Something that barely comes out in a different world system setting, electricity.

There's magic, but you don't have to bother using electricity, so it's natural.

But because there is magic, we need electricity, can there be such a situation?

(Waltz Different Worlds Memoir, Chapter 59, Beginning)

And so on and so on, I'm thinking in vain about the afternoon when Waltz sold iron chunks to the merchants.

Now, on the desk, there are enamel wires, iron masses, and magnets.

It goes without saying that Enamel Line Mojo is already a finished product, but has had a lot of difficulty getting here.

I used lacquer for the coating of the conductive surface, or the thickness of the line did not become constant...

Regarding magnets, too, I've been looking for magnetite mines, processed, heated, beaten...

After everything I did, I managed to row to a level where I could use it as a magnet.

(When I can generate electricity, I plan to use electromagnets to make stronger magnets, though.)

So I'm ready to make a motor.

Even more temperamentally, a diagram describing the structure of the motor was also written on the waltz handmade blackboard.

I mean, I'm ready to teach Lucia and Catalina.

By the way, I'm not going to use a luxury part called ball bearings or anything on the motor I made this time for Waltz.

At first I decided that it would be easier to do nothing special and use a simple normal bearing.

In the first place, there is no need for precision for this level of motor.

I just couldn't make it easier than...

"I'm going to make a demon prop (motor)."

Waltz declares, imagining the bearings fading out behind his brain.

"Demonic props? Was Mr. Waltz able to make magic props as well?

Catalina asks.

"It's not a demon prop correctly, but it probably just looks like a demon prop to people in this world"

The tension was high, the tone was strange, but no one pointed it out.

"Now I'm going to wrap this line around this iron mass."

That said, Waltz starts rolling coils into weird-shaped iron chunks.

Continue to wind with machine-like accuracy and speed and finish winding hundreds of times in a matter of seconds.

"Next, make a brush section. Uh, this is the part."

Explain to Lucia and Catalina, pointing to the structural diagram of the motor written on the blackboard.

Now crush and terminalize the ends of the wires that had been wound with gravity control and pinch the paper with adhesive using natural rubber in the part between the shafts.

It's easy to say and explain with your mouth, but it's very cumbersome because it's fine-grained processing.

Besides, the adhesive doesn't solidify right away.

However, since there is no such thing, I use something that scrapes the amber into rings for a temporary stop.

The point is natural resin material.

"And then we put this in the case and it's done"

and a coil made in a metal case that holds the magnet in place and attaches a lid with a pre-made brush.

The part of the lid has an electrode, and the motor turns when the current flows through this part.

When I turned the axis with my fingers to try it, it turned unexpectedly, smoothly.

This is going to work.

Remove some containers with sulphuric acid here.

"This is sulphuric acid. Of course, don't hang on or drink from anyone. It's just sour though. And don't spill it because the material on the floor is so stainless steel. Because spilling it will probably make a hole and a big deal out of it. Because of this, the sulphuric acid material is simple and easy to dissolve in water the sulphur generated by heating the sulphur we took when we went to the volcano before... but Lucia (the child) shouldn't imitate it, right?

And, one person gives machine gun talk.

Lucia, who for some reason had been named in the playball, looked subtly sad.

Aside from that, in this sulfuric acid, two types of metal (pure lead and lead oxide reacted with oxygen) are added to make the battery.

If the conductor is fixed to that battery, the power supply is complete, but if it remains intact, the output is low, so connect some of the same to a number of pearls (series).

"And when you connect the battery lines to this magic prop (motor)..."

connecting conductors one at a time.


The motor started turning at a good speed.


And it's Lucia who looked sad earlier that I'm surprised.

By the way, just turning the motor does not know if the axis is turning hard to see, so the paper slice ends are affixed to the axis as landmarks.


And I feel safe inside.

I've been drawing attention so far, and if I didn't move, I wasn't sure my spirit could stand the silent air.

Waltz to stop the motor once and make something.

Cut out a small amount of iron from the iron ingot, crush it thinly and cut it into circles.

Then, in the middle of the disc, a hole the size of which is just as good as the axis of the motor.

Then, cut every 60 degrees and twist from the part where the cut was placed.

The last time I fixed it to the motor's axis, I finished the fan.

"I'll go, then."

waltz to connect the wiring.

Then, the fans began to turn in momentum.

"Wow... Magic?"

Lucia is surprised again.

"Yeah, it's not magic."

And one last experiment.

"Here is the familiar Orihalcon"

That said, it was the ingot of Orihalcon that was in the warehouse.

"Here's what I'm gonna do"

waltz to say and thin lines with gravity control.

"I'll do even more like this."

and thinner.

It was so thin that it was no longer difficult to see with my eyes.

"And here's what I'm going to do."

When you connect the conductor that is extending from the battery to the orihalcon...


Shine all the time.

The point is, light bulbs.

Neither tungsten, which became the material of filaments, nor the native bamboo, was found, so instead they diverted the orihalcon, which had a high melting temperature.

"You're dazzling bright"

and it was Catalina who expressed her thoughts.

"If I could afford it, I'd even put a dazzling light like this on the basement..."

"Nice. This isn't magic, by the way, is it?

"Yep. Science... alchemy."

As such, three days passed and three water vehicles and generators (including spare) and ventilation facilities for each room were completed.

By the way, in the basement lights, it was a waste of power using a light bulb, so I employed a demonic lantern.

Thus, I am finally ready to build a clean room.

The filter section for shutting down dust consisted of a centrifuge familiar with cyclone vacuum cleaners, a dust adsorption section using oil, and a three-stage arrangement of filters using cloth.

It wasn't supposed to be enough, but if there's going to be a problem, we're going to improve it.

From this day on, Waltz and his workshop will become fully operational.

First, Waltz quickly went into semiconductor manufacturing after cleaning the clean room with gravity control.

At the same time, we are going to start manufacturing passive parts such as resistance and capacitors, but after all, what was difficult was the semiconductor of our destiny.

By the way, the first one I worked on was the LED.

Actually, it's easy to make...

Is that another story?

Meanwhile, both Lucia and Catalina initiate action in order to create homunculus (Android).

In the case of Catalina, we learned about the various organ and skeletal mechanisms of animals while performing an autopsy of monkey shaped demons.

I didn't go to the boulder to dissect people, so I compared the sketch of the skeleton of the person I had Waltz write to how the dissected animals work, and I anticipated how people work.

In most cases, waltz was able to teach me, so it wasn't that big of a problem, but when I couldn't figure it out, I also did something really curious, such as cut myself off and check it out.

But it's a secret to everyone.

Lucia is an assistant to Waltz and Catalina.

I often helped Waltz in particular, and the contents often required the use of fire magic to heat larger metals or light magic, although I don't know what it would be used for.

At that time, was it inevitable that maker magic, laser magic, and even X-ray magic were created from light magic?

By the way, Waltz was particularly inclined to seek X-ray magic.

Waltz advised me not to use it against creatures by mistake, but I didn't understand it until some reason.

For Catalina, on the other hand, it was accompanied by the task of heating waltz specialty alloys and black powder to create something like bone.

The parts to be aligned were like human bones, and I felt a little scared, but I rather got actively involved when I saw Waltz, whom I admire, having a pleasantly professional conversation with Catalina, and not being scared.

Thus, it was about a month later.