Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1757: Beans Who's Your Favorite?

The more desperate it turns out, the more likely it is to push people to their potential.

With the help of its owner, the Hamster took half a day to complete its Mindfulness training.

And Song Shuhang, stimulated by the 45th hamster running wheel, spent half an hour successfully matching his knowledge and spiritual power proportionally, plus the conversion method studied by white seniors two, one breath forced out ‘mindfulness’.

Song Shuhang felt himself integrated with this‘ hamster wheel 'at the moment when his energy arose - to be precise, he had partial control of the' hamster wheel ’.

He can use his mind to choose to open, close, stop, and accelerate by 50 gears. There are also some more complex functions, Song Shuhang didn't come and take a closer look.

“Stop, stop!” Song Shuhang shouted.

The hamster wheel finally started to slow down...

“Huh?” Laying on the rotation @ # % x Fairy blinked, stopped?

“Dumb, dumb!” The Fairy of Creation shouted unwillingly.

After the hamster wheel stopped, Song Shuhang quickly opened the barn door with his mind and used all his strength to jump out of the hamster wheel.

[Mission accomplished, I went to reply to my Lord. Besides, this‘ real flywheel 'is a reward, and my lord says this is for you.] The sound of the Hamster sounded in Song Shuhang's mind: [Well, I'm going to cut the connection on my side, bye.

This voice is a communication of the mind, only Song Shuhang can hear it.

Song Shuhang: “Vomit ~ vomit ~"

“Ha-ha-ha, Senior Song, it's my turn!” Yoshiko Yuba dropped her phone and quickly climbed into the ‘real flywheel’.

However, the reel did not rotate, and the hamster across the street had been disconnected and nobody asked.

Yoko Yu: “!!! ”

Is this machine broken? But she hasn't tried yet!

She waited for half a day, so Song came out, and it was her turn, so it broke?

“Shall I try it?” Doudou drilled in.

Yoshiko Yu slipped out of the 'real flywheel’ and squatted to Song Shuhang's side and began poking holes in the ground again.

Song Shuhang drowned for half a day and finally felt much better.

“Is it really broken? Wang!" The beans shot right in the 'real flywheel’, but they didn't respond.

'Cause it's not on yet. ”Song Shu Hangdao, in the talking room, his mind moved.

With a bang, the 'real flywheel' barn door closes.

Let the game begin!

And this time, the questioner changed to Song Shuhang, who manipulated the instrument.

Downhole stone beans, you have today too.

You pit me, I pit you, and you base my happiness on your pain, which is the iron and steel friendship between man and dog!

“Huh? Is the machine ready again? I'll go first, Senior Song.” Yoshiko Yu exclaimed, it's her turn to line up first.

“It's all right, let's do an experiment with beans.” Song Shuhang erased his face, "he said.

“Hey, hey, hey, you think I'm you? Book Sailing, turn on the Answers feature. I'm going to show you a full score on how hard it is to convert divine knowledge into mindfulness.” The beans are proud of the ocean lane.

Song Shuhang: “As you wish, beans! ”

The running wheel began to spin, and the initial speed was not fast. After all, the person who manipulated it changed to Song Shuhang, without the same strength as White Senior TWO.

Beans easily walk off four legs and run small in the hamster running wheel.

[Answer Begins: First question, who is your favorite person?] Song Shuhang's voice, coming from the hamster running wheel.

Beans: “???? ”

What kind of bullshit is this?

[You have thirty seconds to answer this question.] Song Shuhang's voice sounded again.

At the same time, Song Shuhang's hands seemed to have an invisible spherical object agglomerated - an invisible mindset that turned into a sphere in Song Shuhang's hands.

Yuzuko's eyes became brighter and brighter.

“Oh, who's my favorite? Do you think you can take me down with this?” The bean mouth rose and revealed a lifelike smile: “Of course it was Chu Chu La, my favorite of all my life. ”

Song Shuhang looked down at his palm and suddenly his hands were faintly red.

