In the current season, the sun was setting rather late due to its proximity to the summer solstice.

And quite some time has passed since the sun set across the horizon, and the sky is darkened.

I mean...

You said you were staying, but you didn't have anywhere to stay.

According to Waltz's body clock, the time is 21: 34.

Is there an open inn...

Rather than that, the Demons occupied it until earlier, so it might be better to doubt if there are any inns or anything that are usually open.

"If you really want to stay in Wangdu, go to Nojuku."

"Nojuku or... not bad"

Teresa remembered the anti-gravity bed (modified).

"No, you can sleep in the royal castle, right?

"... in that place full of corpses, huh?

"... I'm sorry, Teresa..."

"No, it's not about Miss Lucia apologizing, is it? My bad is my son-in-law."

"So, we're gonna camp in the end?


Waltz's eyes, who decided to ignore him, do not see Teresa as early as possible.

"Huh,... you're tired of everything going on today. Now, why don't you make a meal and go to bed?"

Hunters stretching their backs like cats.

"Right. It's been tough all morning."

"Overwork is a major enemy of beauty, so you just want to get some rest."

The three men marched with the water dragon early in the morning.

Then, after South Fortress, he interrogated the water dragon, and it was a case in the king's capital.

It's been a rough day.

"Well, make up your mind in the camp."

"Okay, so you can sleep in the bed your lord made?

"Well... I don't know, if it's just my son-in-law's marriage in May, why don't you just let one of us sleep on the ground?

"Hmm... Lord, isn't that too much of a biocide?

Apparently, welcoming Waltz to his son-in-law and being able to sleep in an anti-gravity bed were roughly the same weight as a result.

"... be prepared."


Leaving the roaring Theresa alone, Waltz approached the wall of the king's capital.

"The camp is not in the king's city, let's do it outside, shall we? No one's watching you right now."

That's what I say, punch a new hole in the Wall of the King's Capital.

From the hole previously drilled, it is about 400 m away in a straight line.

"No, it's fine to camp outside... well, okay"

For a moment, the hunter wondered why he couldn't jump over it when he could, but he stopped pointing it out.

"Let's all get ready for camp, and the hunter will be ready for dinner."

"Oh, leave it to me.... Well, the ingredients on hand are about slime."

"Is it slime again..."

Apparently, dinner tonight is going to be a silent dinner.

The next day, on the side of the woods, a short distance from the Wang capital, everyone woke up.

At first we were going to camp closer to Wang Capital, but the fact that there was no forest nearby where we could hunt (i.e., it was hard to hunt demons for breakfast) and Waltz, who hated the most popular places, told us to 'camp away, after all,' meant to do so far away.

The fact that there was no one against the fellows who were supposed to be tired could also be said to be one reason.


After breakfast, Waltz was suddenly surprised.

"... Huh?

Lucia is puzzled by the appearance of such a sister.

If tempo, I wonder if it's finally broken.

Of course, it's not broken.

The cause of Waltz's surprise, it was:

"Long time no rain!

Potatoes and droplets fell from the sky, where I was about to cry.

"I've never seen this world before!

Contrary to the look on his face in the sky, Waltz was very happily groping around, receiving the Shizuku of grace pouring out of the sky.

"Are you that happy?

"Sunny is good, but I don't like sunny all the time. Sometimes it's rain, cloudy, rain, snow... I'd love to have all kinds of weather."

"Hmm. Hey, sister. What's snow?

Lucia doesn't know the snow, apparently.

Indeed, the latitude of the region where Lucia lived is well south of the king's capital.

(I don't know until the current, but adding wind flow and terrain, it probably won't snow even in the winter)

"Uh, snow is... no, I'm gonna stop explaining it. Fun till winter, huh?


"Right... tips. Ice coming down from the sky, huh?

"... wow... looks like something hurts"

Lucia seems to have imagined ice falling from the sky.

"You've come down in earnest. Come, Lucia."

Then Waltz unfolds an umbrella like a gravitational lens over his head.

"Wow... I can see the sky, but it's not raining..."

Vinyl umbrellas have become extremely transparent, and so on.

"Hey, waltz. It's raining, so help me put it on."

A hunter who was washing dishes raised his voice.


Then, after putting a gravity umbrella over the head of the hunter, and all his companions as well, the dishwasher greeted him and started manipulating the rain that had come down to wash the dishes under high pressure.

"Ha ha... I didn't know you would use rain that way..."

"It's beautiful water, so it's cleaner than washing it with river or well water for the rest of the day."

This world is not an industrialized world, so rain is contaminated, etc.

