made up of ‘thunderbolts', appeared in the clouds. The Big Buddha is in the position of 'on the head and feet’, standing upside down and hanging slowly descending, it looks surprisingly forceful.

“Zhu ~ ~” The big buddha spoke out when he was descending.

With this heavy Buddhist voice, Song Shuhang only felt deaf and could not hear anything.

Lion roar?

Magic enhanced version of the Creator King?

The statue of the Great Buddha continues to descend.

At this time, two more white smokes erupted in the Buddha's nose.

In the moment of the white smoke appearance, Song Shuhang felt that he had lost his sense of smell, the smell of Yuzuko and Beans, the smell of Xiaoyin Bamboo, and the smell of the 33rd Beast Combination Method, all disappeared.

[Sensory deprivation, a very horrible Buddha without law, has involved the hierarchy of laws. It's not as simple as shielding the senses, it's directly depriving the senses of their function.] The voice of the Creator Pope sounds in all hearts.

Everyone is now in the resonance phase of the Numen and can communicate using abilities similar to psychic communication.

[The heavenly robbery these days, I can't understand anymore. Is this thing really heavenly?] Prince Phoenix smiled bitterly.

Song Shuhang: [Sky Robbery will continue to change, we can only adapt to it as soon as possible. Those who cannot adapt will eventually be eliminated.

Making the Pope: [A serious book sailing buddy, somehow made me a little uncomfortable. Attention, here we go again.

The statue of the Buddha hung upside down, his mouth spitting out a vivid tongue with a symbol flashing on it.

Song Shuhang and others felt deprived of only taste.

[There will also be visual and tactile. If we are all deprived, we cannot see, hear or feel anything, and we can only be passively beaten.] Creating the Patriarchal Path.

In a heavenly world, it is deadly to be caught so passive.

[Will God still be able to apply it?] Song Shuhang asked.

For the Brothers, the five senses are actually less acute than the ‘god’. With a sweep of consciousness, everything around you is as clear as you know it.

[When our senses are deprived, this Big Buddha will surely have accompanying means of limiting the gods.] Creating the Patriarchal Path.

By then, the people will truly be the fish on the chopping board, slaughtered and slaughtered.

Sooko Yu looked up at the sky.

Hearing, smelling and taste were deprived of their breath. She had no resonance with Song Shuhang, Jiuzhou No. 1 group of predecessors, and could not hear Song Shuhang and others.

“Beans, Senior Song, let's go! Before the sight is stripped.” Yoshiko Yu.

Beans: “???? ”

[I can't hear you, use the voice to enter the secret.] Bean mechanical preaching.

Yoshiko Yu immediately used the mass audio function: [Go, Senior Pea Song, hang this big Buddha before he was deprived of his sight!

From beginning to end, Yoshiko Yu did not have the fear of 'getting caught up in a group robbery', and she is now clearly in a leaping mode.

The beans jumped all the way, revealing the big demon dog shape, stepping on the hot wheel and facing the big Buddha in the sky.

Yuzuko jumped on its back and sacrificed the sword. The sword dragged behind her, and a sound of phoenix came out of her sword - the sword of Ling Butterfly Island, the phoenix changed.

This is a five-grade sword technique, and Yoshiko Yu, who is now in the fourth grade, can be implemented across levels.

[Senior Huang Shan, let's do it again!] Song Shuhang called through the psychic call function.

He sacrificed the ‘ultimate sword', and the 200-metre sword swept up, like a giant battleship, casting a shadow.

The Numen resonate.

“Heavenly Cast Xuan Yellow Sword." ”The honored Huang Shan accompanied Song Shuhang in this world swordsmanship.

The sword's will erupted, and the yellow Qi hung in the void.

When a sword is cut out, it is the sword and the law.

And this time, "Heavenly Cast Xuan Yellow Sword" changed again - the last time, the Yuan God resonated only with Song Shuhang and Huang Shan honored people. And this time, it resonates with the majority of the members of the Kyushu-1 group.

At the same time, Song Shuhang's entire population seemed to have become an arsenal, and dozens of different attacks erupted from him.

In addition to the ‘Holy Sword of the End', several weapons in the ‘Holy City of Never Falling' fell beside Song Shuhang.

Eight-armed Phase of Law - This is the magic of the ancient Lake Guan Zhenjun, and now appears on Song Shuhang through resonance. Eight arms grabbed a wide variety of manipulators.

A pair of squid tyrants split the knife and buried the star sea with one knife - Su Shi A Qi's strongest knife method.

Another knife uses the 72nd Road Crazy Knife - Triwave's Ancestral Knife Technique.

The Old Monkey Saint Li's sword stirred, turning into the night sky - the river's twelve swords scattered across the North River.

The bow of the giant deer emperor opened, and the dark arrow stringed in the void, and the tip of the arrow seemed to contain the power to destroy the world - the strongest blow of the Lychee Fairy, the gateway to annihilation.

