Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3063: Firefighters and the Net of Kung Fu

When Song Shuhang first saw the drums of the 'Black Titan' unravel the 'Tag of the Secret Law No. 2', he was still worried that the fat man would be plotted to seize some of Heavenly Path privileges...

Because of Tiandao Fatty's poor performance in the late days, it's very reassuring.

But after 10,000 years of waiting in the darkness, Song Shuhang knew that the Black Giant could never wait for the moment when the Occupy Act came into effect!

I'm afraid the ‘Tag 2' on the fat man has been removed by Confucian saints.

[Is this part of Confucian saint's calculation?

Speaking of which... Song Shuhang was once captured by Confucian saints when dreaming of 'making fairies’ past.

At that time, Song Shuhang, who was in a dream state, made a choice - he tried to convey to the Confucian saint a reminder not to compete for Heaven's Way.

Tips were successfully conveyed, but the battle between Confucian saints and big fat balls still ended.

[If Confucian saints really swallowed up the ‘Tabernacle II Mark' on the fat man... and recalled that when Taoist inherited 8.5 heavenly lanes, the water came to the channel, and there was no obstruction... would there be any connection between the two?

For example, the Confucian saint used the effect of 'Tampering the Secret Law No. 2 Mark' to pave the way for the Taoists to ‘8.5 Nintendo' in the remaining Confucian Scriptures?

Of course, this is currently just Song Shuhang's guess brain patch.

Whether the Confucian saints are so powerful or not is an unknown number.



In dream-like vision, darkness still does not dissipate.

“100,000 years, fail, fail...” I've been waiting for 100,000 years for the 'black giant' to almost turn into a husband-stone.

Finally, after 100,000 years of sleepless sleep, the 'Black Titan' finally gave up.

I don't know what went wrong, but it has implicitly guessed that its plan somehow failed.

Because there can't be a 'heavenly battle' that will last for 100,000 years!

Heavenly Dao can have a transition period of ‘lawlessness’, but this transition period can never be that long.

“Are all these guys poisonous?” The black giant is bitter, but he can't say it.

The handsome guy who pitched him twice in front, at least he knew how to pit him, and he knew the process.

But this time Confucian saint and the ball guy, exactly how to pit him, which part of the problem, the black giant knows nothing.

Knowing the process, he can also make targeted improvements to the 'secret of usurpation' to set the stage for his next success.

But he doesn't know the process. How else could he improve the secret?

“Next time, the Ninth Heavenly Path will rotate. Never fail.” The pitch-black giant's voice was getting lower and lower, and he finally fell asleep for a long time.

After falling asleep, there are several 'spells' in it that start to work.

This is accumulating the energy of the 'occupier's law'.

This process is extremely lengthy and takes millions of years.

Song Shuhang watched the process a little bit and remembered the process. He was ready to hand it back to your reliable elders for detailed study.

[Almost.] Song Shuhang's heart is hidden.

The Ninth Heavenly Path War has not yet begun.

The Black Titan will need some time to wake up next time.

So Song Shuhang estimated that he was about to withdraw from the vision mode of the ‘Black Titan'.

To be honest... if possible, he would like to see the situation of the Ninth Heavenly Path Competition, which is what will happen in the future.


Song Shuhang's consciousness began to slip away quietly from the 'Black Giant Visual Mode’.

The whole process moisturized silently and did not elicit a hint of reaction from the Black Titan.

“Next time, the Black Titan wakes up again, it's the decisive part of the Ninth Heavenly Path Battle, or the 9th Heavenly Path Flying Up, right?” Song Shuhang opened his eyes and said softly.

And Ninth Day, he and Senior White must get it.

Even if it is not possible to 'testify simultaneously to two different individuals', at least one person must be allowed to testify immortally before planning.

“In other words, me and Senior White, in the" Ninth Heavenly Way "part of the testimony, we are likely to encounter the awakened black giant, maybe this guy will also secretly rub the" domination law "behind the scenes and force us to give a secret. ”

This is not what Song Shuhang wanted.

So you have to lift the black giant's table and smash his plate again.

“Is the ‘subimmortal’ absorption of the skull and skin complete? In a" dream "state, contact with the vision of the black giant can also accelerate the digestion of" subimmortality "?” Song Shuhang was confused and counted the time.

After a little extrapolation, he realized that it had been a month since he had started entering ‘Dreamlike' mode to open his eyes.

In the past, it only takes one dream for 10,000 years.