"Yes, it's over"

"Morning! And beautiful..."

Waltz is good at chores.

However, cooking is excluded.

"Huh? There's a sign of a good son-in-law nearby..."

(... you have no idea what you're talking about.)

Waltz was getting a little worried that Teresa was walking in dangerous directions.

As a result, I raise my voice in anticipation of the presence of camp equipment.

"Now, are you ready to leave?

Of course, to the king's capital, is.

"Yes, you can leave whenever you want, sister, as you are already set up."

"Hmm, then let's go, gentlemen."

"Waltz changes his personality every once in a while."

"... rude! I'm in the mood, mood."

And, as usual, we talk about no other love, and then we try to leave...

"Speaking of which, what about disguise?

"What do we do, what? Aren't you supposed to be dressed yesterday?

To Waltz's question, Catalina returns it.

"No, yesterday's outfit was seen by the brave, wasn't it? So, an open king and a brave man are meeting, so I thought maybe the king might find out what we look like."

"... but that reasoning also shows us before we transform, so it's possible that the King has turned us into vegetarians."

"Wow... I hope you don't. That sort of thing."

"Don't you have to worry too much about it? If it's like a chase, you just have to run away."

"Wouldn't you like to take it out on me?

Lucia runs disturbingly.

Then, behind Waltz's brain, a figure emerged of the knights blowing their whole bodies to pieces.

"No, Lucia. I can't believe I'm just blowing people up after me."

"What... you're not gonna blow it, are you? Did you think of anything terrible, sister?

"Uh... so how are you thinking of getting rid of it?


Lucia then chopped off the nearby trees with a visible light laser.

Seeing as it evaporates every Shizukuishi without diffusion with rain grains, it's probably quite an output.

"Like this?

"You're gonna die in the end..."

"I think you'll be fine. Because I'll do the restorative magic."

Perhaps knights with their hands and feet cut off will be produced in large quantities.

"... we're not gonna do it, so let's just get away from this idea, okay?

"Uh... yeah..."

Was Lucia also the reason she wanted to get rid of the chase that far?

"Well, the story's a little out of line, but if you're going according to Catalina's story, the same outfit as yesterday is enough."

In other words, if anything happens, we run away immediately.

That's why I'm not going to show you my identity.

"Is that okay with everyone?

There was no disagreement with Waltz's words.

Rather, it is about waltz who is extremely afraid that the king will find out his identity, so there is not much point in asking his companions.

So Waltz and the others made the same transformation as yesterday and proceeded to the main entrance of the Wang capital.

Theresa and Julia, however, were in town daughter style everywhere because they would have difficulty shopping and so on later in entering the King's Capital without being demons of use.

At first, they were thinking about going with cooking two gear, just like the waltzes, but if they magically transformed themselves, unlike the waltz hologram, they would have difficulty walking because armor and other gear embodied them.

So Waltz tried to transform it instead with a hologram, but Teresa said, 'I'm not willing to be your son-in-law's hippo!' and so forth, and he was transforming himself.

Julia also transformed herself, similarly saying, 'Sacubas has the pride of Sacubas ~' and so on.

Is it a manifestation of will that we both do what we can on our own?

When a line came to the main entrance of the Wang capital, it was an unexpected development.

"Eh? What does this mean?

Something that jumped into Waltz's eyes.

It's like a massive camp.

Is it camped by adventurers and merchants who could not take the inn as well as Waltz?

Or maybe there's a reason you can't get into the king's capital.

That's good.

Problem is, for some reason, the braves were camping too.

And just like yesterday, he's talking to his people about something.

"Why are the brave men out there?

Originally, you should be staying in a royal castle or some suite.

"... at last, incompetence was exposed, and you weren't kicked out..."

"That sounds terrible. I don't deny it."

When you put a bangle on it (?) It's a stronger hunter's word than a brave man.

"Well... given the state of the Imperial Castle, couldn't the King afford to send visitors?"

"Right... I knew it wouldn't be like a game..."


"No, it's nothing. But with this vibe, you're not going to be in town yet..."

"Seeing the merchants still waiting outside, it seems so"

They are the merchants of May in gold.

The fact that the sun is climbing but waiting outside without entering the town probably means that the gates of the Wang capital are not open.

If the royal castle is still in turmoil, then the department of access town control may be similarly in turmoil.

"What do we do? At this point, I don't think there's anything in there."

With the logistics stopping, the various guilds will likely be closed, as well as the stores you want to look around.

"What am I going to do? Right, Catalina? Hey, honey?

