The next day you decide to embark on a journey to be determined.

Waltz and the others were ready to head to South Fortress after a treat for breakfast (the last supper) to the liquor store owner and dropping him off for his cousin's wedding.

The itinerary is 3 nights and 4 days, including round-trip time and a stay in town.

Last time, it only took a few days to get around on foot, but this time it takes little time to get around because Waltz flies through the sky to carry everyone.

Therefore, even a short trip like this can be used for most of the stay in town.

By the way, there are currently five waltz parties.

Waltz, Lucia, Catalina, Tempo.

And there's a hunter for some reason.

"I can't believe you're putting me in town. You're not thinking about that cold, are you?

Waltz told the hunter that he was opening a house for a few days because he had business in town, and he was forced to follow.

(Somehow I had predictions... For this minute, maybe it will accompany the "longer" journey as well...)

"By the way, what about you?

It's the first face to face between a hunter and a tempo.

Hunters and temps have dark hair, so they may look like brothers in the long run.

"Waltz, I hit your sister, my name is Tempo. Best regards,"

Tempo bowing and politely greeting.


"This, be polite. I am lord of the land. Count Belts-Alexandros is my daughter, Liese-Alexandros. We are entrusted with a resident knight in the village, so if you need any help, please feel free to speak up."

and return polite greetings that do not seem like the usual hunters.

It's like a noble lady.

"Well, you weren't a hunter, were you?

Tempo keeps wearing cats for some reason.

"Yeah, the resident knight's mission is to protect the villagers. So it's one of our jobs to pinpoint too many demons and protect the village, so you can't help but mistake them for hunters when you meet them first."

"Well, what a beautiful job to do to protect the villagers"

Ha-ha-ha, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh

"... why don't you both stop wearing cats? I mean, stop (because it's disgusting)"

Then the hunter...

"What are you talking about, Waltz? Isn't it common sense to be polite to the first person you meet, as a knight, or as a person?"

(I'd like to ask you what you're talking about. When we first met, it was like, "Hmm? I'm the hunter, 'you didn't even have to say your name in one word, did you?... I don't know, the difference in this treatment)


"That's right, sister. Ladies are ladylike and should say hello."

and tempo to return.

(What the hell kind of mouth speaks the word lady? When I asked you to cook, that mouth that didn't take 0.1 seconds to say "I can't"?

Apparently, this world is tough on me, and I put my deeds on the shelf, and I was waltz thinking even more now.

Besides, I'm going to town with the hunter.

Waltz and the others left the village, went for a while, went off the street and into the woods.

Hunters who have not been asked anything about their actions are bewildered.

"Uh, I'm off the street, aren't you going to town?

It would make sense to think so if you didn't know anything.

So Waltz answers briefly.

"I'm going to town, but I need to be ready for that."

Saying so and walking in the woods, you reach an unnaturally opened place.

An open space full of stumps.

This is where Waltz and the others harvest the wood they use to refine iron.

"Is this...?

"This is like our... well, it's like an experimental site."

Waltz then knocks down with his bare hands the larger tree that was nearby, cutting the trunk to a moderate length, making four chairs that crept through and shredded from the wood.

Meanwhile, Lucia magically cuts down similar trees, cutting them to stand trunks, and making sheets.

At the same time, heat the iron chunks Catalina has until clayey.

Catalina then processes the iron in her hand into thin bars of about 5 cm, creating dozens of them.

Finally, if Waltz uses its bar-shaped iron, the so-called nail, to secure the wood and chair, the impromptu raft is complete.

The hunter is amazed to see how the raft can be done as he looks at it, without consultation between those who are making it.

Tempo was merely holding or opening his hand, observing mainly Lucia's work, without any particular reaction.

"Well, then, everybody sit down"

And everyone but the hunter takes their seats thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure. What are we gonna do on a raft in here? There's no river."

"Well, just sit down, please"


Grab the hunter and force him to sit down.

"Then we're going, right? You can never stand out of your seat, can you?

Lift the raft with manoeuvre armor in invisible condition and take off.

Waltz stood in the center of the raft during this time.

Waltz does not have the effect of shaking because the figure itself is holographic.

"And it's flying..."

Recently, members have reacted faintly.

So the hunter's surprise appearance for Waltz was a bit of a pleasure.

A raft that goes up in altitude and speed with a gnaw.

As we hit past the clouds floating in the sky, the altitude and speed calm down.

The sights you can see from here are familiar to Lucia and Catalina, but I watched them with my eyes shining as I never tired of seeing the flowing clouds, forests, villages, etc.

The hunter,

"That's right, Waltz. This is how you traveled through the castle before."

And, admiring the scenery around him, he remembered when he had previously slipped out of the Lords' Hall.

"Yeah, that's right.... and we'll be there in about 20 minutes, so enjoy your excursion flight until then"


4 days if I walk.

If you fly, approximately 30 minutes after you take off.

I can't help but be surprised.

Incidentally, the first tempo of flight was also viewed as a view.

The opening and closing of the hands were repeated.

After flying for a while, I've seen some object flying in the gap between the clouds on the path.

The distance is about 10 km, the clouds are in the way and it is unlikely that visual confirmation can be obtained.

Apparently it's stopped in the air, but there's a risk of collision if it stays this way.

"... straight ahead, it looks like there's something flying, what do we do?

and waltz opens his mouth.

Then the tempo,

"Well, adding the level of civilization in this world and the presence of demons, etc., I thought it would be reasonable to shoot it down. Wouldn't it be highly unlikely that a human vehicle"


(In this world, you've never seen anything like a plane before... Then, not people, but flying demons? Then maybe we should crash on this occasion...)

The hunter, too,

"Well, don't let the neighbors get hurt."


Others don't seem to have any particular opinions.

"Well, let's crash. Lucia, please, I'm straight ahead."

That's why I decided to attack.

"Yeah, I got it."

When Lucia receives the wand Staff from Waltz, she turns the wand forward and focuses her consciousness.

Then something like a grain of light gathered around the cane, and at the next moment,


A thick ray of light flies toward the clouds in front, as if it had a diameter of 5m.

Apparently, Lucia's magic has grown much stronger in the process of creating the tempo as well.

But waltz adjusts the error because it doesn't seem to hit the inside, whether it's a delicious magic, because of their distance, or because the opponent is running away from hitting them.

"Uh, Lucia. A little more up... oh, a little more to the left... yeah, okay, I hit it"

Then, Lucia, stop the magic.

Apparently, the subject is a bullet (?) After I did, I think I fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, the clouds were too thick to confirm.

(... when Lucia's magic hit me, I think I saw something like a ship chilling... but it's my fault!

"I shot you down. Shall we go to town then?"

One line, thus, went the rest of the way.

It is yet another story that this day the mountains that were on Lucia's magical rays disappeared from the map and became splendid streets through the mountains.