Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1963 Extreme Hanging

Its body went through the Great Sword at least hundreds of times before reaching a 'semi-evolutionary’ state.

This‘ Shadow Sanctuary ’bracelet evolved after only 10 rounds of' Dabao... Knife Keeping '?

Am I not as good as a bracelet?

The heart of the Demon Scarlet Sword is very tangled.

[No, no. Must be because I'm too good, so it's really hard for me to evolve. This bracelet is far less qualitative than mine, so it evolves especially easily. That's definitely true.] Senior Red Sword seeks comfort for himself.

As a demon of heart, jealousy is a basic ability, but finding reasons to comfort oneself is less demonic.

Shadow Holy Land Evolution!

The patterns on the bracelet spread, and finally these patterns actually grew directly from the ‘bracelet' to Song Shuhang's wrist.

Song Shuhang and the 'Shadow Sanctuary' bracelet are firmly linked through the Dao Wen.

Then his right eye lit up - he saw the burning flames of the bear, filled with every inch of Confucian land.

“The fire of obsession?” Song Shuhang asked.

No one has to answer, he already knows the answer in his heart.

This flame filled every inch of Confucian land is the fire of obsession.


His hot left eye told him that this was most likely the ‘obsession’ fire of Confucian saints.

Also, Skylark fairy body parts like Little Mountain + Fat Big Man incarnate, both of whom are key figures in life for Confucian saints.

One is the most loving, one is the most disgusting.

The obsession of saints, of course, is activated.

So, do you want to take the chance to cremate the saint's obsession into a shadow with a wave of fat balls?

No, no, no.] Strong desire for survival, making Song Shuhang hard is suppressing this foolish idea.

Previously, it was just an ‘Undying Lord’ obsession in the Great Rift Valley, almost bursting his poor water basket Xuan Sheng. Finally, Senior White sacrificed the ‘Undying Lord's Devil’ to help him sustain himself.

Now, this burns the whole Confucian saint obsession If it's an accessory... next year today, it's his anniversary for someone in Song!

“Can't afford, can't afford.” Song Shuhang said softly.

That said...

But his right hand, harshly, poured spiritual power into the 'Shadow Holy Land' bracelet - despite that, his body was honest.

Because there's no other choice.

The fat man slammed him in the face, white seniors two may have been pitted, no news.

The Shadow Lord's predecessors were clearly in the passers-by mode, so long as the attack did not reach him, he would quietly become a crowd watcher.

Tortoise daddy is an ally, but with it, he can't stop the fat guy.

If you want to save yourself at this time... only activate the obsession of the saints and use the power of Confucian saints.

Moreover, he could not have seen the Confucian family destroyed by fat balls.

‘Shadow Holy Land' activated.

Burning the obsessive fire of every inch of Confucian land, it turned into a flood flow, upstream, and gathered alongside Song Shuhang.

Even Su Shi AXVI et al. who could not see the 'fire of obsession' could feel the temperature skyrocketing around Song Shuhang.

In the heart of the demon hole, the Shadow Lord turned one hand and another jaw. Then he rubbed his chin with his hands constantly, sighing: "O my Shadow Holy Land! ”

It's over.

He had previously estimated that if such a huge saintly obsession was converted into a ‘shadow sanctuary' … how powerful it could inspire, let alone say, the shadow sanctuary would surely end.

Moreover, the 'Shadow Holy Land' bracelet has just inspired the 'Unextinguished Lord's Obsession’. It has not come and rested before it is put into use.


The Shadow Holy Land bracelet is his favorite treasure.

I don't know if Xuansheng Pang Song will pay for it. As the first saint of the millennium, you have to save a little, right?



“Hot. Hot.” This is the temperature of burning even Song Shuhang felt, even his tolerance for pain is a little unbearable.

The fat ball that was beaten saw this scene, reached out and threw, a pitch-black Jiuyu sword towards Song Shuhang.

Sister Bai Long's body rose and her little paws swung continuously. The moment activated nearly a hundred defenses, blocking this Nine Evil Energy Sword.

Below, Tortoise's father's eyes lit up - although he didn't know what he was going to do, at this time he had to cooperate with him and drag the guy who dared to seriously injure his daughter.

Therefore, Tortoise's father bravely went up, frontally stiff and fat ball incarnate, and cooperated with Sister Bai Long to buy time for Song Shuhang.



Song Shuhang has skillfully activated his three main quenching methods to strengthen his body.

Holy monkeys hold the scriptures in their hands and sing with dignity.

Kung Fu Snake beauty covered his body in a physical way, moisturizing his body with the light of Kung Fu.

The sculpting fairy emerged. She reached over Song Shuhang's left eye orbit, and the healing light continued to emerge, reducing the temperature of the saint's eye in Song Shuhang's left eye.

“Song ~ Thank you.” Cultivate Fairy Road.

Then, she bit her finger, handed her finger to Song Shuhang's mouth, and there was a drop of blood beads rolling at her fingertips.

Her body structure, which is theoretically similar to that of the 'Kung Fu Snake Beauty', is unlikely to contain the substance 'blood’. But she bit her fingertips and spilled a drop of blood beads.

It's not her blood… it's the saints.

This drop of blood beads fell into Song Shuhangkou.

Sweet, no bloody smell.

Other than that, there is no feeling.

Without that kind of sacred blood, the body explodes with energy, and the body is constantly strengthening. Nor is there a constant spiritual upliftment that directly translates into the function of the most powerful.

“Turn on your smoke mode.” At the same time, Song Shuhang's ears came from Senior Bai's split.

It was Senior White who was reminding him.

Song Shuhang looked at Senior White's identity and instantly stabilized his mind.

White seniors, the biggest mascot of the Nine Continental Groups 1, are still around, which means that things are not bad to the worst!

So Song Shuhang did not hesitate to turn into a pseudo-immortal smoke body pattern.

His body, turned into shaped black smoke.

In black smoke, you can almost see a colorful light, that's Song Shuhang's baby waist.

There's also a shiny pupil, the eye of a saint.

There is also the light of merit, the enhanced light effect of the three quenching methods, and… a drop of blood beads.

It's the blood of a saint, and it can't digest at all.

I just don't know if he'll pull it out if it can't be digested.

As Song Shuhang's body turned into a 'smoky body', the ‘obsessive fire’ all flowed into Song Shuhang's body.

Shadow Holy Land's ability to activate, this endless fire of sainthood obsession, is transformed into ‘obsession shadow’ power in Song Shuhang's body.

Song Shuhang's body, began to reconstruct.

With ‘Holy Blood’ at its core, led by the eyes of Confucian saints.

After counting interest.

The body of smoke shook and condensed into an entity.

A man in a Confucian shirt appeared in the void.

He just stood there, and he had his own master.

When people see him, for some reason, they feel him… hanging.