Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2104: Bye-bye Scholar System (Chapter 1, Moon Ticket)

Am I destined not to have the gift of doing business?

Am I missing something?

Song Shuhang painstakingly pondered the difference between himself and ‘everything sells big man'.

Song Shuhang's eyes suddenly lit up when the carouselers carefully arranged the 100,000 crystals.

“I always felt like you were going to make a fool of yourself.” True pavilion master stupidity mao, stupidity mao because it grows on the top of Song Shuhang's head, sometimes accidentally receives a little Song Shuhang's brain wave, from which some information is read.

The main voice of the Chukou has just fallen, Song Shuhang reached out and pulled a sheet of quilt from the bracelet manipulator, wrapped it around herself - "imitation • can sell anything" made by white seniors two, Nine Phantoms dominated products, trustworthy.

The sheets are large enough for Song Shuhang to wrap all the huge wooden bodies. Only the eyes and Lord Chu's stubborn hair were exposed to the sheets.

Lord Chu: “…”

Sioux XVI: “…”

Sister Bai Long: “…"

“Does Senior Song like these sheets as much as I do?” Sooko Blackskin was a little worried: “Actually, I felt a little frustrated with the look of the sheets. ”

But her body feels handsome like ‘selling everything big man' wrapped around the sheets, and she also bought Dad a 'selling everything big man same style sheets’.

Just think of the scene where the body and Spiritual Butterfly Daddy sat in a row, wrapped around the sheet together, Sooko Blackskin Yu felt that Daddy's handsome temperament had been ruined.

Song Shuhang exclaimed: “In this time of warmth, only the sheets on the body can bring people silk warmth. ”

“Stupid.” Sister Bai Long said.

“I'm going to imitate the ‘sells everything' old man's tone, and of course I'm different from him.” Song Shuhang smiled slightly: “When I need warmth, I don't need a sheet. ”

Lord Chu: “Do you love warmth? ”

“No, I can glow myself.” Song Shuhang said proudly.

Sooko Blackskin sighed: "Senior Song, you're hopeless. ”

“Occasion, look at the occasion. I have a hard face, but there are some things to see.” Song Shu Hangdao.

Su Shi AXVI quietly shifted the subject: “What are you doing wrapped in a sheet? ”

“Actually, I want to be a businessman.” Song Shu Hangdao.

But unfortunately, for the time being, even with the white seniors two special sheets, he can't change jobs.

“Merchant?” Yoshiko Blackhide looks at Song Shuhang curiously.

Song Shuhang exclaimed: “Man, don't run out of money. ”

Money is not omnipotent, but without money everything can't be done.

Song Shuhang's requirements are not high, he just wants his pockets not to be so clean, at least a few pieces of sparse spirit stone, enough for everyday expenses.

In addition, during New Year's Eve, when he gave red bags to his descendants and disciples, he hoped to at least bring out the red bags of spirit stones.

His demands are so small that they hurt.

“What are you selling?” Sioux XVI asked curiosity.

“Selling technology.” Song Shuhang earnestly said: “In a short time, my" sword art "can arrange 100,000 crystals. You said that if I bid 9 pints of Lingshi once, the turntable below would be willing to bid for it? ”

“If your eyes stare dead at the turnpike and there is a strange flash of light in your eyes, I think the turnpike will pay for it.” Sister Bailong slowed down.

The realm of the seven dignitaries of the carousel people is very rich in spells - it will only far exceed Song Shuhang's imagination.

Arrange 100,000 pieces of crystal, he certainly won't move them together with his hands.

So, normally, he wouldn't even buy a 100,000 crystal plan with a nine-pint spirit stone.

Unless Song Shuhang uses‘ weird light 'to put pressure on him and force him to sell.

In the middle of the conversation, the carousel man below did begin to practice.

He reached out and slapped himself in the head.

There appeared on his forehead a symbol of the 'king', who was supposed to be Tiger Shu, a symbol of his own magic combined with his gifts.

After the word ’king' appeared, it kept splitting up in void.

A few breathing intervals split up tens of thousands of tiny 'kings' symbols.

“Go!” the turner reached out a little, the tens of thousands of ‘king' characters, drifted towards the 100,000 crystals, and began to move away.

100,000 pieces of crystal, just over a dozen moves, are arranged neatly.

A seven-drink dignitary, wherever he may be, can be called a 'great senior', each with a wealth of legal knowledge and hundreds of thousands of methods.

“See?” Lord Chukou said, "This is the means that the seven dignitaries should have. ”

“Whatever you say, you're going to hit the Seven Grades Realm, and you're going to congeal up the Yuan Baby. Don't just rely on ‘Palm Thunder' and ‘Thunder Drawing' scenes.” Sister White Dragon calmed down on one side.

Song Shuhang silently lifted the sheet and buried his head in it too - luckily he didn't sell it to the carousel, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

I'm sorry, I embarrassed all six pints of Shinjun.

And not long later, I may have to embarrass all seven dignitaries.

Buzz ~ ~

Below, there's a resonant sound of crystals.

A hundred thousand characters, correctly arranged by the carouselers, began to resonate, combining into the basic volume part of "Dragon Power of the Holy Monkey".

Su Shi A XVI, Yoko Blackhide Yu, Sister Bai Long, and Master Chu Gang once again watched this quenching method, which is famous all over the world.

“Are we stealers?” Su Shi AXVI asked.

She has read the contents of the Holy Monkey Dragon Power twice, naturally remembering it with the memory of a monk. If she wants to, she can start practicing.

The same is true of Yoko Kuroshiba, who, although she is the demon of the heart, can pass on the content of this method to the body to be practiced by the body.

Not to mention Sister Bai Long and Master Chu, in the realm of their longevity, after reading it, as soon as you want to practice, you can practice this practice to the very high realm.

“I don't think so. We are entering the ‘Gale Holy Mountain Trial', and getting the complete 'Dragon Power of the Holy Monkey' is one of the processes.” Song Shu Hangdao: “Turning back to Ah XVI and Yoshiko Yu, you can all try and practice this method. Once you get started, I'll see if I can get you a Holy Monkey from White Senior Two so you can finish practicing this Goddess all at once. ”

This will directly skip the painstaking process of 'Condensing the First Holy Monkey’.

Song Shuhang said, staring at the 100,000 sparkling symbols.

He wanted to see if he could get back into the crystal house and meet the tall senior.

With the condensation of his mental strength.

In his consciousness, a three-dimensional gourd pattern emerged.

“Huh?” Song Shuhang picked his eyebrows.

Isn't that the ‘hegemonic system' that Senior White used to brand on him?

Originally branded in his waist position, but now he doesn't even have a body, and this bullying system is still there?