Yinhai University.

The stadium was full of voices, and the huge stadium was full of people. At first glance, there was a dense and crowded scene.

Today is the 80th anniversary of the founding of Yinhai University. In addition to the school’s current students, many alumni who have graduated have received invitations from the school to return to participate in this school celebration.

Some alumni who have made great achievements were also invited to give speeches on stage.

As a graduate of Yinhai University and the general manager of the world-famous "Xianzi" group, Ji Xueqing was naturally invited by the school.

It can even be said that Ji Xueqing is one of the most famous and accomplished alumni of Yinhai University since its establishment.

If it is only in terms of commercial wealth, this "one" can be directly removed.With a net worth of hundreds of billions, she firmly occupies a place in the top five on the national rich list.

It is also the number one rich man in the country and even the world's richest women!

Today's Xianzi Group is already a giant enterprise involving multiple industries. It is not uncommon for Ji Xueqing, who holds 35% of Xianzi Group's shares, to be the number one richest woman in the world.

For such an alumnus, Yinhai University will naturally invite her to participate in the 80th anniversary of the founding of the school, and at the same time persuade her to come to the stage to give a speech, so as to encourage the students in the school.

Originally, after receiving the invitation from Yinhai University, Ji Xueqing was only planning to come to the celebration, not to give a speech on stage.

However, she really couldn't get rid of the repeated invitations from the school, and even the counselors and head teachers from Yinhai University when she was studying at Yinhai University came to persuade her to play the emotional card.

No way, Ji Xueqing had to prepare a speech, and stepped onto the podium on the day of school celebration.

"Dear school leaders, teachers, as well as alumni and schoolchildren and sisters, hello everyone! My name is Ji Xueqing and I am a graduate of our school. Maybe many of you should have heard of my name. . Yes. I am the general manager of Xianzi Group."

“It’s a great honor to stand here today to share with you some of my experiences, as well as my experience over the years...”

Standing on the podium, Ji Xueqing looked at the school teachers, alumni, and students who were sitting densely underneath, speaking calmly.

After these years of training.She is no stranger to such a speech scene.So naturally there will be no stage fright.

Listening to Ji Xueqing's speech, whether it is the alumni who are back to school like Ji Xueqing to participate in the school celebration.No matter the students, they listened very carefully, without the boredom and impatience of ordinary speeches.

Because everyone knows how awesome Ji Xueqing and Xianzi Group are now.It is very rare to hear Ji Xueqing's live speech.

Especially Ji Xueqing's speech is not as rigid as the speeches of many others.On the contrary, it seems very relaxed and active, and sometimes uses some humorous language to make people can't help but smile.

The atmosphere of the whole scene is very warm.

Ning Yuejing was also one of the students sitting in the gym listening to Ji Xueqing's speech.

Seeing Ji Xueqing standing on the stage and talking, Ning Yuejing couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly.From time to time, I will applaud with other students.

Sitting next to Ning Yuejing were Lin Fang and Li Sitian.

At this time, Li Sitian suddenly whispered: "Our senior sister is really amazing. I have seen an assessment report before, saying that the current assets of Xianzi Group are close to trillions. Our senior sister Holding 35% of Xianzi Group's shares in his hand, this is equivalent to more than 300 billion! Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible..."

"Who said no. I never knew that the general manager of Xianzi Group was actually a senior from our school. If I hadn't seen her appearing in this speech today, I hadn't paid attention to it before."

Lin Fang also responded in a low voice.

"I heard that Xianzi's welfare benefits are very high, the working environment is good, and all kinds of leisure and entertainment facilities are available. It would be great if you can enter Xianzi after graduation..."

A boy sitting on the other side suddenly turned his head and sighed.

His words immediately resonated with other students and several students around him.

"Xianzi Group is now recognized as the most promising and one of the most desirable companies for job seekers. It is not easy to enter the Xianzi Group. The competition must be very fierce!"

"Yes, I heard that the worst staff recruited by Xianzi are graduates from the top ten prestigious schools in the country. There are even many returnees who have graduated from world-renowned universities abroad and want to work in Xianzi."

Hearing the enviable sigh of the classmate beside her, the corner of Ning Yuejing's mouth curled slightly unconsciously.

About noticing Ning Yuejing’s very plain and natural expression, a girl couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “Ning Yuejing is still relaxed. The conditions at home are so good, there is no need to worry about finding a job after graduation. ."

Her words also aroused the envy of other students towards Ning Yuejing.

"Indeed, with the conditions of Ning Yuejing's family, she doesn't need to squeeze her head to find a job like us after graduation. It is estimated that after graduation, Ning Yuejing should go to work in your own company and help you. Do you handle business at home?"

Another girl couldn't help but look at Ning Yuejing and asked.

Ning Yuejing glanced at her and smiled faintly, "Not necessarily, I still have time to look at the opinions of the elders."

At this time, a girl sitting in front suddenly came out very sourly, "It's so pretentious, what's so great, huh! Isn't it just that the family has a little money? What's more in comparison with Senior Sister Ji? "

"Sister Ji can start from scratch and build a company as big as Xianzi. This is the role model we should learn from. In the future, we may not be able to build our own company based on our own skills, and then step by step to become bigger and stronger. Isn't this much better than some people who only know that they are still pretending at home?"

After finishing speaking, the girl turned her head slightly, and glanced at Ning Yuejing behind her with jealousy.

Lin Fang, who was sitting next to Ning Yuejing, couldn't help but immediately said: "Tang Wan, who are you sarcastic, please tell me clearly!"

The person who spoke sourly was Tang Wan who had grudged Ning Yuejing at the beginning.

Since that time when she had a grudge with Ning Yuejing, although Ning Yuejing had never paid attention to her, the more Ning Yuejing was like this in her heart, the more she felt that Ning Yuejing was scorning her.

Even though the class rumors that Ning Yuejing will be able to martial arts not long ago, she once again deeply felt that there was a gap between her and Ning Yuejing like a chasm, but after that, she became more jealous.(To be continued.) Enable new URL