Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2942: As soon as you get into training, it's easy to get in and out of the sea

[Senior Islander, just move over, I've given you permission.] Song Shuhang, between life and death, answered the throne with a voice.

[OK, I'll be right there.] Senior Islander returned.

In the realm of the Golden Gossip Islander today, it is no problem to move all the heavenly debris from the Mysterious Island in one breath.

Then Song Shuhang replied to the Great Northern Emperor: [Northern Senior, the heavenly shrapnel has been concentrated in one area and separated that area from the rest of the core world. You can rest assured that the ceremony will be held… However, for some personal reasons, the Emperor's Throne TWO will be transferred to you later.

[I know, my turtle told me that you blew up again and are now resurrected in the ‘Emperor's Palace' position.] The Great Northern Emperor replied: [We also need to wait for the Golden Gossip to bring in the 'Heavenly Piece’ before proceeding to the ceremony. There should be a cushioning time, which should be sufficient for your physical resurrection.

[So good.] Song Shuhang replied - good deeds do not go out the door, bad deeds spread a thousand miles. He had just exploded and had received first-hand news from the Great Northern Emperor.

By the way, how did you blow it up?] The Great Northern Emperor was curious to ask while the ceremony was still taking place for a short time.

Song Shuhang is not a ‘water basket Xuansheng’ a few months ago. Now Song is a three-dead fairy of Zheng's eight scriptures, and can be honored as a ‘big man' in all the heavens and the world.

Even the top survivors such as the Great Northern Emperor could not quietly detonate Song Shuhang.

[I said it's New Year's Eve, make everyone happy, actively explode, seniors, believe it or not?] Song Shuhang answered.

After a moment of silence, the Northern Emperor replied: "If it were someone else, I wouldn't believe it. But if it were you... I would really believe it, because you do seem like someone who would do something like this. I'll tell the little ones the answer later.

Song Shuhang: “…”

Northern seniors, your trust is too heavy to bear.

[See you later.] The Great Northern Emperor stopped giving Song Shuhang an explanation and ended the call.

Song Shuhang between life and death, on the Emperor's throne two, like a hazy fog, is in the throne.

His hand gently knocked on the throne armrest.

- The reason he blew himself up, of course, was not ‘active self-destruct’.

Though he died countless times in a year, he was different from the Skylark of the Queen's Gate.

He doesn't like to look for dead people. If he does not die, he also hopes to live... After all, the resurrection apparatus is also expensive.

However, this "New Year's Big Song Bang" does have his own deliberate cooperation factors inside!

The primer of the explosion, related to the Star Destruction Virus.

The Star Destroyer virus is the primer; and at the end of last year, the red devil skull, the Star Ender, sent by Song Fat Ball seal, was the spark that ignited the lead.

During this period, Song Shuhang has deliberately suppressed his spiritual ghost fairies, Kung De Snake beauty, Jiu Shu Phoenix knife and other hangings, instead of extinguishing the Mars and the primers, but has been quietly cooperating.

Then… the moment his body exploded, 'Chat System' was lucky to quietly lock an ID in the background.

To be honest, Song Shuhang didn't expect himself to be so smooth this time.

Smooth enough to be like Senior White!

He also prepared the ‘cause and effect, flowers' and other laws. He was also prepared to use the power of Confucian saints' eyes, white seniors two, three-eyed seniors, dog balls dad, Song Yu-yu, dragon roe ladies and other people to capture the existence behind the 'star doomsday' and ‘dayguardian’.

But Song Shuhang hasn't started yet, but 'Chat System' is quietly locked to a user ID.

That's right... the dreadful existence behind the daylight keeper and the star doomsday keeper. Mimi signed up for the ‘chat system' account and downloaded a 'client’.

At the moment of Song Shuhang's explosion, the horrible presence behind the scene instantly launched a powerful impact on the 'chat system’, trying to capture the 'chat system’ and take it as its own!

This is the real boss!

More powerful than all the bosses Song Shuhang has ever had!

Even Big Demon Emperor, when faced with ‘chat system repair', can't do it, is still studying how to delete Song Shuhang's friend, and has no clue how to toss with many days.

But the boss behind this scene has actually studied the method of impacting the 'chat system' and has entered the practice phase.

Unfortunately… his actions have only just begun and failed.

"Fixing the system" is more special than I thought!

It's so special, it can't be captured!

This is based on ‘Song Shuhang', which is something that extends out of existence, and involves Song Shuhang's 'Way of Everlasting Life’, which is unique.

Song Shuhang is here, this‘ chat system 'is here; if Song Shuhang dies, this‘ chat system 'dies.

And behind this‘ chat fixer ', there is a dragonfly lady who has fallen seriously behind as the ultimate shield. It is not possible to break through the defense of‘ Ms. Long Liang ', not even to affect' chat system '.

To take the 'chat system’, only to take its roots - Song Shuhang.

Get Song Shuhang this person to get this‘ chat system '.

The horrible man behind the scenes quickly erased all traces of his actions after the action failed... and then it was deleted!

Remove your own number from the 'Chat System’.

Song Shuhang is also familiar with the method used - it is the method of 'Heavenly Path Little Black House’ to erase the root cause.

Erase the scope, limited to ‘chat system’ only.

This divine show is incredibly manipulative, making the Dragon Lotus lady numb on her scalp.

After erasing his tracks, the boss disappeared without a trace.

Everything, like it never happened.

Heavenly Clothes is seamless and seamless.


There are things in this world that come as no surprise.

When the resurrection function of 'Immortal Fat Whale Golden Dan’ works, when Song Shuhang is reborn on ‘Emperor Throne Tow’, the missing data in the 'Chat System' is also supplemented and restored.

The only missing data from the "chat fix" system since its inception is the account deleted by the horrible boss.

So... after the terrible big man quit behind the scenes, Song Shuhang's ‘chat system’ had a grey ID, the resurrection of Mimi.

“Hey, hey.” The corner of Song Shuhang's mouth rose.

The grey ID after the resuscitation is‘ offline ’, but it is still tied to the mastermind behind the scenes.

“But not yet.” Song Shuhang said softly.

Now, go find that horrible big man behind the scenes, and he'll crack the snake.

Song Shuhang shifted his attention away from that grey ID, did not pay attention, so as not to be perceived by the other party, creating suspicion.