This time it may be a low version, consuming a month at a time… Good thing it's ‘Heavenly Way Time Secret' here.

“If digestion is complete, hurry to rendezvous with Senior White, while the 'pitch black sun' is still sealing, as many times as possible wool, complete my whole body ‘subimmortal’ state.” Song Shuhang hurried up and was ready to get up to see Senior Bai.

In addition, we need to inform seniors about the 'Black Titan' intelligence hidden behind the scenes.

The study of 'domination laws' also needs to be on the agenda.

Mr. Big Song, it's been a busy day.

Boom ~ ~

As Song Shuhang rose, the whole 'Heavenly Path Time Secret Realm' suddenly shook violently, shaking the mountain.

Song Shuhang: “??? ”

No, I got up and started shaking the whole secret space? Am I so heavy?

“It's not because of you, it's because time has been disturbed by external forces.” Master Chu replied.

Even ‘immortal skin' can't stop Song Shuhang's face from sending a message out.

“Who dares attack the mysterious space created by Heavenly Way? You don't want to live?” Song Shuhang immediately contacted Senior Michiko.



The other side.

In the ‘heavenly dimensional world’ above all heavenly world.

Dao frowned.

In front of him is the star-destructed virus, which is still under 'reverse study'.

Taoko has been taking time to study plans to reverse the ‘star destruction virus’.

The experiment seemed to have some ideas, but in the last phase, the 'star destruction virus' was successfully reversed and started to be destroyed.

But it didn't occur to me that the destroyed star destroyed the prototype of the virus suddenly exploded.

The power of an explosion is enough to destroy a star.

What's the difference between a direct detonation?



At the same time.

When this reversed 'star destruction virus' exploded in the hands of Taoist, a shadow and mind wrapped around the fires of the world felt and extruded from the space gap.

Bear fires covered his breath.

His gaze gazed over the Nine Heavens.

A moment later.

He came to the 'space of time secrets' made by Michiko himself.

Raise your hand and punch gently.

This punch is not hard, otherwise the firefighter will go on and the time mystery may be blown up.

He only knocked on the door with his fists so that today's 'Heavenly Way' could see it coming.

After all, this‘ time mystery 'is a product of Heavenly Way. His knocking outside the door should attract the attention of Heavenly Path.

Instead of showing up at once, Tao Zihang, Song Shuhang, Hip System Red Sword and Jiu Shu Phoenix Knife, stepped out of the ‘time mystery' and appeared in front of the firemen.

“Is that you?” Song Shu looked at the coke taoist.

If I'm not mistaken, should this be the original Sixth Heavenly Way, Kung Dao Man, which was burned out of a layer of coke shell by the industry fire?

Buzz ~ ~

Song Shuhang's voice had just fallen, and his lumbar tone of 'Nine Fixed Phoenix Knife' first stepped out of the sheath, one knife toward the industry scorched charcoal lantern man chopped!

Back then, precisely because of each other, the ‘number’ of the Nine Phoenix Knifes went back to zero, and everything had to start from scratch!

“Kaka...” The fireman made a dry sound in his mouth, and as soon as he heard it, his voice felt like it was sun-dried.

Meanwhile, he reached out and gently stopped.

Ding ~

Nine repair phoenix knife directly cut open fire, one knife on each other's arms.

The coke shell on the fireman's arm was cut open slightly, revealing the skin inside - which, in contrast to the coke shell, appeared extra white.

Nor did the firemen resist. They picked the ‘Nine Fixes Phoenix Knife’ aside.

The fire wrapped around the body was restored, and soon a new shell was re-burned on the chopped coke shell.

Obviously, the coke shell on the body was deliberately burned out and wrapped around the body by firemen.

“Bai...” The firefighter looked to Song Shuhang and looked in his head again.

But no 'white’ figure was found.

So he lowered his head and seemed to be caught in contemplation.

After not seeing ‘white', the redness in his orbit grew thicker and thicker, and his consciousness felt like he was going mad again.

Song Shuhang: “!!! ”

This state, in one sentence, is -- no, I don't see "white" me, dying?

“Senpai, are you okay?” Song Shuhang was cautious.

Meanwhile, he started contacting Taoist seniors for the first time.

At present, there are only ways to reluctantly accommodate firemen.

“Click, no... OK.” Was it tough for firemen?

Looks like his consciousness is blurred again and he needs to go out of control at any time.

“Shall I take you to see Senior Bai?” Song Shuhang probed.

