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Chapter 2635, so it's no big deal if I die one or two times a month.

The kingdoms of heaven are plunged into eternal darkness. Only the light of merit on the head of the immortal can magnify the light and become the last light in the world.

By his side, space was collapsing and time seemed to have lost its concept and turned into a disorderly turbulence. But neither the space of collapse nor the time of disorder can affect immortality.

Song Shuhang's eyes were drawn to him voluntarily. His eyes fell on this immortal and could not be diverted.

[It's not a dream.] Song Shuhang suddenly realized that he was coming.

This time, he did not ‘substitute’ for ‘life’ of any living spirit. He watched the scene of 'extinction of the heavens and the earth' happening in front of him purely from a bystander angle, in the form of a movie.

Immortals walk slowly in the darkness of heaven and earth.

Every step he takes, the heavenly realms of ‘death' will vibrate slightly - this is the immortal accumulating power, and every step of the way, the 'immortal law' will bloom on him.

This is the true ‘immortality rule' without the word 'pseudo'.

No one in the ordinary creature can look directly at the 'immortality rule’. If you forcibly touch the 'Immortality Rule', you will fall directly into eternal sleep - the ‘Unextinguished Lord’ lying on Song Shuhang's black list is a precursor.

Even in the state of 'dreams', Song Shuhang was still struck by horror when he ‘saw' the immortal law.

He felt his eyeballs shattering, his eyes burning, and tears of boiling blood gushing out of his orbit.

The power of information belonging to the 'immortality rule', through his vision, impinges on his brain and impinges on him. Everything in my mind is washed away by the power of the Immortal Rule, and even thinking begins to pause.

Song Shuhang's body began to be uncontrolled and a feeling of exhaustion surged. As the thought began to stop, his consciousness grew blurred.

[I can't watch anymore, I have to close my eyes!

At this point, the most correct option is to close your eyes and not look directly at the Immortal.

But Song Shuhang's eyes, as if attracted by magnets, are completely out of control - immortality has a ‘deadly’ attraction for all practitioners in the heavens and the world, and no one can refuse the 'immortality rule’ attraction.

In the face of the ‘immortality law', such as Song Shuhang, the thought of 'closing your eyes' will come to mind. It is already a small group of the most determined members of the will of all the heavens and the earth.

However, Song Shuhang's will is unwavering, but his flesh is weak and uncontrolled. His eyes still refused to close, even though they began to break and become hot and dry.

This is the true lethal temptation of the Immortality Law.

[To finish, if I continue like this, I will become 'indestructible Song' and fall into eternal sleep.

If he is also like the Unextinguished Lord, sleeping directly from ancient times to modern times, then everything is over...

The Unextinguished Lord and He awakens, and who awakens him?

Just thinking, the sound of ‘bang ~’, Song Shuhang's right eye finally couldn't bear, turned into glass, broke into slag.

But his left eye was not damaged at all, and his left eye was still strong, even as tears continued to flow.

Mortal restricted area - immortal law information, constantly branded Song Shuhang's left eye.

[Dying, dying.

[Don't know if my ‘Song Yi Yi' split will be affected? If it's immune, it might wake me up after this dream.

Song Phyllis stands for ‘Nine Phantom Dominating Authority’, and Nine Phantom Dominators themselves correspond to Heavenly Path... so maybe Song Phyllis can stay awake?

[And Senior White is with me, lucky to be with me. Even if I ask for precious insurance, I have the possibility to survive.

Unconsciously, Song Shuhang's thought, which was gradually stopping, came back to life - even the after-effects of the 'Direct Look at the Immortality Law’ seemed impossible to completely suppress Song Na's jumping brain circuit!

Dream scene.

The immortal finally stopped his walk.

His figure came to the last extinguished corpse of the star and stopped.

Behind the immortals, the light of merit, like Asahi, suddenly began to gather… eventually turned into a small flame. The immortal stretched out his hand, and the small flame of merit fell into his hand.

He bent over and picked the flame of merit and gently lit it on the extinguished 'sun’.

Hung ~ ~ Originally extinguished into white dwarf star was‘ lit ’again, flashing bright light and heat again.

The immortal reaches out and ignites the extinguished sun.

As the immortals rekindle the stars, the stars of heaven and earth begin to vibrate.

In the sky of the heavens and the earth, the stars that had been extinguished, one after the other, rekindled, in the order in which they extinguished, pushed back and began to be lit up again.

In the process, Song Shuhang's left eye collapsed.

[It's not as simple as' igniting a star ’at all... but it's like time is going back, the time of all the universes of heaven is forcibly reversed?

[If this immortal is one of the generations of heaven, that is, the realms of heaven and earth have actually been destroyed once in a certain period, is this immortal heaven doing its best to heal and retrace the entire realm of heaven and earth?

[Doesn't that mean that the creatures of the heavens and the earth have actually been extinguished once in the time they do not know, but have been resurrected back in time?

[Even in so many of Heavenly Ways, there are many heavenly ways like ‘Heavenly Way White' and 'Heavenly Way Dog Daddy' to jump off. Perhaps... the spirits and practitioners of the heavens and the earth, when they did not know, had died again and again, only to be resurrected again and again?

[If I think about it, it's not a big deal that I die once or twice a month, and occasionally a few dozen times.

On the contrary, Song Shuhang's advantages, he can always pass a clip now, and put forward many possibilities.

Just as Song Shuhang pondered, the image of his left eye, which was slightly shattered, was another change.

The original images of the extinction of all heaven's worlds were suddenly ‘cut off’ when all the stars were lit with focus!

Immortals personally cut open some ‘cause and effect’.

[Is it the future of ‘the annihilation of the heavens and the earth' that is cut off, this cause and effect?

[Wait, didn't the former immortals rekindle the scene of the sun not as a 'time reversal' but as a cause and effect reversal?

[What could have happened to the future of the 'extinction of all heavens', the cause and effect of this‘ future ’were cut off with the intervention of the immortals?

The starry images of the entire heavens and the world recovered dramatically.

The image is locked back into the immortal.

The immortal stands at the heart of a network of meritocracy, and in front of him is a luxurious tomb!