Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2777: Shall I Quietly Cheat Midway?

Had it not been for this‘ firewall ’system prompt, Song Shuhang would have almost forgotten that he was a man with his own firewall.

This is a feature that Song Shuhang invited Ms. Longlong Liang to join the last time she upgraded the "Shuzhen Chat" system.

I didn't expect the firewall to be so powerful that even the forebears of three-eyed teenagers who handed it to the third eye would be temporarily blocked.

[No, unshield, this is not a virus.] Song Shuhang hastily chose.

If he accidentally removes the ‘welfare’ passed down by Senior SanEye from the shield, he will have to cry in the toilet.

At the same time, Ms. Long Liao's authentic voice came: [What happened? The firewall to fix the chat system was activated. What did you do?

[Nothing, it's a misunderstanding. Just got a little benefit from the three-eyed teenager, and got information on three ‘three-eyed' space secrets. As a result, the firewall thought it was Trojan Horse intrusion data and blocked it.] Song Shuhang replied.

Ms. Long Luo: [Oh.

A moment later.

Fix the chat firewall and get to work.


[Data parsing begins…]

[Space seal method ‘Lock Immortal Eye’ needs to be implemented in conjunction with the third eye. Analysis is in progress, current progress 0.03%]

[Space System Attack Secret 'Eye of Melting’, analysis in progress, current progress 0.02%]

[Special Symbols, Summoning Symbols, Analysis in Progress... Analysis Failed.

Song Shuhang: “!!! ”

He quickly contacted Ms. Long Liang and said, "Analysis in progress? This is Miss Long Liang. You made this? ”

Ms. Long Luo: [Hmm.

Song Shuhang immediately patched his ass: “Madam Long Liao is a coward! ”

Ms. Long Luo: [Hmm.

Song Shuhang thought about it and added: “Madam Long Luo, I have returned the 'Sunboat’ from the heavens. When I return to the Black Dragon World, I will bring it back so that the inhabitants of the Black Dragon World can once again enjoy the sunshine. ”

Ms. Long Luo: [OK.

Looks like Ms. Long Liang is busy today, so the responses are simple and simple.

“I'll see you then.” Song Shuhang added.

Ms. Long Luo: [Hmm.

Then she hung up her correspondence with Song Shuhang - talking to Song Shuhang was a waste of her time, she had so much work to do, so many projects to develop, so many programs to upgrade, so much hair to remove!

After Song Shuhang finished the communication, he aimed at the eye analysis process… the analysis speed is relatively slow, it is estimated that it will take several hours.

But the precinct lasted a few hours, and he waited completely.

And it was an unexpected harvest...

Lock Immortal Eye and Melting Eye, the two originally three-eyed spatial secrets, will soon be named Song.


Song Shuhang couldn't help but smile happily on his face.

“Hiss ~” saw Song Shuhang's smile on the wrong side of his face, three eyes seniors felt cold - always felt like he was unconsciously taken advantage of by Song?

Across the street, Song Shuhang shrunk his smile and said seriously: “Senior Three Eyes, I agree with your terms. Once I've used the third feature to summon your energy to help, I'll give up. So, shall we start trial number two? ”

Three-eyed teenager frowned slightly, but he thought about it for half a day and couldn't figure out where he would be taken advantage of by Jusong.

But seeing that happy face before Big Song must have been something behind his back.

Nevertheless, his gambling ceremony never required absolute fairness, just superficial fairness.

Even if he's hiding some hidden means, it's his own business.

How can there be true absolute fairness in this world?

“No rush, I need a little prep before the second trial begins.” The three-eyed teenager said.

Song Shuhang asked: "Senior, what are you preparing? Can I help you? ”

“I need to prepare an incarnation that will allow me to temporarily operate in this world… I don't need your help and you can't help me with that.” The three-eyed teenager replied.

As the true Nine Phantoms, its true body, once it enters this world, will lead to the punishment of heaven. Even if we are now in an alternating blank period of heavenly lanes, the rules of heavenly and earthly avenues are maintained by simple self-operating procedures.

However, thanks to the fact that this is a ‘heavenly alternating' blank period, there is plenty of room for three-eyed teenagers to manipulate.

For example, drumming up an incarnation that can temporarily live in the present world, and paying a certain price, achieves the effect of delaying the temporary reduction of fines.

After the event, the heavenly penalty really drops temporarily, he can directly transfer the important things on the avatar and then abandon the avatar.

“Beyond that, I have to be prepared to let us break into ‘Heavenly Path Little Black House'.” Three Eyed Juvenile Senior said.

Patterned Dragon Heavenly Way's ‘Heavenly Way Little Black House' has been studying them covertly - it's best to study them thoroughly before blowing them up.

“Does Senior Three Eyed have special access to Heavenly Path Black House?” Song Shuhang asked.

So far, in addition to Heaven's authority to open the little black house, only the ‘Miss Disaster Tortoise' clan's talent for timeless walks has been able to break into it.

Senior White's 'One-Time Flying Sword • Broken Little Black House Edition' was also created based on the construction of the catastrophic tortoises.

“I've been studying the structure of the Heavenly Path Little Black House, and in the process I discovered an interesting race… the gifted ability of this interesting race to break into the Heavenly Path Little Black House easily.” The three-eyed teenager smiled.

“I know, it's the Tortoise Clan of Disasters.” Song Shuhang grabbed the answer: “One of them, Miss Catastrophe Tortoise, was very interesting, as well as her turtle father, who could not hang, was with me in the previous presidency. Dragon cannon power, refreshes my memory. ”

It's so cool to grab lines, like summer cool.JPG

Senior three-eyed teenager: “…”

Can't you keep a low profile if you're an Eight Pin Xuansheng?

Can't there be a real Eight Pints of Xuanzheng who should have Asako?

Which Eight Pink Xuan Saints dance like you?

On the side.

An old butler with hedgehogs, shaking his bloodstained fingers, wrote in the void: "Master, don't cry, laugh!" To face life with a smile, hahahahahahahahaha! ”

[Vitality is stubborn.] Song Shuhang was somewhat envious of the old housekeeper of eyeballs.

How can you live with a three-eyed teenager if you don't have this resilient vitality?

A few minutes later.

In front of the three-eyed teenager, there was an extra small magical incarnation with tentacles.

And then there were two tortoise shell fairy boats, and they were modified —— look at the pattern, that's the tortoise shell of the catastrophic tortoise clan.

Is there also a catastrophic tortoise, like that tortoise lady, stripped of her vest?

“Both turtle shell fairy boats are filled with energy enough to enter and exit the 'Heavenly Path Little Black House' five times.” Three Eyed Junior Senior said: “Choose one yourself and start the second round. ”

“Five chances?” Song Shuhang touched Bai Senior's left hand projection on his left elbow.

Shall I cheat quietly on the way?