“What is this?” Yoshiko Yu asked curiously.

“The hamster runner itself came with a spell similar to 'mind reading', which was added by Senior White Tow. With this spell, we can tell if the beans are telling the truth or not.” The corner of Song Shu's mouth rose.

There are two ways to answer questions, one is Song Shuhang set questions and answers, and determine right and wrong according to standard answers. Another is to set up a topic to judge the results by the spell added by White Senior two.

“Is that red right?” Yoshiko Yu asked.

“Of course red is wrong.” Song Shuhang struck a ringing finger.

[Wrong answer!] His voice came out in the 'real flywheel’ and the speed of the wheel spin increased by one gear. Fast acceleration of the four legs of the beans to keep pace.

Beans: “How is that possible, my favorite is Chu Chu, there can be no mistake. ”

“Perhaps you like Senior Yellow Mountain?” Yoshiko Yu on one side spoke out: “Love does not mean love, but affection. ”

[Question 2: Doudou, how did you get Chu Chu Kong?

“This is privacy, I refuse to answer!” Beans snorted cold.

[Wrong answer.] Reel speed increases again.

“Unfortunately, I am still very interested in the Chuchu control of beans, how exactly did it get this disease?” Song Shu Hangdao.

“Me too.” Yoshiko Yu adds: “Next time, let's put the bronze gossip predecessor pit in this reel. Maybe you'll find out if Bronze Gossip Senior is a man or a woman. ”

[Question 3: What is 1 +1 equal to?

“You want to pit me again? I know, 1 +1 = 1, a bunch of sheep plus a bunch of sheep or a bunch of sheep, right?” The bean machine is smart.

“No, actually, it's a sub-question, I'm just experimenting with it, putting together ten topics. The answer is two.” Song Shuhang returned.

Beans: “!!! ”

[Wrong answer.] Reel speed increases again.

The pea mentality is broken.

[Question 4: 2 +2 =?

“Are you trying to make a mess of me again?” The beans roared.

“No, the next thing I know, it's a number of questions, because it has to be turned on, it has to be at least ten questions, and it can be 50, but I've only come up with two questions.” Song Shu Hangdao.

Beans: “Fuck you, look at my mouth, fuck you! ”



Ten questions came to an end.

The beans looked disgusting and drilled out of the hamster running wheel.

“Why don't you just let me answer the question 'God converts to mindfulness’? What the hell are you doing on your own, retard?” It despises.

Song Shuhangle said: “I just want to experiment with a few functions of this instrument and take you to the pit. ”

“…” Beans: “You're still honest. ”

If you say "pit," I'll pit me. There's no excuse.

Doudou bites his teeth: “I'll play again later, don't make this strange problem again! Otherwise, I'll bite you, and I'd better get back to the questions you answered earlier. ”

“All right, all right.” Song Shuhang laughed, and at the same time he took a piece of fruit from the space bracelet - messy fruit. He had been an uncle for a long time and was ready to see if he could get back to being young.

Around me, Yoshiko plunged into the running position and set the position: “It's me, it's me. Senior Song, I want to answer the challenge of 50 questions. ”

Song Shuhang: “Ready? ”

“Let's go, Senior Song.” Yoshiko Yu shouted.

“Then I'll start.” Song Shuhang began to manipulate: “By the way, I'll change the 'answer’ first. The question was just about beans. I'm going to switch back to the question of 'conversion of consciousness to mindfulness’. ”

Before the Hamster disconnected, the data of the 300 questions were retained and left in the 'Hamster Running Disk’. Song Shuhang could choose to switch the questions.

However, Song Shuhang's voice had just fallen, and the running wheel had spinning fast.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Song Shuhang rang out: [Answer begins: Question one, who is your favorite person?

“Senior Song, you haven't changed your title yet.” Sooko Yu shouted, and she began to run fast, moving her long thighs, keeping pace with the spinning speed of the running wheel.

Song Shuhang: “…”

I just got my magic apparatus and am unfamiliar with many features.