There was a little confusion in the "Behemoth" riding by the three Cerberus sisters.The sound of golden cuts echoed from all over the aircraft, and the sound of the navigation system mounted on "Behemoth" raised the scream of a warning, and the outside scenery reflected by the monitor was pure white with sparks.

I don't know what's going on first...The three of us were about to weep in the cockpit as the stream of information swept through us.Since it was attacked by terrible sounds and dazzling light in a closed space, it can be said that it is a natural reaction.

Meanwhile, Potentia's actions, which were attacking the "Behemoth" on which the Porcupines were riding, continued to escalate.By deforming the micro-machine and creating wolf heads in the body one after another, they optimized the positioning and angle and filled the body with their heads.No longer a monster of mouth, fangs and eyes.If there was a monster bearing the name of the watchdog of hell, it must not be Cerberus, but Potentia.

Incidentally, the others who were watching Potentia's condition seemed to even feel fear beyond the state of donation.After all, there was an unstructured piece of meat (?) It is "something" that is full of mouth.Everyone seemed to be beginning to think this way as they watched such an unfair and stupid situation.... I wonder if my spirit is sane.Against the refugees and Strella's men, Potentia's anomaly (?) was sufficiently effective as a performance to show off.Rather, it is an overdoing.

Passing by in a daze, fear was beginning to spread on the battlefield (?) But Strella in the--,

"Hey, Potato? You're overdoing it, aren't you?"I admit it's dexterous. "

—— It seemed to be plain.For her, who understood the principles of how Potentia was a collection of micro-machines and how he was deforming his body, she was just dumbfounded, no matter what shape Potentia might transform into.

Huh? Really? I'm just scraping the surfaces a little bit to avoid breaking Pochi-chan's planes...... ”

"I don't think the sparks are splashing too much and the porcupines can't see us."In fact, you can't see your surroundings and you're in a state of chaos. "

[Huh?! Is that right?! I'm sorry about this.

After hearing Strella's point, Potentia decided to stop scraping off the surface of Behemoth and just keep it to himself.As a result, the behemoth's cockpit monitor shows monsters with mouths full of monsters.That's also the video in my mouth.


The monitor showed fangs lined up in steps like a shark's mouth and a suspiciously stupid tongue.Such a thing strips away the spirits of the porcupines from the other side of the monitor. Exactly horror.

Results --,


--The porters, who couldn't stand the fear, pulled the large lever attached to the seat forcefully with all three of them.It is an ejection lever for emergency escape.

However, the effect of potentia sticking to the escape hatch does not blow the escape hatch.Fortunately, the bodies of the porcupines were not hit by the hatch for each seat.


I can't do it anymore!!

I wanted to eat meat again...

--The porcupines who couldn't get out of their abnormal state seem to have finally figured out the dead end.

But that's what Behemoth is talking about in the enclosed space inside.Potentia, who was outside and attached to the Behemoth, had no idea--

Now, how about we cook for you?

He was about to smite the porcupines further into hell.Well, it looks like Strella forced a stop on the boulder because she felt sorry for the porcupines.