Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2455: Fairness, Selfishness, Rain Exposure

My brain hurts!

And this is another kind of brain pain method that Song Shuhang has not experienced. There is no immunization against this brain pain factor in his‘ immune pool ’.

Song Shuhang has experienced dozens of different kinds of brain pain, physical, caused by illness and pain, with the after-effects of excessive mental strength, with the cost of identifying secrets, with soul pain… etc.

But this time the pain is different. The pain this time was the price Song Shuhang paid for exposing himself to rules far beyond the grasp of ‘human’. Kind of like the ‘Lord of Indestructibility' forcibly coming into contact with real immortal information, falling asleep for a long time.

“Hiss ~ Luckily, when I only touched it for a second, my consciousness was immediately struck back.” Song Shuhang woke up and said secretly in his heart.

If the contact is too long, maybe he will become the second ‘Undying Lord', become a sleeping man and need a kiss from a passing princess to wake him up.

Song Shuhang slowly opened his eyes - for painful reasons, his consciousness was restored, and the narrative process was temporarily closed.

[Over?!] When practitioners from all over the world saw this scene, they felt their heartbeat start to accelerate. Is Song Xuansheng's speech finally over? There is no happier thing in the world for practitioners who have died many times during the discourse. Their death cycle is finally over.

--After making the heavens and the world suffer and making the heavens and the world feel the death, Song Shuhang succeeded in accelerating the heartbeat of the practitioners of the heavens and the world.

“Hiss ~ pain pain.” At this time, Song Xuansheng, in the illustrious image, pressed his hands against the temple and called softly.

As soon as his painful cry came out, Su's Ancestors' Secrets spread all over the world!

The state of Xuansheng's discourse is not over!

The words‘ hiss ~ pain ’instantly spread through‘ Xuan Sheng Speech 'to every practitioner's ear, along with the‘ brain pain ’BUFF just obtained by Song Shuhang Fairly shared to every practitioner.

Every practitioner bears the same ‘brain pain' information and is impartial and selfless.

“Ahhhhhh" Most practitioners in the heavens and the earth, like Xuansheng Song, held their heads in their hands and made painful screams.

Even the top fairy robbers and elderly elders couldn't help pressing the temple and rubbing their lives.

[This level of pain, what did Xuansheng Song do?] The top masters of the heavens and the earth are in doubt.

Big Brother and Meng Xin are different.

The ordinary menstruation is cute and new. In the ‘brain pain' shared by Song Shuhang, the painful death came alive and gave up thinking.

But the top bosses, from this wave of 'brain pain', noticed more information.

That's the message hidden deep in the ‘brain ache' state of Xuansheng Song, which is the rule that... transcends the limits of the world!

For the Big Men, this is beyond the limits of the world and has an unspoken appeal. It's like a hungry gourmet mets an irrefutable delicacy.

They are eager to understand the rules hidden in the state of 'brain pain'.

The Big Men are all intelligent and use their own means to analyze and dissect the state of 'brain pain', strip the cocoon, and find the truth contained therein.

After the layer was peeled off, several of the big men finally came into contact with the rule of ‘brain pain' - a rule wrapped in ‘QR code'.

However, because Jung Xuansheng only accidentally leaked this state of ‘brain pain' through the 'Xuansheng discourse', the information on the rules was incomplete after the bosses extracted the wire and stripped the cocoon.

The bosses tried to study something like ‘QR code’, but this QR code is also very vague...

[Is it not time?] There is a long-lived man who is good at gossip, softly speaking.

This QR code has not yet reached the 'manifestation’ point, so it is in a fuzzy state.

At the same time, there's a really top-of-the-line boss, passing through that layer of 'QR code' housing, implicitly guessing the core ‘rules’.

[This rule is most likely the rule related to the series of 'Xuan Xuan Xuan Holy, Concentrate the Holy Seal, Speech’ … Is this why Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan His goal, it turns out, was to come into contact with this transcendental rule!

Even Confucian saints and emperors didn't dare do that, did they? Because if you do this, you will most likely force yourself into eternal sleep by touching rules that go far beyond your realm!

[Wait! If under normal circumstances, a monk comes into contact with this level of 'rule’, he will instantly suffer the maximum repetition. However, Pan Song Xuansheng seized the moment, and he stepped on the moment of the breakdown of the heavenly path, to instantly touch the rule. So he succeeded. Similar ideas soon appeared in the minds of some of the top bosses.

Everyone has the same information, clues, information, and sight. In this case, it is natural to arrive at almost similar answers!

[Indeed, this battle for immortality begins with ‘Big Song’!

In other words, we must eliminate Song Gang before he is stronger!

The bosses' minds confirm this idea once again.



After more than ten minutes of practitioners falling into a state of ‘brain pain', Song Xuansheng, the illustrious emperor in the void, finally ended his state of 'Xuansheng Speech'.

Feel pain, understand pain, accept pain, adapt to pain… Finally, conquer pain!

Song Shuhang's ‘Immunization Bank’ once again added an anti-pain factor.

One day, he will conquer all the pain in heaven and all the world, and by that day, there will be no more pain to make him suffer.

“Huh.” Song Shuhang opened his eyes.

He began to detect changes in his state.

After the end of the 'Xuansheng discourse', a wave of ‘power of merit' began to converge from heaven to earth. Though the painful death comes alive, the ‘power of merit' that practitioners of the heavens and the earth should receive after the end of the rhetoric of Song Xuansheng is basically silent.

And this time, few people have criticized this discourse - many practitioners in heaven's realm have been in the last wave of 'brain pain’ to coma past... After they coma, the body has honestly begun to give back the wisdom, transforming it into the Kung Fu virtue of Supersong through Xuansheng's discourse.

In addition to the changes in merit, Song Shuhang's greatest gain was its exposure to the rule of ‘sanctity in public'.

He can sense that his ability to ‘chat' is embracing the ‘sanctimonious' rule to which he is exposed.

In addition, Song Shuhang felt that he seemed to have become friendly with the wave of 'brain pain' at the end of the statement… it was a wonderful change.

Feeling kinder between himself and the world and the practitioners of the heavens and the earth?