Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2387: Me, Big Song, Ancient God, Disabled

In addition to imitating White Senior's 'pseudo • desert world’ and the 'Golden Dan schematic • real illusion’ that comes with the core of each grand dollar baby, Song Shuhang has seven real illusions - a digital chaotic world.

This chaotic world of zero and one, precisely a semi-finished product, has unlimited development potential.

And what Song Shihang wants to do now is to import the whole packet about the ‘artificial little world' into his‘ real illusion ’- the packet contains very detailed data, and if it can be imported into his‘ real illusion ’, it will definitely stimulate his‘ real illusion ’and allow it to evolve.

[But how do you import a huge packet into a ‘real vision’?] After opening the real illusion, Song Shuhang did not know what to do next.

A means of transmitting data is missing from real visions and packets.

You can use a third eye if you use 'information indoctrination’ on someone else. But how do you use your eyes on your ‘real visions'?

As he pondered, ‘real visions’ collided with that huge packet.

Song Shuhang did not need to bother with the problem at all. All he had to do was think about it and the packet and the 'real illusion’ started to connect.

The whole process was as easy as clapping hands.



‘Real visions’ hook up with packets.

At Song Shuhang's side, the real fantasy • Chaos data world expands to fill the whole ‘sealed space’. Fortunately, there are three sealed rings of unknown whitened 'statues’, and the real illusions have not been revealed.

And within the ‘real illusion’, Song Shuhang is the ‘core’, a blue planetary architecture is completed.

Grass, trees, mountains, water; countless plants, animals; and a colorful giant, manifested in ‘real visions’, began to busy and live.

The hangings on Song Shuhang became the first guests of this illusory world.

“Is this... a real illusion?” The onion woman wondered that she was no longer the ignorant little onion demon of her time - she had been through a lot and her eyes were high, recognizing the real world at first sight.

“It directly framed the whole world.” Master Chu was also somewhat surprised that she had built a complete Bishui Pavilion, knowing how difficult it was to construct a complete 'phantom world’.

“It should have been influenced by the huge packet passed on to him by the previous 33 unknown whites.” The Heart Devil's Red Sword speculates.

The hamster pinched the mouse: “This real illusion, if applied well, makes one doubt life. For example... if you suddenly pull someone into it, the other person will most likely think they have crossed it after going through an entire world. ”

“Well, something like that actually happened before.” Stone tablet Taoist made a sound.

Once upon a time, the real visions of a big man were based on the template of 'The World of Pleasure’, and then when he closed down, there was a problem with the junction and the real visions were leaked. There were ordinary creatures who misled into it and thought they had entered the world of happiness, enjoyed themselves inside, and had a good time in the world of happiness.

“Seven dignitaries are wonderful.” Soft-bodied black feathers mumbled.

Real illusions are a convenient ability, and if her body masters this convenient ability, she will certainly devote a lot of energy to developing 'real illusions’. In this way, her body may become quieter.

The Hamster looked at the illusory world in front of him and remembered a question: “By the way, seniors... is this huge real illusion, Song Shuhang's own 'real illusion’ experience? ”

“It's hard to say, it's borrowed after all.” The Lord of the Chukou is a fool, Mao Dao.

“I feel that even ‘borrowed', if absorbed into my own use, belongs to me. It's like knowledge, even if it's something that someone else has studied, as long as you learn it, it becomes part of you.” Heart Demon Blade replied.

“Perhaps he could really borrow it and refill his shortboard?” Stone Tablet Tablet Friendly Road.

Yoshiko Blackhide sat beside Song Shuhang and looked at him with envy: “I'm so jealous, Song Senior's promotion is too fast. ”

“Jealous good! As a demon, you learn to be jealous.” The Heart Demon Blade encourages.

Yoko Blackskin: “…”

“By the way, is it my illusion? Did you find Song Shuhang handsome?” At this point, the onion suddenly made a sound.

Hamster rubbed his eyes and shook his head: “No feeling. ”

It has also seen many styles of Song Shuhang, and only feels that Uncle Song Shuhang is quite pleasant.

“Seems a little handsome, not exactly the look, but the temperament or the aura.” Chu Gang is the main idiot Mao Dao.

Yoko Blackhide Yu's eyes don't turn to Song Shuhang.

Is Senior Song handsome?

If you really want to say the face value, Song Shuhang in the ‘Jiuzhou No. 1 group’ should fall behind the leg level.

But handsome doesn't exactly equal face value.

“Seems, really kind of handsome.” Sooko Kuroshiba whispered, she secretly preserved this‘ somewhat handsome Senior Song 'look in front of her.

When she gets out of this little world, and the remote connection with the body is restored, she wants to pass the scene on to the body.

“I still feel that Song Shuhang is better than normal. If he gets handsome, I don't feel comfortable.” Heart Demon Red Sword Path.

“By the way, do you guys feel that the current temperament of Daoyou Song is a bit like the three-eyed ruler after the 'Cash Out Throne’?” At this point, Taoist stone suddenly made a sound reminder.

The pendants were stunned, and Song Shuhang was carefully surveyed again.

“You smell like a three-eyed master!” The Heart Devil's Red Sword is certain.

Right in the talking room, Song Shuhang's eyebrow-hearted third eye opened.

Golden Chicken Independence + White Crane brightens his wings and looks up to the void of the 'real illusion’.

It's like sensing, and there's a huge, incredible 'eye’ in the void.

That giant eye resonates with Song Shuhang's ‘Third Eye'.

“Song ~ Ancient ~ God ~" Suddenly appeared, singing openly.

Song Shuhang, Ancient God?

In the real fantasy world, with the emergence of that giant ‘eye of the eye’ in the sky, the creatures of the whole small world are in panic.

They never seem to have been in this situation.

[It's a plot. At this time, Lord Chu reacted.

This is a ‘plot’ of Song Shuhang's real illusion, just like the one in her real illusion where the 'Bishui Pavilion was destroyed’, it is a plot that has happened before and is repeated in the 'real illusion’.

Cut! Cut!

In the sky, on that giant 'eye of the eye', there were many cracks.

An aura of great ruin, spreading.