Daddy Iron Man

Chapter 141 Nuclear Bomb Crisis

When Loki recovered, the Avengers had surrounded him.

"I said, you can't succeed because of me Tony Stark." Tony raised his hand, and the masks of Mark 7 and Ulu War Armor were opened, revealing the iconic Stark smile. .

Kang Dang——

Loki's scepter fell to the ground.

He raised his hand and looked unwilling, but still honestly said: "I surrender! Calm down, everyone, if you have something to say, this big guy doesn't look very good. Can you stop him?"


After Tony asked Thor and Hulk to take Loki, he picked up the scepter on the ground and prepared to send it to the little spiders.

Only the power of infinite gems can close the universe cube!

At this time, the little spiders had already settled the Ten Rings at the top of the Stark Mansion, and they were waiting for Tony to send the scepter.

"Director Fury, the alien head has been driven away by us, and Loki has now been taken down by us. You S.H.I.E.L.D. only need to clean up the mess next." Tony flew towards his building, and at the same time Report the situation to Furui.

"Tony, what you said may be the best news I have heard in this time. Now you are leaving New York. The Department of Defense has launched a Tomahawk missile with a nuclear bomb on it." Fury hurriedly replied.

He also just received this news.

"What are you talking about? Is the brain of the Department of Defense broken? They want to turn the whole of New York into scorched earth?" Tony stared.

Unexpectedly, this time successfully prevented the Battle of New York, but the nuclear bomb still came!

"Don't get angry at Lao Tzu! I stopped them, but it's useless... I hope my warship can withstand the aftermath of the nuclear bomb..." Fury roared first, but soon his voice fell.

You know, he is also on the battlefield now!

Tony raised his head and took a look. As expected, the sky fortress was slowly rising.

"I advise you to dispel this idea. If the nuclear bomb really blows up here, apart from Hulk and Sol, I'm afraid everyone else will disappear... Damn! Obviously it has succeeded, but the Ministry of National Defense is coming behind. Such a hand!" Tony scolded bitterly.

"In their opinion, if the big hole in the sky is not repaired, the battle will not be over." Fury calmed down, and now is not the time to complain about the Ministry of Defense.

Tony cut off the call and took off the Mark 7 immediately.


When he flew to the top of the Stark Mansion, he threw the scepter directly down.

"You can close the space door with Loki's crutch, but not now, wait for my order!"

Tony dropped these words beyond doubt, turned around and sprinted quickly, running at full speed at Mach 10!

The little black spider quickly picked up the scepter: "Good Mr. Stark!"


At this moment, the Tomahawk missile carrying a nuclear bomb is flying towards New York.

"Huh-maybe the only way to truly reflect the value, Jarvis, help me lock the nuclear bomb, this time I can't put Doer in danger."


Tony's head-up display showed the trajectory of the Tomahawk missile. Jarvis calculated everything. As long as Tony is fast enough, he can change the trajectory of the Tomahawk missile and send it to the black hole in the sky.

In the gate of space, the leader of the Zetaru who came back to life desperately issued a death order and ordered the whole army to attack!


In the depths of the darkness, every flashing blue light represents a giant mechanical whale. From a distance, it is densely packed like stars in the sky!

This is the true strength of the Qitarui. The army that attacked New York just now was just the tip of the iceberg!

As the vanguard army of Thanos dominating the Space Army, the Qitarians rely on these dishes to be invincible.

The abnormal changes in the space gate once again attracted everyone's attention.

Although Loki was tied up, he still laughed: "Idiot old man, hurry up and let that tin man hurry up, the door of space is about to take shape, otherwise when those giant mechanical whales rush out, I might turn out to be a victory. Oh!"

His words are not joking. Once a star-level war breaks out, the current strength of their Avengers alone will not be able to turn the tide, let alone drive the enemy out of the earth!

Sol couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect that besides our Nine Realms, there would be such a large army in the universe..."

Captain Steve did not pay attention to the twin brothers, but asked Tony and Black Widow about them.

"The Zetarians are about to launch a general attack, Tony, has your scepter been delivered? Natasha, how is it with you?"

"Captain, we have already got the scepter here, but Tony said not to close the space door now?" The Black Widow answered truthfully, and she didn't know what medicine Tony was selling in the gourd.

"What? What tricks Tony is going to play?! Leave him alone, you guys close the door of space, otherwise when the army of the Zetaris really arrives, the earth will be over..." Steve solemnly said.

"Don't! Can't turn it off now! Waiting for my order!" Tony's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Steve.

"Tony, you better explain it honestly..."

"Nuclear bombs are nuclear bombs. I must first send this nuclear bomb launched by the Ministry of Defense to the space gate, otherwise even if the space gate is closed, the whole of New York will be ruined!" Tony's voice rushed.

At this time, he had already flown under the Tomahawk missile.

"You...what did you say? Nuclear bomb? Tony, do you know what you are doing?!" Steve was anxious at once.


I saw a flash of fire across the sky, and it was the Tomahawk missile coming!

"Jarvis, prepare to adjust the angle and inject all the energy into the rapid thruster. We must send the nuclear bomb in before the space gate is finalized!" Tony gritted his teeth.


Under the gaze of the Avengers, the Tomahawk missile suddenly turned and flew into the sky. They happened to see Tony holding the missile in both hands!


Duo'er was also anxious in an instant, and the ejector of the super schoolbag was launched. If you want to fly to the sky, Tony pulls down.

"Don't come here! Only my Mark 6 is fast enough. Only I can complete this task. Natasha, little spider, prepare to close the door of space!" Tony resolutely said.

As he said, at this time, only he can save everyone and save New York!

Thor immediately stopped Doer, and at the top of Stark Mansion, the little spider also raised Loki's scepter and pierced the shield of the universe cube in one fell swoop.


The next moment, the bright blue light suddenly converged, and the black hole in the sky began to collapse continuously.