Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

13.3-06 Cherry Blossom 4

The next time Strela noticed, she was in a dark space.If you add a little more situational description----

"(... concrete? rock? It's not like the wooden house I was in earlier...)"

—— in a dark room surrounded by hard, thick walls.Perhaps it's a place to capture and capture those who broke into the Root Castle of the Underboss of Trade.

"(Not in the magma, but in the meantime.Even with Ecleria the Stream Stone, she only has the skills to write magical formations inside the Magma.Well, more than that... where are we?It smells alive, the air is starving, and there's no doubt that it's not a busy place... but let's check the situation for now) "

Strela seemed calm and switched her eye mode.Now in near-infrared mode. Along with that, infrared light that is invisible to the eye is illuminated from the eye.At this time, she did not use any magic that could be detected by anyone, and the infrared light projection mechanism was pre-loaded into her eyes.We were still in enemy territory, so we were vigilant.

"(Yeah? Looks like you had a visitor.)"

In the room illuminated by infrared light, as Strella said, there were foreigners.However, he is not a living person.The so-called corpse, the white boned corpse.

"(This is... eh... not the assistant officer under investigation...Did you trap yourself?Or what, the Underboss in Merclio is a phony?... no, I haven't seen her face lately, so I don't know when she died...) "

In Strella's head, various possibilities were running around.There is no doubt that the body in front of him was an aide to the Minister of International Trade, but was he killed in an accident, was he killed here, or was someone pretending to be an aide in the Kingdom of Merclio...?Recently, however, I did not witness the Underboss directly, and Strela, who lacked information, was unable to determine any possibility.

"(... well, that's fine, let's check the situation anyway)"

Any unanswered question is useless.So Strela quickly switched her head.

When she looked around, it looked like a cave.However, there is no exit. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to escape because there is so much air in and out of each rock gap.It seems that Strela has been trapped in such a space.

But on the contrary, there was no need to worry about anyone seeing it.Therefore, she puts her hand on her ear and activates the magic equipment for remote communication.The destination is naturally the supporter's sakura.

This is Strela (It's awful).* giggle *! I can't think anymore...Sakura? Can you hear me? (If I say I can't hear you, I'll knock you down.) "

If you ask Sakura about it with an extra thought leak, Sakura returns with a slight delay.However, with noise on the audio.

Zazz...... s, Str...... Are you okay...?... thump... "

The noise is terrible.

And then it's about four seconds late, and Sakura responds.

"This one too... thump... sounds good... nh"

You know what I mean? That's why I'm going to be brief.Looks like he was trapped somewhere. "

"Zazzz... yes?... zazzz..."

"... someone's delay in contacting me led me into a trap and flew me somewhere.Did you hear that?

"Zah, can you hear me a bit... Zah..."

No, you were making noise with your own voice right now, right?(Shiba Kuwa?)

...... Zach......

It returns only noise that is obviously different from the noise.Apparently, in this case, even with her as a supporter, she felt compelled to feel responsible if she contacted her a little earlier.