Perhaps after seeing Senior White, the state of the firemen will be restored?

“No…” the firemen resisted.

In his eyes, the redness grew thicker.

“Kung Fu?” He raised his head and looked red at Song Shuhang.

“Oh, yes, the power of merit!” Song Shuhang suddenly realized that the last time we met, it was also the power of merit to suppress and restore some state to the firemen of the industry.

So Song Shuhang's mind moved and summoned Kung De Snake beauty to appear.

The power of immense, intense and pure merit began to shine on Song Shuhang.

Fire on firemen was oppressed by the power of merit, like a grieving daughter-in-law, and forcibly excluded.

“Ka...” The firefighter made a low cry and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

“Senior, don't lie down. Let me cover you with merit.” Song Shuhang warned.

“Don't …” The firemen tried to squeeze out a sentence.

Song Shuhang looked confused: “???? ”

After a few steps back, the firefighter looked to Song Shuhang and said: “Kung De, immortal, pseudo-immortal, weak and immortal. ”

Song Shuhang has a great power of merit, a fat whale of immortal nature, a pseudo-immortal body, and a sub-immortal skin.

What a complicated man.

The firemen looked at Song Shuhang and the red flashes in their eyes.

I don't know what he's thinking.

At this time, Song Shuhang really hopes to be able to transfer his‘ Face Read 'skills to each other without charging a copyright fee.

“No, research, virus.” The firemen eventually seem to use all their strength to extrude these words.

After that, he turned around and started running away.

Just like when he ran out of his‘ immortal tomb ', he was bitter and crazy, his eyes red, and his mouth had a strange smile.

[Don't study viruses? Stars destroy viruses? I'm not studying it.] Song Shuhang is confused.

However, other predecessors may be studying this stuff.

Senior Michiko, Senior White Tow, Triple Eye, and Daddy Dog, etc. may study the virus and conduct a reverse solution process.

Now, from the tips of the firemen, is there a potential crisis in studying the ‘Star Destruction Virus’?

“Senior Michiko?” Song Shuhang called out.

“I heard that.” Daodo's voice rang.

“Is there a danger?” Song Shu Channel - He is somewhat worried that what firefighters look like today will be relevant after contact with 'Star Destruction Virus’? From the scene of 'Immortal Daoists Rebooting the Realms of Heaven' seen some time ago, Immortal Daoists have worked with ‘Big Black Sun’ to study the ‘Star Destruction Virus’ thing.

“I'll open Heavenly Path permissions later, and I'll double check to see if there are any hidden hands and feet. It's just... if you don't study it, how do you solve these star destruction viruses?” Michiko rubbed her temple hard.

“By the way, I found another insider about the ‘Black Sun' Big Man.” Song Shuhang used the audio function to hide the presence of another ‘black giant' behind the scenes, described to Taoko Senior.

In the world of Heavenly Dao dimension, Daodo rubs his temple's fingers harder.

Brain pain, the pitch-black sun is not easy to solve, there is a ‘pitch-black giant’ behind the scenes.

Don't let me take the chance, or I'll dig you up, and I'll give you ashes!

“I'm going to talk to some of the directors about this.” Michiko replied.

His will was evacuated from Song Shuhang and transferred to the next three eyes and the dog's father.

“Let's go too, then we'll go a wave of immortal wool.” Song Shuhang grabbed the phoenix knife still angry in the void.

Just as Song Shuhang was preparing to open the space door, not far away, a figure came across the sky - it's been a long time since 'you can sell anything, big man’!

At this time, the old man looked at Song Shuhang from a distance with a complex face.

“Hey, you can sell anything, Senior ~” said Song Shuhang warmly.

Nothing can sell the big man without responding to Big Song's enthusiasm.

He squatted slightly and took a 'run’ position.

The next moment, his body was like electricity, turned into a wind, rushing towards Song Shuhang.

A thousandth of a second later, he and Song Shuhang rubbed past.

At the same time, he seemed to have left something on Song Shuhang… Finally, he ran away with disgust.

Song Shuhang looked confused: “???? ”

He bowed his head to his chest.

There, a seed gathered by pure merit, with a hint of immortality, affixed to his chest.

Through this seed, Song Shuhang can almost sense the ‘Kung De Network’ spread across the world.



Here's today's milk book show: such as the new book "The End of the Day" by Shui Yi. There are a lot of friends who have opened new books lately. Before I finish the book, I want to milk them all!