Commander Black Leopard's flag spins and develops the pride skills of the "Shattered Army" - Shattered Trident.

In addition to this, Song Shuhang has many spells and talents in his flesh.

Fengzi's talent of ‘fractured ground’, Zhenjun's dragon flash, Shirakawa Zhenjun's combined ‘holy light’ technique.

Song Shuhang's figure, carrying the Yuan God of the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, also rose into the sky.

Song Shuhang's figure twisted softly in response to the 'heavenly robbery of the Big Buddha’, creating a high-difficulty dance stance - the Tendemon Dance of the Six Fairies of the East.

Heavenly Demon Dance and Buddhist Zodiac Dynasty work wonderfully against this Great Buddha Heavenly Robbery.

The posture is a little spicy eyes, and Song Shuhang is now an uncle's face...

Song Shuhang's figure is much faster than Yoshiko Yu's, then comes first.

The ultimate giant sword and 33 beast combiner combined with the stunning moves of the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, all kinds of varied attacks, poured on the Buddha statue heavenly robbery.

The giant holy sword was cut in half from the top of the Buddha's head to the bottom, and Song Shuhang's figure was stuck in the cloud of robbery. The rest of the Yellow Sword's intentions were insanely destroying the cloud of heaven's robbery.

Souzi Yu followed closely, she waved the sword, with a butterfly-wing phoenix sword on the sword. The sword was inserted into the Big Buddha Heavenly Robbery, and the beans carried Yoshiko Yuba, flying around the side of the Big Buddha Heavenly Robbery.

Boom ~ ~

The Great Buddhist Bandit exploded, turning into a magical power, full of ‘group docking space'.

These pure spiritual powers can be absorbed by Yoshiko Yu and Song Shuhang, restoring a little consumed spiritual power, true yuan.

[Ha-ha-ha, beans, your hair.] In the sky, Yoko Yu used the 'sound into the secret’ way, haha laughed.

In the moment after the explosion of the thunder, the hair all over the beans burst up, as if they were all fat for a lap.

[Why don't you take a look at your hair when you're laughing at the hair that's blowing up on your brother?] Beans are very philosophical.

Yoshiko Yu reached out and touched her long hair, and her long hair fluttered like an explosion: [Hahaha, that's so funny.

Much more interesting than her and Doudou's Tianqiao.

Sooko Yu suddenly felt dark in front of her when she laughed.

Immediately thereafter, even 'tactile’ disappeared.

Her hands, clearly touching the fluffy hair of the beans, did not feel a bit.

[Unfortunately, all five senses have been stripped.] Cultivating the Pope's Ecclesiastes.

[Didn't we already blow up Big Buddha?] Fairy Lychee is confused.

"I'm afraid it's Buddhist ‘Ji Hao Singing' manipulation technique," said the writer and writer. "When using this manipulation method, as long as the spell begins to be carried out, even if the practitioner is killed, the spell can be carried out through the medium of the Ji Hao world. Similar manipulation techniques are available at the Dormen, Confucianism, and Magic Side.

[Yoko Yu, Doudou, open the mind, we come together and go back to the ground.] Song Shuhang called.

Gather together and return to the ground before the gods are isolated.

“At this time, it would be nice if the eye of the saint were still there.” Song Shuhang regretted it.

Five senses depriving such spells certainly cannot affect the existence of Confucian saints at this level.

Yoshiko Yu, Doudou, Song Shuhang landed back on the ground.

Song Shuhang guarded the beans and Yoshiko Yu with ‘The Holy City Never Falling'.

A group of people had just fallen back to the ground, and the whole 'group hijacking space' suddenly broke out.

The feeling is, "Time stops."

Yoshiko Yu, Yinzhu Li, Beans, Song Shuhang all the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group’ member Yuan Shen, all paused and unable to move.

Even ‘psychosocial communication' pauses, and the body and consciousness stop altogether.

Drop ~ dragon network reconnect again.] The Dragon Liaison assistant has been constantly trying to connect the Dragon Liaison, this time temporarily reconnecting.

[We detected the ‘invisible death’ of the ultimate heavenly robbery. All those who could not pass the appraisal shall be extinguished by ash and smoke, and their bodies shall be extinguished.

Ultimate robbery?

Isn't Heavenly Robbery just beginning?

[Is there a way to transform it into 'Black Dragon Sky Robbery'?] Song Shuhang tried to ask.

[Insufficient permissions. Besides, this is not the Black Dragon World.

Song Shuhang: [In what form did this robbery fall? What do we do about it?

[Try to extrapolate.

The next moment, there is a picture passed to Song Shuhang's mind.

In the heavenly robbery space, there is a bit of ‘glory' blooming, which seems to contain the law of ‘opening the heavens and the earth’. The glow explodes, everything that comes into contact with this‘ light ’is completely ashed, dissipated, there is no way to resist.