Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2764: Eastern Great Emperor's Concern

Song Shuhang maintained the spiritual power output of "Heavenly Fire Furnace" with one hand, his other hand pressed against his chest from time to time, a delicate glass heart like a work of art continuously pulled out, and, with his energy, passed to the Great Eastern Emperor.

[The speed of this hollow nest, isn't it too fast? Oriental Great Emperor glanced at Song Shuhang's chest - didn't notice this before, now when Song Shuhang took a breath of 64 heart nests, this heart rebirth speed, suddenly attracted the Emperor's attention.

The Great Emperor calculates that the rebirth of the heart takes almost just one breath or so. Every breath, a new heart nest has grown...

And seeing as how proficient Big Song is at pulling out his heart, how many hearts has he pulled out?

This guy is definitely a big pig's hoof, other people "talk in the heart" is very credible, but Big Song "talk in the heart", don't believe a word - his heart and heart are not a concept at all.

Sixty-four hearts were removed in less than three minutes.

A whole row of glassy heart nests looks a little pleasing, like a tremendous shape of wealth.

“Done, Senior Oriental.” Song Shuhang's face was a little pale. This was the discomfort caused by too much breath in his heart. In fact, his body was not greatly hindered by the assistance of ‘immortal breath'.

It's just that for a short time, he probably won't be mad anymore.

“Keep the fire going, we'll try to upgrade all your magic tools within three hours.” Eastern Great Emperor smoothly strives to upgrade a magic instrument for about three minutes, he no longer wants to spend too much time with Big Song... he needs to slow down.

Song Shuhang calmly and quietly continued to maintain the 'Heavenly Fire Furnace’. Meanwhile, his hair was braided into 64 palms, pressed on the newly upgraded 'Shrimp Dragon Chariot', brushed it with a slow speed of more than 300 rounds of 'Knife Cultivation', and re-brushed the emotions between the two sides.

[Evil art, this is absolutely evil art.] In the heart of the Great Eastern Emperor, he reached out and pulled out the 'Old Monkey Saint Lee Sword’ and began a new upgrade.

Three minutes later...

“Yes,” the Great Eastern Emperor said, satisfied that in three minutes, he had brought his refiner technology to its fullest potential, quickly and steadily. Only he, the ‘first hammer in the world’, can achieve such perfection while guaranteeing the quality of the manipulator.

He threw the successful 'Old Monkey Saint Li Sword’ to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang's 64 handlers are skilled at catching swords.

“Unfortunately, such a sword… the pearls are cast in my hand.” Song Shuhang regretted that, after all, he had no talent in swordsmanship.

By the way, next he's almost going to ‘Senior Three Eyes' and gambling with him. He's ready to gamble —— living Everlasting Demon • Nightmare is the perfect bet.

Do you want to ask him if he has such a thing as a sword when he gambles with Senior Three Eyes this time? Senior Sanmei's gambling ceremony is very BUG, even something like 'Chef's Heart’ can be drawn out as a gambling capital, maybe something like 'Sword's Will’ exists?

Song Shuhang wanted to be more beautiful, consciousness slightly distracted the moment, 64 braided palms against the 'Old Monkey Saint Li Sword’ to brush "Knifekeeping Technique", the moment of distraction, more than 6,400 copies of "Knifekeeping Technique" fell on the sword.

“Not good... too much brushing.” By the time Song Shuhang back to God, the ape sword had lost consciousness, turned into a small sword, floating beside him motionless.

“Fortunately," Knife Cultivation "was stopped in time, and you can't be distracted for a while.” Song Shuhang's heart is palpitating.

[How can this evil trick be used to ‘excessively’ this crisis?] Oriental Great Emperor's heart looked at his precious‘ Heavenly Fireplace ’with palpitations, and he was somewhat worried.

No, we have to go faster!

Three hours is still too long, trying to compress the time while guaranteeing the quality of the work!

Otherwise, after the finishing of this wave of refiner... it's hard to say if your ‘Heavenly Fireplace’ is not Oriental.

“Next one!” The Great Emperor of the East spoke loudly, and the walls of the Four Kings appeared before him in turn.

Then, the Great Emperor quietly squeezed himself again and boosted the refiner speed wildly.



On the other side, Nine Unseen Worlds.

The hamster guarded the white lord's thigh and remained silently in front of the ‘tomb of the Nine Repairs'.

Next to him is another pet of White Senior TWO, General Vajra Gorilla.

“Hasn't my Lord awakened yet?” Hamster asked.

“Not yet, so the boss sent me over to see if there was any movement in my main thigh on your side.” General Gorilla made a sound.

The hamster shook its head and said: "My Lord's thighs have been in silence since the last time he kicked the Big Song off, and no action has been taken. ”

“What's going on over there?” General Gorilla asked.

The hamster thought, “Is it said to be setting a fire? But it's not clear what the fire is for... Before the black skin suddenly hurt into a coma, Xianqi White Bone took her to the core world of the Big Song. I also heard her talk with Big Song about ‘making fire’. ”

“Well, I guess I know the story. Then I'll go back and give back to the boss.” General Gorilla nodded - the boss in his mouth refers to White Senior TWO's number one pet, Little Sun T233.

General Gorilla is getting up and preparing to return to the steel lair.

But when it just stood up, the ape suddenly shook its body and raised its hair all over it.

“Pretty boy, what's wrong with you?” Hamster is confused.

“Hiss ~” General Gorilla sucked in a breath of cold air, then went into vibration mode, constantly vibrating.

Shocked and shocked, his body could no longer hold its position and fell straight down.

“Pretty boy?” The Hamster was a jerk.

It didn't find anyone attacking General Gorilla. Why did it suddenly fall?

Is it a mental assault?

“Taoist Taoist, has anyone attacked the pretty boy in secret?” The Hamster raised its head and turned to the 'Tombstone of Jusong'.

“No,” said Taoist Taoist, but a moment later it suddenly added: “But the state of the pretty boy... I feel a little familiar. ”

Hamster: “??? ”

Instead of answering directly, Taoist Stone asked General Gorilla first: "Beautiful boy, how do you feel about this man? ”

“Hiss ~” General Gorilla took a breath of cold air and slowly said: “For some reason, I suddenly felt that the Big Song was actually a very good person, with a good personality, and sincerely treating my friends. He was also the only human being who drowned. Although he was not handsome enough, he was still at the right level, and his promotion was particularly fast...”

Hamster: “??? ”

Watching Heaven, pretty boy, what's wrong with you? How dare you exaggerate the Big Song from scratch?

General Gorilla spoke and suddenly reacted.

It's hard to choke off its own topic.

But in its heart, the fondness for Big Song is still going on +1, +1...

General Gorilla struggled to sit up, grabbed his cheeks, and fell into a state of meditation.

Another moment later, the beautiful ape looked up and looked lovely.