Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2575 Simplify, Long Live! (number one, request for month ticket)

So walking in rivers and lakes doesn't easily offend women. Especially a woman who has a great memory, means, strength, network, and is willing to stay up all night!

In an effort to combat the Demon Emperor, Ms. Long Luo lived for three nights, hard to change the Demon Column to the Superior Column. This obsession is strong enough to make the Demon Emperor cry!

And the purpose of her serial liver explosion is simply to let Song Shuhang play with her studied "Super God Column 1" in front of the Demon Emperor, tie a wave of Demon Emperor's heart, and by the way, make a verbal psychological attack on the Demon Emperor - which is, arguably, a completely pedophile countermeasure.

In response to this childish attack, Ms. Longlong Luo has been willing to blow her liver for three nights - and she is certainly willing to do more if she sees a greater chance to stop the Demon Emperor from crying and crying. Like liver for 10 days and a half months, even 10 years and eight years.

[No problem, I'm best at stopping what's inside my predecessors.] Song Shuhang replied.

Song Shuhang knew a little about ‘how to be precise and fix your heart'... After a long time of illness and becoming a good doctor, Song Shuhang also mastered the essence of your heart after being madly enthused by the pendants on his body.

When he finishes practicing Super Column 1, he can take a video and send it to his senior.

He's got all the lines on the video: Senior, I'm going to show you a baby today. Look what this is. A lovely magic pole. But now, it is not called the Demon Column, it is called the "Super Column 1" ~ In a few moments, its brother "Super Column 2" can also be drummed out, and "Super Column 3" is already in the pregnancy preparation stage, I may meet you all at any time. By then, all that is inserted by the Holy Spirit is my kingdom of Song Da ~

Song Shuhang has always felt that the magic emperor's line is particularly cool, and now this line is his too!

For the time being, however, he only came up with a whisper. More gossip. He also has to ask about the Heart Demon Red Sword, Sooko Black Leather Yu, and the hangings on him that are good at keeping his heart open.

The goal is to try to drum up more than 3,000 words of gossip and fulfill Ms. Long Liang's wishes.

After all, Ms. Long Luo has had a liver explosion for three nights, and his complaining will be worth the effort of Ms. Long Luo.

[Turn on permissions then, me, watching.] Ms. Longlong Liang replied to Song Shuhang in a streamlined manner. She was very busy, so busy that she had no time to communicate with Song Shuhang.

But even if she is too busy and tired, when Song Shuhang will be inside the demon emperor, she still wants to stand by silently and watch the demon emperor at the scene is stimulated.

Not to mention the damage done to her by the Demon Emperor, she must return it tenfold!

[Totally!] Song Shuhang returns.

[Busy, bye.] Ms. Long Liang replied.

Call's over.



Song Shuhang is used to control some of Song Four's mind regression.

“Did you just get distracted again, receiving any information?” Master Mao Chu asked that she was rooted in Song Four's brain and could detect some deep information through subtle changes in brain temperature.

Even if Song Shuhang was wearing a mask, and even if Song Four had no surface cold face, his pendants still had many ways to read Song Shuhang's intrinsic information.

“Um, just received an expedited attachment from Ms. Long Liang.” Song Shuhang returned.

Then he moved his mind and opened the ‘Attachment’ message sent by Ms. Long Liang for reading.

"Overlord Column 1": Column 1 method is the basic pillar method of the original "Demon Column Gong Law" has been improved, and the "Attributeless" Overlord Column has been condensed. The main role is to smash people, or become part of the 'Hegemonic Column Array'.

The magic pillar of the Demon Emperor's attack, defense, illusion, healing, enhancement, sealing, formation and other functions are also based on this attributeless Demon pillar and evolved.

Only after mastering this‘ Attributeless' Demon Column can it be used as a basis to develop Attack Demon Columns, Defensive Demon Columns, Therapeutic Demon Columns, and more.

“Huh? I thought The Column of the Hegemony could change the columns of functions as soon as I learned. Originally, the various properties of the various columns need to wait for the subsequent version to develop… But yes, the rice should be taken with a bite, the road should be walked step by step, there is nothing wrong with it.” Song Shuhang secretly said.

He also lit up "Super Column 2".

"Super Column 2" is the research material of Ms. Longlong Luo according to the Son Hai, so that "Super Column" is no longer bound to the original • Demon Emperor Demon Column, so that it has evolutionary potential. In the future, after Song Shuhang has mastered the Super God Column, he can also make changes to the Super God Column on this basis, making it more suitable for himself.

In addition, part of the study of the Prince Sea uses' evil delusion ’as a material to make speculation and calculation of the Demon Column… it is limited to the boundaries of the Prince Sea itself and insufficient theory of repair knowledge, and this speculative calculation has not been completed.

Ms. Longlong Liao's realm, knowledge and understanding of the Demon Column far exceed the Son Sea. She lived for three nights and took a sigh of breath to calculate the unfinished research of the Prince Sea. And let the raw materials not be confined to 'delusions’.

Everything that resembles evil, such as the 'Spirit’ or even a huge collection of energies, can be the raw material of 'Super Column 2’. Aggregate columns with special features.

For example, by using the 'delusion’ of flame attributes, you can condense the hegemonic columns of flame attributes.

The only flaw is the power of Super Column 2, which is limited to the level of raw materials. If the raw material level is too low, it is difficult to assemble a powerful Super Column. Perhaps the hard-working and accumulating columns will only lose as much power as Super Column 1.

But correspondingly, if you have a very powerful raw material, you can also come up with a powerful Super Column 2. It is important to note, however, that if the operator's own situation is insufficient, but forcibly concentrates the power of "Super Column 2", it can easily cause the column to reverse phagocy- after all, it is the improved product of the magic gate, inevitably some features of the magic gate method.

“The name" Super Spirit Column "... is pretty good, at least better than the basic boxing technique, it won't change.” Song Shuhang smiled.

And, most importantly, Ms. Long Lok is well aware of his magical talents. The Super Column 1 and Super Column 2 she passed on are simplified exercises!

Simplify, long live!

Although not like Senior Bai's simplified palm thunder, it only needs to draw a symbol to directly implement it, but the cultivation method of "Super God Column" is also within the comprehensible and fast mastery of Song Shuhang.

“Overlord Column"? Is this what Ms. Long Luo sent you? ”Lord Chu asked Mao.

Song Shuhang laughed: “Yes, it is not only the" Demon Column "of his predecessor's improved method, but it has also been simplified. ”

Big Brother Spotted Dragon Two: “???? ”



I feel like I haven't asked for a monthly ticket for more than six months. I suddenly feel in good shape today. Although there is a dinner party in Lu Yan at night, I feel like I can write two more chapters. Monthly ticket support!