Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2702: Song? Home warmth? Book & Aviation (Lunar Ticket)

From God's tone, does she seem serious?

Honestly, in today's heavenly realm, there is strength in front of Song Shuhang + a body hanging out, and it is possible to kill him, the heavenly emperor must count as one.

If God gets serious and finds the right time to kill Song Shuhang, there is a real chance to kill Song Shuhang.

[What...] Song Shuhang finally wants to try to struggle to see if he can talk about God with his own three inches of non rotten tongue. But when he asked, he couldn't find an entry point for ‘persuasion' - spying on other people's 'avenues of everlasting life' - he really couldn't find a reason to wash the ground, it belonged to a series of people killed without saying anything.

“Don't talk, Senior Song. At this point, you say nothing works! Unless you leave here now, I can pretend this never happened.” The Emperor made a sound.

The benevolent Emperor finally said his petty request, all she had to do was ask Song Shuhang to roll away immediately.

When the golden gossip of White Robe heard about this place, he stayed - he was frightened by God's ‘kindness', which is not the God he knew!

So who the hell is Senior Song? How could God change for him?

But when Song Shuhang on the other side heard this insignificant request from the heavenly emperor, he could not help but look up to the sky: “...”

I want to go, too, but my 'dream gift' is not something I can walk away from, just like waking up in a dream, especially a nightmare, not something you want to wake up to.

No, I don't want to go.

The air starts to get awkward.

At the same time, the information belonging to the heavenly ‘Heavenly Path’ is constantly poured into the golden gossip of white robes.

When the Path of Heaven enters the Golden Gossip of White Robes, it is divided into three parts: one part knowledge information, one part the Law of the Path of Everlasting Life, and one part the energy of the Everlasting Life, which is closely connected to the Path of Heaven.

The Law of the Way of Everlasting Life and the energy of the Everlasting Life are directly integrated into the golden gossip body of white robes. Song Shuhang's 'dreaming’ can experience the ‘pain’ feeling when the power of this law merges, but can not replicate this energy and law.

At most, you can only observe the heavenly ‘rule of the heavenly garden', which is far-sighted and not profane.

However, part of the information knowledge belonging to the 'Path of Everlasting Life' was copied away by Song Shuhang in his dreams… the world's most precious asset is knowledge, and the easiest to take away is knowledge.

“You haven't left yet?” The heavenly emperor spoke.

I want to go too, but I can't. Song Shuhang echoed in a condescending tone.

Emperor: "…”

At the same time, Song Shuhang suddenly discovered that some of the "Heavenly Path Knowledge" constantly received in his mind could actually inspire him to "shut down"!

Heavenly Path Knowledge Information, for Song Shuhang today, is still too high and unpredictable, belonging to green knowledge that cannot be understood at all.

--In order to understand this part of the knowledge, he also needs to learn from scratch to repair the knowledge of 5 to 9 products, and lay the foundation before he can qualify to learn this part of "Heaven's Way Knowledge".

However, because the members of Song Shuhang's daily contact and the pendants on his body are all top notch strong people, he unconsciously mastered a lot of strange knowledge during the daily hearing and witnessing process.

Therefore, Song Shuhang can occasionally understand a few small fragments in the complete 'Tiantian Avenue knowledge’, and these small fragments are also intermittent and inconsistent.

And a few of these 'little snippet knowledge points' are related to hijacking the Immortal Void. Through them, Song Shuhang's understanding of ‘hijacking the Immortal Vacancy’ was deeper, and several inspirations appeared in his mind.

For example... in addition to brushing the Knife Cultivation and Golden Dan QR Code functions, you might be able to do it yourself.

Ancient Heavenly Path's 'Heavenly Palace Architecture Article Information' opened a direction of thought for Song Shuhang.

For some Huaxians, buying a home in a place where they want to have ‘feelings' is a good option.

Huaxia people view the concept of ‘home' more heavily, and also value ‘house’ more.

Whether it's buying or renting, it's important to have a foothold and a 'home’.

With ‘home', you can become familiar and emotional with a strange place.

[So, do I have to beat up a 'home' out of 'hijacking the fairy void’? Not too big, just a few dozen square blocks. With ‘home’, my relationship with 'hijacking the fairy void’ will certainly become more intimate.] Song Shuhang's heart is hidden.

As for how to build a home in the Immortal Vacancy, the "Temple Architecture Information" on Tiantian Avenue would solve the problem perfectly.

Based on the ‘real illusion’ of the seven dignitaries, add a little trick to stabilize the real illusion - the previous steps can refer to Lord Chu's ‘Bishui Pavilion’. The next step, Song Shuhang did not understand.

But it doesn't matter, he can go back and consult the all-powerful Bai Senpai, or the saint's master Skylark Fairy, and consider asking Lord Chu directly. Even if his head is burning, he can ask the fairies of heaven directly - if he wants to die a little funny.

[It's a good idea, it feels feasible. I'll have to try it right away. Song Shuhang pinched his chin.

Heaven's voice asked, "What do you want to try? ”

White robe golden gossip: “…”

Didn't you want to get rid of Senior Song? Why are you talking to him all of a sudden?

[I'm thinking about building a home in the Immortal Vacancy, and I want a home, a warm home.] Song Shu Hangdao.

Emperor: "…”


[Right, Senior. What is the relationship between you and God?] Song Shuhang asked, in the course of dreaming, he acutely realized that it was not easy to send him a rabbit bag of the big senior.

This great predecessor was able to blend perfectly with the ‘Path of Heaven' of the Emperor, without any rejection.

“Senior? Senior Song, are you calling me?” White robe golden gossip asked back.

Senior Song of the Emperor, in turn, called him Senior, which gave him a sense of immortality.

Song Shuhang laughed: [Senior, I am…]

“Senior Song, are you spying on my relationship, looking at my information from the side?” The heavenly emperor suddenly smiled and interrupted Song Shuhang's words.

Song Shuhang: “…”

Surely, the identity of this senior is strange. God is preventing him from communicating deeply with this great predecessor, lest he speculate on what information?

Considering that the heavenly emperor handed over the 'Path of Heaven' to this White Robe senior.

Well, there's only one answer!

This senior White Robe is actually God's bastard!

“Senior Song.” The voice of God rang out.

[Hmm?] Song Shuhang answered.

“If it's a coffin, do you like flipping it? Or is it a slide cover? Or is it collapsible?” The Emperor said.