Daddy Iron Man

Chapter 87-Seeing Sol Again


It is at the pinnacle of the tree of the world and is also a god's domain.

It has four seasons of Changchun, beautiful, and even called the eternal kingdom.

Living in this divine land is the Asa Protoss, honoring their heavenly father Odin.

Asgard once flattened the nine realms and ruled the nine kingdoms. Although thousands of years have passed, its power is still undiminished, and the power of the Asa Protoss is beyond doubt.

The only exit from Asgard is the Rainbow Bridge, also known as the Shaky Heavenly Road.

This dazzling colorful crystal bridge connects Midgard, the atrium of the World Tree, and its guardian Heimdall can use the power of the Rainbow Bridge to send the warriors of God's Domain to any corner of the universe.

But just today, a farce happened in the guard pavilion of Rainbow Bridge.

"Heimdall, believe me, it's really important for me to go to Earth. I will send a four in the name of Odin's son."

Thor wore a suit of armor, long golden hair dangled indiscriminately, and he also carried Mjornir, the hammer of Thor.

He was serious about trying to convince Heimdall that he wanted to sneak to the earth.

Since Sol returned last time, many things have happened in Asgard. His father Odin woke up from his deep sleep, while his brother Loki was exiled into the dark universe.

Everything seems to be back on track, but for Thor, who is already familiar with the earth, everything is so unnatural.

So now he really wants to return to the earth, whether it is for Jane or to do wow's daily life.

Heimdall also wore a cool armor and held a big sword in his hand, which was the key to open the Rainbow Bridge.

His eyes, with a faint orange glow, looked at Saul.

"Saul, sorry, you can't go anywhere without Odin's instructions."

Heimdall's refusal was very decisive.

Saul smiled reluctantly: "My good brother, I went to the earth to do justice, and the people there need me."

"Asgard also needs you, our son of Odin, Thor." Heimdall still refused.

Just when Sol was about to speak again, Heimdall's brows suddenly frowned.

"Please, I haven't said it yet? You don't want this expression, okay?" Sol showed a full expression.

Heimdall shook his head and motioned for Thor to calm down.

At this moment, he felt a trace of spatial fluctuations, and in an instant he saw the scene on the earth through his eyes.

"Huh? Heimdall, are you helping me see Jane? How is she? Does she look okay? But I can warn you, if you dare to watch her take a shower..."

Sol smiled and pointed at Heimdall and joked, not knowing that something big will happen next!


As soon as Sol's voice fell, a ripple appeared in the space on the Rainbow Bridge.

Heimdall's face changed, and he whispered, "Is it too late?"

"What's too late?"


Heimdall drew his long sword and was ready for battle.

He was indeed looking at Jane Foster just now, but he also saw a strangely shaped iron man also enter the door of space.


In the next moment, Tony appeared on the Rainbow Bridge wearing Mark III slowly dragging Doer's life support device, and Jane Foster appeared with him.

Asgard immediately caught Tony's eyes, especially the towering golden triangle palace in the distance. It was extremely magnificent and the overall building was majestic.

"Oh! Asgard, the legendary God's Domain, really deserves its reputation." Tony put away the mask and looked at the Rainbow Bridge under his feet, and couldn't help but marvel.

Jane also covered her mouth. She had heard Saul talk about the scenery of Asgard.

"Who are you? You dare to trespass into Asgard!"

Heimdall stepped out, and the big sword pointed at Tony. If the other party hadn't come with Jane, he would have done it as soon as the other party came out!

Sol also looked at Jane and Tony, with a childlike smile on their faces: "Oh! I'm not mistaken, Jane! And this is... Tona?"

With that, Sol walked towards the Rainbow Bridge.

"Do you know him?" Heimdall's mouth twitched slightly.

Saul smiled and turned his head: "Don't get excited, these are my friends!"

Jane and Tony also looked at the guard booth: "Sol! Didn't you say that you will find me!"

"Uh...Congratulations on finding the hammer. By the way, my name is Tony, not Tona."

When Tony looked at Sol and Heimdall, the built-in combat power detector in his eyes also instantly analyzed the data of their two gods:

'Heimdall's ability reference data:

Intelligence: C,

Strength: A,

Speed: D,

Defense: C,

Magic ability: B,

Comprehensive combat power: B.'

'Sol ability reference data:

Intelligence: D,

Strength: S,

Speed: B,

Defense: B,

Magic ability: A,

Comprehensive combat power: A.'

Needless to say, Heimdall, as the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, is naturally powerful, and his eyes that can see through the world cannot be measured by data.

And Thor's power actually reached the terrifying S grade, the magic ability also has the A grade, and the comprehensive combat power reached the A grade.

You know, Saul hasn't controlled his divine power yet, and he still has to use a hammer. If he wakes up, I'm afraid the data will be greatly improved!

Thor walked in front of them, while Heimdall retreated to the guarding pavilion. Since Odin's sons had already spoken, he couldn't say more.


As a result, before Saul opened his sturdy arms to give Jane a hug, Jane slapped it, and Tony was frightened.

"Fortunately, Little Pepper is not like this..."

After these two small mouthfuls, Sol came to Tony again.

"Oh! Tony, I didn't expect you to come to my house. Welcome!"

As Sol said, he raised his eyebrows towards Tony, and then whispered: "You must tell Jane about me playing wow... let's go! I invite you to drink!"

Tony scowled and showed a serious expression: "Sol, I didn't come to Asgard to find you for a drink this time, I have important things that need your help."

"Don't you people on earth often say that you follow the locals? Don't worry, I won't call other people. Just the three of us. Have a good meal!"

Sol said, pulling Jane with one hand, and Tony with the other, preparing to take them back to his palace.

Only then did he notice the life support device beside Tony.

"Come on, what else to bring with you, is this a computer?"