The spinning begins.

"Right. The hunter has some ideas... no, let's ask the tempo."

When you ask a hunter, you're supposed to tell them to hunt 100% and kill their time, so you dare avoid Catalina.

"Right. I have nothing to do with it, so let's give it to Teresa."

"Huh? Concubine? Right... Koko... no, it's nothing. Is there anything about Lord Julia?

"That's horrible that I decide what to do with the party... So, do you guys want to go find some clothes material?

Julia comes up with a clear suggestion for fear.

"Clothes material. Hey... I only know about silk..."

Spider yarns and the like also have excellent performance as fibers, but I didn't dare mention them here.

There are many reasons... but is Waltz himself, the primary reason why he doesn't like spiders for trauma?

By the way, the cause is my sister.

"That's a luxury item. It's a yarn that can be taken from the cocoon made by the giant larvae of Rainbow Moss, so spinning often leaves dead people, but well, Master Waltz will be fine."

Apparently, silk can't be removed from silkworms in this world.

"Huge... potato worm... dead man... Yeah, it's raining. Let's do it next time."

By the way, rain doesn't really matter.

My people were confused by the waltz that suddenly changed their attitude.

Apparently, everyone doesn't think anything about giant bugs.

"... no, you're getting into Wang Du?

"But didn't you hate to force yourself into it?

"Yeah, sure. But staying here doesn't make any sense."

and when Waltz bends his usual thoughts and suggests,

"So what do you say we take a look at the merchants' products here?"

Tempo has presented a new proposal.

In fact, some merchants who could not enter the Wang capital had developed snack stalls or traded goods.

Merchants are not the only ones doing business, children such as boys and girls from nearby villages, as well as adventurers.

Apparently, they're buying and selling demonic materials that they were going to buy away at Wang Du's Adventurer's Guild.

It is in the rain, so the merchants with carriages unfolded like awnings, and those who did not were building roofs out of wooden planks or doing business instead of tents with things like narcotic cloth.

Never business day weather but seems to be showing a lot of buzz.

"Not bad."

"Yeah. Maybe there's a sushi shop."

"Um, I don't know. You can't deny it."

"Oh, if you're shopping, can you buy clothing materials?

"Yeah, I don't mind. So instead of all acting together, we split up and act?

In front of you, a small number of people are opening a shop.

It's hard to get around when you're at a party and you're looking around.

Perhaps everyone will have something to see for themselves.

"Oh, maybe that's better. But shouldn't we be totally torn apart, paired by about two?

"... so, Lucia and Julia, and, hunters and Teresa, so, how does it feel to be Catalina and Tempo?

and divide the members before realizing it.

"... well, if you're outside the king's capital, you can find out your identity, right?

There are no members of Catalina and Tempo's squad who can handle Transformation Magic, so when you act in pieces with everyone, the Transformation will unravel and expose their faces.

But since they are both members who have no problem finding out their identity if they're common opponents, there won't be any need for Waltz to bother following them and projecting holograms.

Is it about Teresa and Julia that would be awkward to find out?

"Well, I don't think there's a problem with concubines, but I'll trouble everyone. I'll keep the transformation going."

"Don't worry about me."

So Waltz unhologrammed everyone else.

But somehow, Waltz himself remains transformed.

"Your sister... ah..."

conjecture, is

"Not really, I also have trouble being seen in my face and remembering..."

Is it occupational (NEET) disease?

Aside from that, everyone, we're going to act differently.

Everyone, tempo to rain robe (kappa, not poncho?) Receive and weave feathers.

"Hmm, acting with Julia?... So you're looking for ingredients for your clothes, right?

"That sort of thing"

"Ha, ha! I'll take care of it!

"Yeah, okay. Bye, go, Julia!

With that said, Lucia grabbed Julia's hand and ran away.

Are you a little different from your older friends...?

"When you have lunch, gather in front of the front gate!


"Shall we go, then?"

"Yes, then, sister, I'm coming."

"Yeah, be careful"

That's what I said, and Catalina and Tempo walked away shoulder to shoulder.

From behind, I look more like a brother than a friend.

"Well, let's say the concubines go too, Hunter Hall."

"Oh, I'd like to take a look around at the armor first..."

"Then why don't you take a look at the concubine's score?

"You got something... let's see"

It doesn't look like a katana.

Thus the hunter and Teresa also went to the merchants.

I mean, Waltz got botched.

By the way, no one in my crew pointed out that Waltz would be alone as a result of everyone's distractions.

(... overflowed!

At the earliest, it was nothing but wah (...) and (...).