The Eclarian refugees on the other side also saw the Mercrio kingdom and the Eclarian border mountains, and on top of them, three ships floating in the sky like clouds.There are three large white Aerial Battleships, a black-and-white Aerial Battleship like its opposite pole, and a silver Aerial Battleship that mirrors the sky and the ground.

The sight was unusual even from the ecclesians, who were often summoned from the modern world.No, because he had knowledge of the modern world, he seemed even more unusual.The ecclesians have created heavy weaponry, tanks, and aircrafts with each other's knowledge and technology.There were various efforts and setbacks, and they were the ones who had dealt with science to understand how difficult it was to create battleships flying from one place to the next in a world where science and technology had not been developed.

Therefore, the appearance of air battleships in their eyes was unusual, unusual, and supernormal.It was a sight that could only be expressed in terms that were incomprehensible.There will be a great deal of confusion among the ecclesians who did not understand the sight at hand.

"What... what... that's..."

"Enderucia's airship....? No, it's not!We don't have the technology to float such a huge ship in that country! "

"Such an idiot... what country's ship?!"

Most people did not believe that there were countries where science and technology had progressed further than their own, doubting their perception or whether the sight they saw was a mirage.For them, it was a source of pride and self-esteem that their country was the most advanced in science and technology in the world.It was not easy for them to embrace a scene where their superiority could be overshadowed from the bottom.

As a result, such an idea will emerge among them.

"I see...! That's Ecleria's ship!Some kind of agency built it behind closed doors! "

"Hmm, I see! No... no! Then why did it come here?!"

"No way... to kill us...?!"

We are the best technology in the world.The emergence of aerial battleships that could not have been built in their own countries with technological capabilities that did not allow them to follow each other meant that other countries did not build aerial battleships, but that secret research institutes in Eclaria built them behind closed doors without their knowledge...It was a good idea to understand the sight in front of us without losing self-esteem and our common sense. It seemed that the absence of a flag, emblem, or typographical resemblance that could identify each of the three Battleships as belonging to Mid Eden was also responsible for their thoughts.

However, that was not how such an idea brought them mental stability.Every thought goes to the end of being the proxy of the Reapers who came to kill themselves.As a result, chaos spreads at an accelerated pace among the refugees in Eclaria.

The energies looked down quietly from the sky.Their mission is to infiltrate Ecleria and, if necessary, suppress those in his country.Eliminating refugees on the ground was an option if it could be a threat, not an exception.

What they were observing was whether the refugees would harm their airships and allies.

And what the refugees were experiencing was the suspicion that the Energizers might have come here to solemnly declare themselves a covert battleship. It was just a flash.

At that time, these voices echoed among the refugees.

"... oh, really. It's not the third time.Give me your leader or representative.That's right... if it's only 40 minutes, I'll wait for you. "

With the magic of the wind, the voice spreads to every corner of the refugees.Only a fraction of those who heard that voice - specifically, those who failed to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Mercury a few days ago and became refugees.They still seem to remember clearly.... as a result of their inability to respond to this voice, they were destroyed in an instant.