Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

1.2-07 Journey to Town 7 ↓ Beyond Disturbance Caution

After Waltz released a beam of charged particles and evaporated the forest. They never met anyone, walked down the street for about two hours, through the dark woods.

"No, it's been a long time since (...) if (...)!

"Yeah? Shall we?

"... well, in brief, it came out in the sun, right? Maybe."

Industry Terms (?) because it did not pass to Lucia, or waltz to mislead appropriately.

Then she seemed to decide, off the street and stopping at a tall grass, to put an unconscious hunter to sleep on it and wait for Lucia and the two of us to wake up.

"Shall we wait here for the hunter to wake up?


Lucia lowers her back to the stump that was there when she heard such Waltz's words. At that time, she seemed to be waltzing at what she called a complex expression.

You realize what that means, Waltz, by the way, started to say this.

"Actually? Lucia."

"... yeah?

"It's me... I'm really curious to be here."

"... what?

"No? Now the road I've been walking on... it really suited me..."


Because I only remember it being one main road in retrospect, or Lucia frowning. She didn't seem to understand where the hell she could go wrong.

In response to such Lucia, Waltz continued his words.

"... good? Lucia, you were the hunter, weren't you? The odds of her walking down a normal path through the woods and the odds of walking down a shortcut through a forest somewhere like a beast path. Which one do you think is more expensive?

"What... hey, something... if I heard that, I might have felt like I was going the wrong way too..."

"Right? I'm a little unsure too..."

""... mmm ""

And Waltz and Lucia in the way they think, holding their heads together.

Was there such a strange air, Waltz shrugged a small grin, then opened his mouth and said:

"... that's a joke, though"

"... Huh?

"Lucia, just now... didn't you think about who I was?

"Uh... yeah. 'Cause... the guy from earlier, he's a brave guy, isn't he? Because I once saw a fairy tale about a brave man taking out a bad guy... Maybe he was a fake brave man..."

"I see..."

"But, sister, I easily defeated that brave man who was supposed to be strong, so I wonder what he was..."

That's what you say, Lucia, leaning down. Maybe she thought of Waltz as the ”enemy” of the brave. That is, a righteous enemy to this world - that it may be "evil". Well, from Waltz, it doesn't matter if it's justice or evil, he just suddenly attacked me if I was walking swallowy, so I just fought back against it.

Then Waltz says these words while smiling bitterly at Lucia.

"I'm just a runner, am I? If I'm wrong, it's not like I'm some princess, famous wizard, or demon king, is it? Rather as far as I'm concerned... do you want to know why Lucia can use such strong magic?

Being turned to the word, Lucia began to respond in a way that seemed difficult to say after showing a slightly flattering look.

"Me too...... I don't know. However, my father and mother told me that you should never use magic in public because you are bad at magic..."

"... and you used it in front of me?

"Yeah...... Because... your sister's magic somehow felt just like mine..."

"... you know what? Then why don't you come over? Because I, too, don't know why I can use magic like that, do I?

"... your sister too?

"Yep. Same as Lucia, right?

"... well."

That's what I said, Lucia, with a reassuring look somewhere. Maybe she was looking for more answers to something else than the question of who Waltz was.

And then, after about 15 minutes,

".................. Huh?! Meat?!"

- And the hunter, lying in the grass, awakened his eyes as he uttered an unintelligible statement. Perhaps she also dreamed that the hunt was related.

"... what's going on? Mr. Hunter......"

"Wah, waltz... Actually... I had a bad dream... Dreams of bandits crusading demons and dumping them on the side of the road as they are, dude..." puffy

That's what I said, a hunter with a head, shaking himself. That dream (?) is, for her, an intolerable pain (?) seemed to be accompanied by

Then she remembered something, and again, bah, looked up and stuffed against the waltz.

"Oh, yeah! Waltz! Um, what happened to the guys who named the brave guys?!

"Uh, are those people? That wasn't a brave man, it was like he was just a bandit, right? Instead, you're not even a bandit, you're just a passageway..."

"Not a brave man... no?

"Yep. Isn't there a brave man slaughtered by three” weak ”women walking down the road? So I punished you with Lucia. Hey, Lucia?

"Ugh, yeah...... (cute?

"Oh well..."

A hunter who sees Waltz and Lucia react, exhales loudly, and leans down disappointed. Seeing that the breakdown of that sigh was something darker in colour of tiredness than relief, she seemed quite confident in her arms that she had been mowed of consciousness in one blow.

I saw how that waltz...

"(This guy also hid something from me...)"

- And he seemed to wonder if the hunter was really a ”hunter”.

What she does, the number of daggers she possesses, her role in the village, etc... The more I thought about it, the more it seemed to Waltz that the hunter didn't just look like a ”hunter”.