Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2331: The Real Fun Beginning

It's the Horse of Heavenly Tao Bai!

Song Shuhang didn't expect that the drama horse would stain the appearance this time, staining himself as a black mare, even he was deceived.

If it's a drama horse... this wave might win!

“What kind of horse are you? Too brutal, huh?” The three-eyed teenager stared, and the old man returned from this scene of violence.

He used the third eye of his forehead to sweep the black horse of Junior Song - but the information he received was vague.

Message shows: This is a horse genius from the Demon Alliance of the World Uniting to Become a Family. The special talent is: Planting Horses.

But this information, the three-eyed teenager doesn't believe a word of it.

Because if the intelligence is true, then a common stallion in the district will be in a bunch at first sight when faced with 'Marty'.

How dare you hit Marty in the face?

Song Shuhang turned around, covered his face with his hands and started rubbing them together - he was going to rub a ‘faceless' look on his face in case Senior Three Eyes read the answer from his face.

After rubbing his inner smile off his face, Song Shuhang made a 'facial paralysis' appearance and said to Senior Three Eyes: “In fact, when I was summoning, I thought that what I had summoned was a horse demon called" The Monsters of the World Unite into a Family ". But now it seems that the summons process should change. ”

“So, what is the identity of this horse?” Senior San-eye asked.

“Senior Three-Eyed… The gambling has begun and the information that follows is confidential. I can't let you take restraint from my intelligence!” Song Shuhang took it seriously.

The three-eyed teenager nodded: “That makes sense. ”

“Stand by, please enter the starting position, the race is about to begin.” Another eyeball butler put on his referee uniform and shouted out.

“Senior Ma, it's up to you whether you win or lose!” Song Shuhang shouted at ‘Jinma'.

If he can win [Heavenly Way Eye Potion] from ‘Three Eyed Senior', he will have to loose a wave of money... The amount of eye drops is sufficient to make a small portion of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group’ members, and there is still a lot more.

At that time, he can pick up another coincidence in the 'Cash Out' segment - exchange some treasures with ‘Heavenly Eye Potion' and the seniors of the Kowloon 1 group before replenishing the 'Cash Out Throne’ with these treasures.

He took coincidences in the first two loose ends.

This time, he has to seriously and truly arrange a 'Cash Throne' convention as promised. After all, this is also an important part of the agreement with Senior Sanmei, and cannot always be avoided by chance.

In addition, Song Shuhangxin has a suitable place to lose money - Tianhe Su Annual Meeting.

As the first saint of the millennium, he naturally could not come to the door empty-handed while attending the Tianhe Su annual meeting. By then, when the 'Cash Out Throne' opens, it will have face, and it will be able to fulfill the promise made to the three-eyed teenager.

Senior Drama Ma came to Song Shuhang. He stood up and a forefoot wore Song Shuhang's shoulder. He looked particularly rogue.

After filming Song Shuhang, Senior Jingma entered the starting position.

“Little Big Song... Remind me in advance that horse racing has horse rules and that no other horses are allowed to be tapped after the race begins. Otherwise, you have to lose your eligibility and fail directly.” Senior San-eye warned.

He was afraid that Song Shuhang summoned the black horse, suddenly at the other horses while racing.

Feels like this black horse would definitely do it.

“Don't worry, Senior Three Eyes. I still know the rules of the game.” Song Shuhang nodded, while secretly admonishing Senior Drama Horse.

“That's good.” Three Eyed Senior nodded - as long as the black horse does not show his black hooves in the race, and if the game is pure, the Marty he summoned has great hope of winning.

The summoned Horse stands in position, Marty stands in position 5, and the Drama Horse stands in position 8.



The runway door opens.

Marty number five, one horse ahead, one dust ride.

The other eight randomly summoned Horses behind them were equally divine and followed closely.

Only the black Pokémon seemed distracted, unable to start the first time... and fell into the last place.

Song Shuhang: “…”

Soon, 'Marty' in front ran half the track.

And the drama horses still follow all the horses uncomfortably.

It is running very normally, without black hooves, without any special abilities and with strict scrupulous respect for the rules.

“So a horse who's good at fighting isn't necessarily good at running.” Three Eyed Senior is relieved a lot.

“Song Xuansheng, come on! ”

“Don't lose to three eyes! ”

“Run, pass Marty! ”

All the eyeball butlers in the audience replicated themselves, making a hissing noise.

“Then I set it on fire and baked it.” Three eyed seniors bite the teeth canal.

Song Shuhang sighed: “Yes, sir, you spoil him too much. ”

“You're losing.” Three Eyed Senior is in a great mood.

“Never say win or lose until the last minute.” Song Shuhang calmed down.

In the middle of the conversation, the drama horse began to go beyond one by one, originally the 'god horse' in front of him, one by one.

The speed of the Drama Horse has not increased, but the speed of other Shenmas is decreasing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

A horse, asthmatic as a cow, sweaty as a rain.

Three eyed seniors frowned, eyebrows clamped the third eyebrow.

Something's wrong with these horses!

As the famous‘ god horse 'of all heaven, even if the attributes are restricted by‘ horse racing ', the endurance cannot be so poor.

They seem to be under tremendous pressure?

Senior Three-Eyed guessed correctly.

At this time, all the ‘godhorses' on the field are under tremendous stress, tremendous stress of physical and psychological synchronization.

The heavens and the earth are limiting their progress, and space is solidifying, and the horses are running forward as if they were crashing into solid walls.

At the same time, in their hearts, there is a more unspoken oppression.

The black horse, like the Demon King, became immense. And they all turn into little bugs beneath big black horseshoes that are easily crushed to death.

After two interest.

Eight randomly summoned Horses have been dumped behind the Drama Horse, and it hastily ran behind ‘Marty', half a distance away.

Marty couldn't help but look at the black horse and panic appeared in his eyes.

“Heh heh heh.” The black horse suddenly stood up.

Marty screamed in horror and rushed to the finish line.

Black Horse has a personalized smile on his face.

The next moment, it begins to step forcefully - its two hind legs stepping out of a set of 'steps' in a manly position and rushing forward at speed.

“Gentleman's Miles of Advancement" Skywalker "?!” Song Shuhang summoned.

The black horse stepped on Skywalker and went beyond Marty in the blink of an eye, taking the lead and entering the finish line.

It held its hooves high and saluted the audience with 'fists'.

Gambling's over.

Victor: Song Shuhang.

“Lost again.” Three Eyed Senior's heart plugged.

However, losing - Song Shuhang after victory not only needs to take away 'Heavenly Eye Potion', but also his gambling investment 'Nine Phantoms Dominant’.

So, losing or winning is a good thing.

If he wins, Song Shuhang's gambling capital will be accepted.

If you lose, you can sit back and watch this' Nine Ghosts’ hunt for Little Big Song.

Feelings, sudden joy fails.