Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1932 Crazy Encouragement

Master Chu's long hair twisted over Song Shuhang's head and swayed with the wind.

“In addition to being potentially more delicious, old things can also become more powerful.” Lord Chu's chief made a voice.

After Song Shuhang's body, his face paralyzed white seniors, his little hand stumbled, his eyes closely stared at the long-haired head of Shuhang, so he wanted to pull it off.

While this long hair and Song Shuhang exchanged, Senior White's figure moved and his hand grabbed this long hair like electricity.

Master Chu's long hair shrunk back and emerged from another position on Song Shuhang's head: “Baisheng, what are you doing? ”

Senior Bai shook his head calmly, retreated to his original position, his eyes continued to lock the silly hair on Song Shuhang's head, and the opportunity moved.

Master Chu felt very uncomfortable being targeted. The long hair up to seven meters retracted and retracted... the shorter.

“Cough, Senior Constant Fire, has the Confucian family seen it in this fragment?” Song Shuhang asked, distracting Senior Bai.

“We have detected all the heavenly fragments in Confucian hands once, and this is certainly no exception. But if God is hiding something in there, it's normal that we can't detect it.” Zhenjun Hengfire replied that, after all, he was brought by the world to be equated with the Confucian saints.

Song Shuhang: “Can we go inside and see? ”

“This Heavenly Piece is already White Dog's stuff.” Zhenjundao of the constant fire.

Senior Bai turned her head as one person: “Then go inside and take a look. ”

“In fact, if you're going to cook a heart-to-heart dish... Chutwo is a good ingredient.” At this point, the long-haired voice of Lord Chu over his head suddenly made a sound.

Song Shuhang heard stories and stared.

“Chutwo is the true sinking demon that has been haunting me since the day Bishui was destroyed. Moreover, she is now in the realm of the 'Grown-Up' level, that is, the Grown-Up level ingredient.” Lord Chu continued.

“Sorry, Senior Chu… I want to live another two years.” Song Shuhang replied earnestly.

He, someone from Song, even if he dies, will die more heavily than Tarzan, and will not easily waste the opportunity for resurrection.

“Shh." Lord Chu continued: "Be a man with a goal and love a line. Now that you have chosen to be a fairy cook, the goal must be set as the strongest fairy cook, the ingredients of the elder level, which is the ultimate goal of fairy cooking. ”

“Senior Chu, what's wrong with you today?” Song Shuhang asked carefully, "Are you not going to create a new demon? ”

Otherwise, why do you keep encouraging him to eat Chutwo?

“You have a strong desire to survive today.” Chief Chu suddenly laughed.

Song Shuhang: “??? ”

“Here comes a guest.” Lord Chu slowly said: “No guests are invited. ”

“The enemy?” Song Shuhang asks - but even if the enemy comes, does it have anything to do with you encouraging me to eat TWO, master of Chukou?

Heard Lord Chu warn that there are people at the site, quickly enter the state of battle.

This is the heart of the Confucian family, the Golden Lotus World, the most important place in the Confucian family today. If the enemy breaks in here, it's not fun.

[Hey, hey, I didn't know there was such a good thing hidden in Confucianism.] In the void, there was a loud and heavy sound. This sound has a thick nose... which makes the heavy voice look a little cute.


A space passage emerges, which is the space gateway to the Nine Pin Immortals.

Only under the pressure of Confucian defenses, this space door is slowly shaped.

Zhenjun Hengfire: “The breath of the Nine Ghosts. ”

Confucian and Nine Phantoms are real enemies, hunting each other and watching each other.

Whenever the Confucian family makes a big move, the Nine Ghosts always get some clues and news, and vice versa.

But the Nine Ghosts, directly in the Confucian hinterland, open a space passage... this is very confident. If it weren't for a moment of brain fever, would it be a complete prep to make sure you get away with it?

Bad people.

Senior White moved fastest, appearing flashing on the door of space with his hands rubbing against the door of the space.

Boom ~ ~

A violent explosion sounded and the gates and passages of this space were directly detonated.

The Law on Space Compression Explosion Secrets was handed down by Confucian saints.

This is the secret that Senior White obtained during his last trip back to the Confucian house in the top of Mount Ten Thousand Books, Holy Silence Pool.

It was developed by Confucian saints specifically to deal with those who used 'space means' for close-knit attacks.

The effect of this method, like its name, is to compress and blast space directly.

Excellent results.

There was a painful grunt in the destroyed space passage.

Even those who are strong enough to rob fairies with nine or more pints will suffer greatly from eating the Space Compression Explosion Secret Law.

Space channel crashed.

But the other side did not give up, and a new space channel slowly condensed - but, as before, the process of forming space gates and channels was suppressed under the influence of Confucian-History Array.

Senior White is a flashing body again, rubbing his hands against the space channel.

Boom ~ ~

“It's like hitting a rat.” Song Shu Hangdao.

Senior White has always been so reliable at a critical time.

“Book sailing, you come later.” Senior White was separated.

Song Shuhang: “??? ”

“White Holy is about letting you try each other out.” Lord Chu's long hair twisted and went back.

In the middle of the conversation, the space channel reappeared.

Head iron, never turn back without breaking the South Wall.

Senior Bai flashed, grabbed Song Shuhang and flashed again, appearing beside the space passage.

“Powerhouse Appraisal!” Song Shuhang's left eye lit up and a light penetrated into the space channel.

After a break.

“Not responding, not screaming, not good… I'm afraid the world is strong.” Song Shu Channel.

Senior White rubbed his hands again.

Boom ~ ~

The space channel was blown up again.

"Not the mighty," said the Lord of the Chukou, "but the other side opened a passage, and no one crowded in. Cunning.”

[Hey, hey, hey.] That laugh sounded in void again.

The next moment, the gates of space burst open and a bear's head and palm squeezed out of the gates of space.

After opening the space gates three times, he has grabbed the Confucian knack for suppressing space capabilities and made breakthroughs.

“See how you detonate space this time.” Bear waves, pointing to Senior White: “Come on, come on! ”

“Powerhouse Appraisal!” Song Shuhang did not hesitate to send another round of 'Mother Love’.

Bang ~

“Useless, Buddhist demon. Pregnancy in the district doesn't affect me at all.” The bear's head grinned.

The mighty?

So many people are immune to 'strong man appraisal' these days?

“I can have ten twins in one breath, and the pregnancy process is unaffected, and I can even give birth to ten children and go straight to the battlefield.” Bear head said proudly.

Song Shuhang: “…”

Terrible, this is the horrible physique of innate immune 'strongman appraisal techniques'.