Daddy Iron Man

Chapter 86-Rainbow Bridge

Early the next morning.

The basement has been transformed into a sealed space by Tony, and many protective measures have been taken.

At the same time, he moved Do'er to the garage, and put on Mark III himself, ready to enter the Asgard of God's Domain.

Before the universe cube device.

Jane Foster and Dr. Eric are also ready to take their place.

Tony glanced at the life support device behind him, then looked at Dr. Eric: "Now we can start. Which coordinate should we choose first? Or should one choose one?"

"I think it's best to choose the right one the first time, right?" Jane looked at Tony strangely.

"Yes, it makes sense, ladies first, Miss Jane, come first." Tony smiled.

Jane Foster pointed to herself with a surprised expression.

Eric also laughed: "Jane, choose one, don't worry, if something goes wrong, I will immediately close the door of space."

Jane nodded. Since they all let themselves choose first, then bite the bullet and get on.

With a one-third chance, the possibility of being selected for the first time is not small.

She looked at the three coordinates displayed on the screen, and finally pointed her finger at the middle one: "Well, what do you think?"

So Eric entered the first coordinate selected by Jane.


Suddenly, the device designed by him and Tony began to absorb the energy of the universe's Rubik's Cube, and the blue halo rippled like water waves.

Immediately afterwards, an azure blue energy beam rushed out, breaking through the void at the position where it had finished five meters, as if it was shot on a wall and slowly spread out.

Under the blue light, the space was torn apart, and a gorgeous starry sky appeared in front of them.

Immediately, the door to a new world will be opened!

"Please, it must be Asgard..." Jane nervously looked at the wormhole that was about to appear, and murmured in prayer.

Tony was naturally prepared. He raised his hand and faced the wormhole. Once something abnormal happened, he would bombard it with a pulse without hesitation!

"By the way, Miss Jane, do you know what Asgard is like?"

"I don't know... but Sol told me that it's beautiful."


After Dr. Eric fully activated the Universe Rubik's Cube, the starry sky in the void was opened again, and an endless red-brown expanse of land appeared in this basement through this space door.


A voice sounded like muffled thunder.

At the other end of the space gate, looking from a distance, a huge leg fell like Optimus Prime. Within the scope of Tony's eyes, it was impossible to see how huge the owner of this foot was!

Just one foot is comparable to a spreading mountain range, and such an incomparable existence is unimaginable.

"My God, what a monster is this!"

Eric quickly closed the door of space.

As the blue light gradually extinguished, the amazing picture slowly disappeared.

Jane's face is slightly ugly, but fortunately, no accident happened after the wrong choice.

Tony also took a long breath: "The vast universe has bred too many miracles. Next, you can choose Dr. Eric."

"Tony, you are really clever." Eric quipped.

Soon Eric chose the second coordinate and entered it into the device, ready to build the wormhole for the second time.

Although there was no danger for the first time, Tony was still fully alert.

No one knows where this second coordinate will be. If it is Asgard, it would be better, but if it is not, then they are very likely to face threats.

And Tony is undoubtedly the only one with combat effectiveness in the field, so he must ensure the safety of Doctor and Sister Lei!


Same as the first scene,

When the starry sky was gradually opened, there was darkness behind the door of space.

Jane frowned: "What's the matter? Dr. Eric, is there something wrong?"

Eric didn't know why, so he checked the device and shook his head.

"The device is operating normally. There may be a slight error in the coordinate points, so it is normal that the universe at the other end is pitch black..."

Just as Dr. Eric was explaining, Tony’s right eye suddenly showed a combat power prompt:

'Reference data of Zemei lizard leader ability:

Intelligence: E,

Strength: A,

Speed: E,

Defense: B,

Magic ability: None,

Comprehensive combat power: C.'

"No! Close the door of space!"

As soon as Tony's voice fell, a huge claw stretched out from the dark end of the space gate.

The dark green scales reflected the cold light, and the thick forearm that came out was only one meter long!

Tony made a decisive decision, facing the door of space with a few pulse cannons.

Bang bang bang--

On the combat power display, the defensive power of the Zemei lizard reached level B, and Tony's impulse attack also verified that the opponent's defense was really strong, and even the scales were not destroyed by a few shells.


The doctor panicked instantly, and he quickly closed the space door.


Under Tony's pulse cannon, the monster on the opposite side could not rush in at all, and could only wave its huge arms, trying to catch something and throw it at the attacker.

But it didn't even realize that the door of this unexpected space was closing.

The blue light gradually dissipated. When the door of space disappeared, that huge arm was also neatly cut off, crashing to the ground, and the green blood quickly spread to the ground.

"It's disgusting...I can't do it..." Jane showed a look of disgust.

Especially the claws of the lizard on the ground were still wriggling.

"Doctor, I'll leave this thing to you later, now I'll choose the last coordinate." Mark III's mask was put away, and Tony smiled.

No matter what the process is, now they are only one step away from the real Asgard.

Tony looked back at Doer again, his eyes full of determination.

After the doctor slowed down, he entered the last coordinate in the device.

"Miss Jane, Dr. Eric, what if the last coordinate is not Asgard?" Tony asked suddenly when the third space gate was about to open.

Jane replied very positively: "Don't worry, if the first two are not, then the third one must be Asgard, and if nothing else, the other end of the space gate will be the Rainbow Bridge in Norse mythology. on."


Blu-ray reappeared and star maps reappeared.

When the power of the universe's Rubik's Cube surged again, the door of space slowly opened, and a strange aroma accompanied the vicissitudes of life and ancient aura.

At this time, the scene that appeared in front of them was finally no longer barren land or pitch black, but a transparent long bridge like colorful crystals!