Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2453: Doors Welded, Nobody Gets Off!

This… is a truly original text?

Some of the most powerful people who are listening are surprised when they hear the 'word' that has just been uttered from the mouth of the Holy Song Xuan.

Has Xuansheng Song succeeded in creating the first text that belongs to him?

Creating the first words that belong to you is the hardest step to begin with. Once this step has been taken, Song Xuansheng will be able to build on it in the future. His own words are constantly being created.

What is the scripture of Xuansheng Song?

Ju Song, Ju, Ju Long, Ju Demon, and Ju Zheng, then his words should naturally be called... Ju Wen?

[Like the Confucian saints and emperors, does Xuanshengsheng Song possess a repressive attitude?

In the middle of the reflection room, once again in the mouth of Xuansheng Sheng of Pang Song, he continued to speak.

He spoke quickly and felt a little slurred, which prevented all the world from hearing what Big Song was saying - but it doesn't matter if you can hear what Big Song is saying.

Even if they can't hear clearly, the practitioners of heaven and earth in the state of ‘empathy and feeling' can comprehend the contents of the discourse of Song Xuansheng.

The effect of the "Tie Ancestor's Secret Law" + the hegemonic seal under the strengthening of the third divine eye has brought all practitioners from all heaven into the rhythm of Song Shuhang.

This is the black car that leads to 'Big Song Time'. The door has been welded to death. Once you get in the car, you will never get out again. Nobody will ever get out of the car in the middle of nowhere!

Moreover, Song Shuhang's next statement, because it involves‘ Heavenly Path Collapse Information ', even the long-lived will be affected, unable to be fully immune - Song Shuhang's‘ Heavenly Path Existence ’is no longer ordinary visibility, halfway influenced by the forces of heaven and earth, and serves as a platform for the world to notify the practitioners of Heavenly Path‘ Heavenly Path Collapse ’information.

Anything related to ‘Heavenly Way’ is irresistible, even if it is just a death message.



As the discourse of Xuansheng Song unfolded, practitioners from all over the world felt that the environment around them began to change.

They seem to have been brought into a dream, but everything that deviates from it is absolutely true, and their will is very clear. That's the legend -- daydreams!

[It's like a giant ‘real fantasy’ covering all heaven and earth, bringing all the practitioners into this‘ real fantasy ’!] Big man commented calmly.

Although it borrows the power of the 'Xuan Sheng discourse' … it can also be seen from here that Xuan Sheng Ba Song is very deeply researched for the 'real illusion’!

The 'real illusion’ is the gifted ability of many elderly people who will still go back and study it. Although it is only a privilege that seven honored people can master, many elderly people feel that it is very mysterious and worth studying in depth!


All practitioners from all heaven and all heaven were brought into a world full of virtue.

Not all heaven and the world are gathered together, but everyone has become 'Song Xuansheng', sharing the message from Song Xuansheng's discourse.

“What is this place?” Most practitioners look at this strange world in doubt.

Especially some cultivators of the demonic system and cultivators of the devil system, when they entered the world, they were uncomfortable and very distressed.

And now members of the Confucian family recognize this illusory world - this is the Confucian Golden Lotus World!

Several Confucian ‘parents' and Shinjun Hengfire are even more pale.

They can recognize that this was the environment at the beginning of the Confucian ‘Golden Lotus World’. Together with the "Heavenly Path Collapse, Life and Death Circle" information revealed in the contents of Xuansheng's lecture, they have an ominous feeling in their hearts.

After all, they are parties.

That experience was a nightmare that they never wanted to remember in their life... even if it was just a little bit of a memory, it would make them feel painful.

Not every practitioner is called Big Song, not everyone can learn to enjoy pain, not everyone can have a silent applause behind you when you suffer.

[Hope is that we have thought too much, hope that Song Xuan Sheng can be merciful.] The Confucian parents prayed silently.

Next moment…

Confucian ‘Golden Lotus World' was ruthlessly penetrated by a finger like steel, a hand made up of liquid metal that pointed out that now appeared in front of several Confucian parents, also in the eyes of all practitioners of heaven and earth.

[What is this!

[Infinite despair, fear of the bloody sea of the Dead Mountains, cruelty like an abyss... what is this finger coming from?

Under this finger, even Xianqiang feels like an ant and will be easily pinched!

Most practitioners can't bear the horror emanating from this finger and are almost unconscious.

But they can't coma because at this time they are no longer themselves, they are sharing the discourse and understanding from Xuansheng Song, the precious understanding of ‘collapse, life and death'!

After the Bozon train started, there was no regret getting in and getting out of the car.

In the despair of all beings, that ‘liquid metal finger’ ruthlessly crushed down.

The horrible Nine Ghosts can follow this finger down and turn into a horrible storm, striking the whole Golden Lotus world!

Nine Pin Robbery Immortals under this finger are like ants... lower order monks, not even worms count.

After pressing one finger, the ‘creation’ of the whole Golden Lotus world was exploded.

Shattered bones... excessive bleeding!

In this cruel process, more than nine ghosts can invade the body and enhance the pain of a monk when he dies!

After life and death, those nine ghosts can form storms, and they roll up everyone's flesh and spill them in every corner of the Golden Lotus world, truly frustrating the ashes!

It is desperate that, until the ashes are foiled, the will of all creatures is‘ alive 'and endures the unspeakable agony and the encroachment of the Nine Ghosts.

What a desperate way to die!

Even the growers who have seen the great world are fluttered. They are not disproportionately affected by the narrative, and their minds are not affected by this level of painful death.

But that ‘liquid metal finger' bothered them, this horrible pressure, the power of despair, and the means to make Nine Unholy Powers... Is Nine Phantoms the Dominant?

Pantheon Xuansheng, have you ever faced the Nine Phantoms? And still jump alive to this day?

Those who fought for the 'Immortal’ of the Everlasting Life gained a few more points over Xuansheng Ba Song.

[Is it over?] After ‘total death’ in severe pain, practitioners from all over heaven relieved themselves.

They don't want to experience it again.

It's still early.] Zhenjun's heart is hidden.

It was a cycle of death, and he didn't even know how to sustain himself!

And when the practitioners of the heavens and the worlds of all worlds perceive the end, in that illusory world they are resurrected.


I'm alive!

Day after day, who will carry out the resurrection? Are you insane?