Daddy Iron Man

Chapter 72

In the garage, the tension is quietly escalating.

The little spider could smell a hint of gunpowder.

"Didn't we save the world? Why are we arguing now?"

His words suddenly calmed Tony and Steve, who were struggling.

"Tony, I'm sorry, I was excited just now, but I hope you understand what I mean. The power of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube is definitely not controlled by humans. It is more like an inextricable desire that will gradually devour those obsessions. Believe me, I used to..."

"Captain, are you still alive in the 1930s?" Tony interrupted Steve without hesitation.

"Please Tony, why are you always so unreasonable?"

"No, no, you have been living in your own perception."

"Well, I don't want to argue with you, anyway, I won't let you study Rubik's Cube."

"Okay, then you don't even want to take it away today, Jarvis, is Mark Three ready?" Tony said coldly.

"Not yet, sir."

As soon as Jarvis's voice fell, the entire garage fell into deathly silence.

Tony stood awkwardly and glanced at the little spider again.

Little Spider hurriedly answered: "Oh! Maybe we shouldn't discuss these now, isn't SHIELD looking for us now? Mr. Stark, do they know you live here?

As soon as the voice fell, Jarvis's voice sounded again.

"Sir, Colonel Roddy is here."

Tony's expression changed. He didn't expect SHIELD to react so quickly. Roddy must have been sent by the military!

"Okay, now we don't have to fight. It seems that no one can leave today...Well, you take the Rubik's Cube and go out of the tunnel. I will go up and contain Roddy first. Pick any car here."

Tony said, and walked upstairs with a long breath.

Little Spider and Steve looked at each other.

"Mr. Captain, can you drive? Do you want me to come?"...

In front of the sea view villa.


Patriots dressed in the colors of the national flag fell from the sky.

"Rody, what brought you to me today? How about it, is the suit comfortable?" Tony greeted him with a smile.


The silver mask of the Iron Patriot opened, revealing Roddy's serious face.

"Tony, what did you do tonight?" Roddy asked as soon as he came up.

"Huh? What's the matter? I've been watching TV with Doer at night, do you want to come together?"


Roddy walked to Tony in three or two strides: "Okay, Tony, don't act with me. I have a mission this time."

Tony still pretended to be stupid: "Mission? Does the military want me to make more suits for them?"

Roddy looked at Tony who was playing rogue in front of him, sighed helplessly, and had to make it clear: "Now is not the time to joke, Tony, in five minutes, the military tanks will be on this beach. What about S.H.I.E.L.D., oh my god, this is the department that emerged from here, and can actually order the military...the captain, and the boy in the clown suit, are they in your house now?

"You know everything?" Tony pretended to be surprised.

"Not only do I know this, I also know that S.H.I.E.L.D. has launched the'fuck-fuck plan'. From the voices of those big guys, I can hear that compared to this plan, they line up on the beach for a while. The tanks in the platoon are just drizzle." Roddy told Tony everything he knew.

The military's action this time can be described as vigorous and vigorous, but it should not be possible to send a steel patriot as the vanguard.

"Fuck the fucking plan? The name sounds scary.

Roddy nodded and said anxiously: "It should be, Tony, I told you everything I know. You should tell me now that you went to the secret base of SHIELD in the middle of the night to steal Something important."

"The Rubik's Cube, yes, it's just a Rubik's Cube. Also, am I stealing? I was robbed, and they couldn't stop me." Tony said and laughed.

"When is it all, are you still laughing? Give me that Rubik's Cube, and I will help you to settle this matter." Roddy said earnestly.

Tony looked at Roddy with a solemn face, his heart suddenly warmed, and he moved his mouth: "It's a pity that the Rubik's Cube has been taken away by the captain and they are not with me."


The mask of the steel patriot fell.

Roddy immediately assumed a flying attitude, ready to chase the captain.

"Wait!" Tony said quickly.

"What's wrong? My dear brother, do you know who you are against this time? Go back and put on your battle clothes, and we will chase the captain back together!"

"No, no, I'm sorry to say it, but I have to say, Roddy, I hope you don't interfere." Tony's face turned straight.

Although he and the captain had different opinions, they were still on the same front at this time.

If the Universe Rubik's Cube is returned to SHIELD, that will be the worst outcome.

"What?!" Roddy was stunned.

Tony looked at the shining spot on the sea, knowing that it was a military helicopter coming, and the buzzing of the tank was not far away.

"Believe me, I know what I am doing. What about the military coming? What about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fucking plan? Have you seen anyone I'm afraid of?" Tony said fearlessly.


"Oh please, did you come to demolish my station on purpose."

The Iron Patriot shook his head: "No Tony, I mean, even if you are not afraid of anyone, what about Pepper? And Doer? If I guess right, Doer should be at home now, Pei Perk is definitely not there, if she knows, she will definitely stop you."

The corner of Tony's mouth raised slightly, revealing a bitter smile.

"Oh horrible! Tony, there has been news from the military just now, they are ready to do it, and S.H.I.E.L.D., their'fuck-fuck plan' has been deployed!" Roddy suddenly said .

"So, what is the fucking plan?"

"How would I know!"


The helicopter group came from the sea, like a dark cloud, flying in the front is a CH-47 transport helicopter with a huge transport box hung below.


A low roar suddenly sounded, even faintly covering the roar of the helicopter.

Tony's face changed: "Rody, did you hear that voice?"

"I heard it, what is that?"

"I guess... it should be'fuck the fucking plan'."

At this moment, on the transport plane.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Deputy Commander Hill looked at the huge brightly-lit villa by the sea, then glanced at the box hanging below, and couldn't help saying: "Sir, I really want to..."

"If they are unwilling to hand over the Rubik's Cube, I don't mind letting them see S.H.I.E.L.D.'s methods. In this world, more than three of them have superpowers."