Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 After-09 Reasons not to wake up

Waltz walked vertically through the walls avoiding the main entrance, taking his people with him, back to the energy.


"Uh... Mr. Waltz, Mr. Sylvia. Good morning."

Catalina, wrapped around her, woke up and opened her mouth.

"Yeah, good morning, Catalina"

Cut that greeting off...

"Morning, sister! And Sylvia."

"Um, I slept well. Well, let's go hunting."

"Oh, have you reached the castle? Thank you for the cab, sister."

"Again, waltz specialty beds are comfortable to sleep in..."

The fellows who wake up in such a way (?).

To them like that,

"Uh... gentlemen! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Sylvia apologized.


"Yeah? I'm not bothering you with anything, am I?

"Yep. We had a beautiful lake, so we stayed at the pier."

"Mm-hmm. You're right. (I envy waltz knee pillows all night...)"


Everyone seems to not care about yesterday (?).

"... helpful"

Silvia whining such a small word.

Guys, I didn't reply, but when I saw him smiling, he was still worried about her.

In the first place, when I woke up, I saw that regardless of where this place was... well, I guess there are a lot of circumstances.

"Well. Bye, hunter. Can I get you ready for breakfast?

"Ah. Then I'm gonna go for a little while"

Note that in the convenience store, it is not.

He went hunting in the woods near Carolis.

Especially for her, the forest, which is a treasure trove of fruits, mountain vegetables, and demons, may in a way be a more convenient and convenient place than a convenience store...

"Then I'll see how Leah and the monks are doing."

Catalina also walked away from the front of the energy

"By the way..."

There was something about Waltz that bothered me.

No, it's not just waltz.

Everyone who was there would have cared.


... to the fact that there is still only one sleeping.

"... seniors..."

Sylvia turns an unfortunate glance at her senior (Julia).

But seeing the neighborhood in her eyes, she probably cried all night.

"... Sylvia. Can I leave Julia to you?

"Uh... yes"

Waltz leaving Miscellaneous 1 (Yulia) to Miscellaneous 2 (Sylvia).

Carrying Julia seemed difficult in Sylvia's physique, but he managed to carry her to his room with a hand from his people.

I managed to carry for myself what I could have easily carried if I had asked around the tempo, because, after all, Julia was special to her...

without seeing Sylvia struggle like that. Waltz headed for the

"Catalina? How's it going? How's it going?"

It was Energy's infirmary.

As a matter of fact, I was still concerned about the condition of the two people who did not regain consciousness.

"... If you're a monk, I'm pretty sure you're sleeping simply because of your physical problems..."

Catalina with a difficult face, in front of two people lying on the bed.

"Problem is, you're from Leah."

Unlike a monk girl, an obscure bed like an operating table (?) Leah, who was lying in.

At first glance, it also looks like you're just sleeping...

"It's like magic is constantly falling out of my body..."

With that said, Catalina was moving her beast ears into small pieces as she tried to listen to what Leah's magic was still missing.

"That's all out of my jurisdiction..."

Even with that waltz, physical and mental anomalies about magic are in a total state of sobriety.

Canopus said that magic was also leaking from Lucia, but in her case it was simply immensely overflowing with magic, which was fundamentally different from a rear-like state.

By analogy, did Lucia just say that in a hot tub with a faucet open, Leah had a hollow bucket?

"Do you know what caused this?

"... as far as I know, I could only think of one..."

And as he creased between his eyebrows, Catalina told him.

"... it's a magic-generating disease"

"... rather than say that magic leaks, it sounds like magic itself can't be made."

"Eh, if you can't make magic, if you can't accumulate it. All in all, it's called a magic-generating disease. I mean, it's unexplained."

I can't wait to see the magic that's supposed to be in my body.

Whether the cause is in 'supply', 'storage' or 'consumption'...

Even if the causes are different, the results that occur are the same.

Then the first person to discover the disease may have thought that there was no problem with a bulk name.

"Hmm... so, it heals?

Waltz listens to what is particularly important now.

But the first thing I didn't hear about it was before I heard Catalina say it.

"... perhaps she will never be able to use magic again"

I guess because I knew what she would answer.

Wizards will be unable to use magic...

Is it like taking a feather from a bird that can fly?

"... yes"

"But that's not the problem"

Catalina to continue the words.

"If you stay like this, you won't wake up, you'll lose your life."

Apparently, magic is an essential part of life activity, as is blood, for those who have been born and brought to life.

If it is lost, naturally the destination is death.

"... is the brave man okay?

"Yes. I inspected it, but there was no problem at all. Perhaps the influence of the patronage of goddesses."

"Yes... By the way, is this to the brave?

"No, not yet."

Waltz looks like a family member of a patient told by a doctor that he has an incurable illness.

And Catalina, the person who told him, was also rare to feel helpless.


"... Really, people like God leave nothing but trouble..."

Waltz's eyes had not given up.

"... Catalina. This could be a big deal, but you still want to save Leah?

Waltz himself, who has always done nothing but great things, says' tough '.

An unimaginable difficulty must await.

But Catalina,

"Yes, as long as there are lives in this world that can be saved"

I answered instantly without getting lost.

"... sounds like a stupid question."

"No, that's not true. When I decided to follow Mr. Waltz, my mind decided."

"Yes... then be prepared. What we're about to do is not an exaggeration when it comes to creating life."


And from this day forward, a molecular life science lecture by Waltz began to treat Leah.


"Well, then, shall we go"

Waltz to declare, in the captain's seat of energy pierced by the castle at an angle of 45 degrees diagonal.

"Gravity control, rear 0.05G deflection start"

"Roger. Gravitation-controlled deflection initiated"

Tempo to recite to Waltz's words.

Since Strella was to remain in Merclio, the tempo was to steer abruptly.

The moment she told me,


Suddenly the energy starts to buck as if it were pulled by the later (...).

Normally, when accelerating, the body is pulled in the opposite direction from the direction of travel, but acceleration due to the gravitational deflection of the energy has given the feeling of the body being pulled in the opposite direction of travel.

In other words, the hull started falling (...) down (...) toward the back.

"... what is this ship..."

The brave man on the energy for the first time shrugged unexpectedly.

"Leo, I thought... don't ask questions. I can't do this unless I think this is what this is all about, okay?

It seems the swordsman has enlightened himself.

"... that's an odd encounter, Victor. That's what I was thinking too..."

Yes, the wise man shrugged.

"... something, after a while of not seeing it, I think we're both grown up..."

Brave man looking unable to go about the two.

It should be noted that the wise man is in his mid-30s.

"Turn around, bearing 180 degrees. Goal, Crestling, Endersia Capital"

"Roger. Head back to Crestling."

And the turning of the energy is over.

"Shall we go then?... Energy, Launch"

Thus the waltzes traveled towards Endersia, the country that sent the brave men.

For the record...

"... Oh, I forgot to ask for a souvenir..."

"Miss Strella... I don't think it's the other way around..."

Waltz said he cared when Sylvia dropped him off, but he forgot to say goodbye to Strella and Canopus.