Daddy Iron Man

Chapter 123

Dr. Banner's words untied Tony's heart, he decided to take advantage of the next limited time to modify the Mark Six.

At this time, the Ten Ring Club base.

"Master, everything is ready now. Now as long as you give an order, our people can open the door of space, and your army can reach the earth from outside the territory in an instant." The Mandarin said to Loki humbly.

"Very good, but the strength of the Avengers should not be underestimated. Before the war begins, I will give them a big gift!" A beautiful arc was raised at the corner of Loki's mouth, vividly deducing the handsome temperament of Yin and evil.

Although he is holding the winning ticket this time, the maintenance is foolproof. He still has to play some tricks, otherwise he will be sorry for his Cthulhu name.

After speaking, Loki glanced at a white bald man with glasses in front of him.

This person is a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but no matter how loyal a person is, as long as he is tapped by Loki's scepter, the other party will become Loki's lackey.

"Let's say, where is the base of SHIELD? Is the Avengers also there."

"Long live Rocky! S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base is now over New York City, and the Avengers are there."

Loki got the answer he wanted and waved for the white bald guy to go down.

The bald went down respectfully, but not long after he had left, an emerald green light flashed, and Loki became his appearance.

"The master is really supernatural!" The Mandarin did not let go of this opportunity to flatter faithfully.

"Hahaha! Of course, when my army arrives on Earth, the group of avengers who call themselves heroes may be arguing hard!" Loki, who turned into a bald head, laughed.

"By the way, Master, where will you open the door of space? Is it right here?"

"No! It's boring to open the door of space here. If you want to play, you have to play with the big one. I heard that Tony Stark built a tallest building in Manhattan, New York. It seems to have just completed. Open the door of space on the top of that building, what will he look like when he knows?"

"Master wise!"

"Okay, I'll leave this to you, I'm going to give a big gift to the Avengers now."

Loki disappeared out of thin air.

The Mandarin looked at the location where Loki disappeared, and a haze flashed in his eyes: "When you are successful, it will be the day when I will win the world!"


The next morning, the sky fortress.

Tony got together and was called to the conference room urgently. When he arrived, everyone had arrived, and they were arguing.

"Wait, you called me over early in the morning, isn't it because you have information about the Cube of the Universe?" Tony frowned and roared, and the whole conference room suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Hawkeye stood up: "Don't talk about the Cube of the Universe now, there is already an inner ghost among us!"

"Inner ghost?" Tony was startled.

The captain nodded, and those heroic eyes kept staring at Hawkeye: "Yes, Tony, I saw Barton copying our data transmission last night, and the email address of the other party has been checked. It is a branch of the Tenth Ring Club. "

"Captain, what are you talking about? I'm an insider? Come on, I don't know who was in the S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon arsenal yesterday!" Hawkeye immediately retorted.

"Isn't the inner ghost Natasha? I saw that she was tampering with the parameters of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube." Dr. Banner also spoke.

The Black Widow also snorted, "Doctor, don't open your eyes and tell lies, I don't know how to do such a thing, but yesterday I clearly saw Saul come back."

"Don't turn the subject off, if I remember well, you were a spy?" Dr. Banner looked at Natasha solemnly.

"What are you talking about?" Tony shouted again, shaking the situation.

Steve mentioned the shield: "Now that we have a gangster among us, we must find this person, otherwise how to deal with Loki."

"Captain, are you suspicious of our own people?" Tony looked at everyone in a state of nothing, and the atmosphere was also tense, and the smell of gunpowder had grown stronger.

"I saw it with my own eyes, is there any fake?" Steve replied affirmatively.

Button sneered: "Captain, I also saw it with my own eyes. Fortunately, I always thought you were a great hero, but I didn't expect you to become Rocky's lackey!"

"Well, you guys, the war is coming, but we are in a mess. Please contact Sol. I looked around on the ship today and I didn't see his shadow. Could he be gone again?"

The black widow screamed between Steve and Button.

"Didn't everyone hear what I said?!" Dr. Banner roared suddenly without warning, and everyone's ears were numb with the terrifying roar.

The veins on his forehead were already violent, and there was also a green light in his eyes looking at Natasha.

Tony quickly comforted, "Banna, don't worry, we will investigate this matter thoroughly."

At the same time, he was suspicious, what is the reason for everyone's abnormal behavior today?Is there really a ghost among them?

Gen Masamiao Hong’s captain, Steve, shouldn’t do such a thing. The two agents, Black Widow and Button, don’t seem to be controlled by Loki. As for Banner, if he is controlled by Loki, it’s early. He became a big guy, not to mention that Loki was not on this battleship at all!

"None of them lied."

Suddenly a childish voice came from the door, it was Duo'er who came, and Furui followed her behind.

Doer has telepathic ability, she can really tell if everyone is lying.

But this also doesn't make sense. Are all the people present at the scene?

"Tony, I said before that everyone has different personalities, and they don't trust each other. This kind of alliance does not need enemies to disintegrate, because it was originally a mass of loose sand." Patton said in a deep voice, turning around and going out.

Steve frowned and immediately followed him: "Stop! Speak clearly before leaving. What is the relationship between you and Rocky?"

"Roar! The instrument I worked so hard to make, if you change it, don't you want to excuse yourself now?" Dr. Banner suddenly leaned in front of the black widow, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had become extremely hideous.

The Black Widow was also frightened by Dr. Banner's momentum, and she quickly looked at Tony.

Confused Tony hadn't figured out what was going on, when a violent explosion suddenly came from the outer deck.

Director Fury immediately received Hill's report. It turns out that Saul really came back this time!

But this time Sol came to be unkind. He had already smashed a big hole on the deck and rushed into it aggressively, clamoring for Tony to get out and see him!