Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

7.7-28 Problems and Dealings 13

That morning.

".................." Mussu

"Momogu ~" chuckle

The royal castle dining room has an instant touch (?) There was an atmosphere that I could say.

Needless to say, waltz and cortex were creating that air.

The majority of the micromachines Waltz continued to build over a week were destroyed in an instant by Cortex's unleashed 'macrophages', and as a result Waltz was in a grumpy mood.

On the other hand, was Cortex's expression sunny because, after all, revenge was served for having been destroyed by the demon props?

"What are you gonna do? I destroyed the micro-machine... I was going to use it to exorcise Magi Mouse..."

Waltz speaks out in protest while including a side audio that the reason he kept mass-producing micromachines was to use them to crusade the genetically engineered Magi Mouse that is spreading south of South Fortress, making the upcoming schedule drastically crazy.

Cortex then replied with a satisfying look as he mouthed (...) Dot (...) n (...), whose thickness was neglected.

"Befuhihihihi Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Momogu ~...... If you only had a micromachine for what you've built so far and a wireless power supply, wouldn't you be able to figure it out ~? Worst of all, even if it's not enough, you just have to hire the adventurers as a utility. ~" sloppy

"But the last time I saw it, it seemed like the adventurers had no hands or feet?

"Well, the adventurers who recruited to the crusade of MaggiMouse as the first stage didn't muster them to let them fight the MaggiMouse ~. To those who recruit next, why don't we just give them that as well as micro-machine equipment and finish it up with a unit that specializes in fighting against Magimouse ~?

"... given the status quo... that's all we have."

Waltz frowns in sigh at Cortex's suggestion.

There is nothing we can do about the micromachines that have already been lost, so we stop thinking about them once and she seems to have started to devote the resources of thought to the next proposal.

Such a fold, my voice was raised by those of my colleagues who were watching the exchange between the two from a little further away and keeping them out of it.

"I have a question... is that good? Master Waltz?"

Day after day, somehow, micromachines (?) is a flying dragon that is destroying the room.

"Hmm? Something wrong? Karina."

"It's very hard to hear... have the micromachines disappeared from this city?

"Right...... Cortex? What's going on over there?

"I don't think we completely eliminated the micromachines that are going all over the King's Capital because it was early this morning that we let the macrophages go ~? But it's probably only a matter of time, too. Like your cleaning robot, if you let it go, it'll be a few days, and you'll finish cleaning ~? While I'm at it, it's a great invention of the century, isn't it?"


"What's wrong ~? Karina? Spit out some sighs."

"No, destroying my room every day was already a punishment apple. Therefore... I apologize to Master Waltz, but I am relieved that the micro-machine is gone..."

Hear that word...

'... Huh?

and waltz and cortex looking suspicious of ears.

Before those two reactions, Feilong looked panicked and continued his words.

"Ya, after all, would you have been careless? Correct the words..."

Feilong said he thought his remarks to the waltzes might have been disrespectful, and with a sorry look on his face, he utters almost apologetic words...

Apparently, the Waltz doubted their ears for reasons different from Fei Long's concerns.

"... Hey, Flying Dragon? Don't you remember?


"Maybe Karina doesn't remember you releasing your braces to the sky every night, howling ~?


At that moment, a flying dragon opens its eyes wide, scratches a cold sweat, and solidifies.

Apparently, she didn't have any memory of it.

"Is that true?!

"True or nothing... True? Looks like you usually let it go through the window, but you finally got coarse in the room...... Maybe you were eating."

"Sa, is it Master Left..."

When the hell was I releasing my braces?

Fei Long, who has no memory at all and does not remember the burns that occur when he releases his braces, also forgot to put his hands on the ready to eat udon, and seems to have his head.

Then the cook of that dish put his hand on her shoulder and said this with a delightful look on his face.

"It's okay! Dragon! Because Eve, too, sometimes, might do it!

"Mmm? Does the Lord ever blow up a room by mistake too?!

"What... no..."

"The boulder is the Lord! I don't know how to blow this up... but I think I'm glad I found a buddy, huh?... No, not if I'm happy..."

"Ugh... yeah..."

Because of what I said extra, my own black history that I was going to gently flush was going to be exposed, and when I woke up in the morning, the mysterious stain that was being made on the futon was going to be an explosive, for next to the Fei Long, Eve holding her head in the same way as she did.

At that time, there seemed to be about one other person with a bright red face, besides Eve and Fei Long, but given her privacy, I don't think I'd say who.

"You don't have to, do you?"

………… ♪ Biku ♪

"... hmm? What are you doing? Lucia."

"Yeah, it's nothing. Nothing, huh?

"... Weird Lucia"

There were two people, Waltz and Lucia, who converse with the top floor of the workshop.

It is a launch site, shaped like a huge hexagonal petal.

There was no one else there but them, and it should be said that instead, a cubic wireless power transmission device, one side about 1 m in size, was placed like a mountain.

The newly built micromachines have been lost, but the micromachines previously sprayed to South Fortress should be safe, so by installing this device in various locations, the Waltz seem to intend to extend their range of action, which can now only operate around the energy being stabbed in the outskirts of South Fortress.

The device was originally designed to work with the new micromachines and deal with the Magi Mouse, which would live on a wide scale.

In the current situation, where it doesn't happen, it's hard to say how effective the hell it is... Waltz couldn't seem to have done anything, even if it didn't work, before he said to the hunters that he would do something about it by a week later.

"Well... well, shall we carry it?

"Well... I'll have half, won't I?

"That's amazing, Lucia...... (I wonder if they have about 1000t in total? It doesn't matter if you're a girl or a boy anymore, you're talking about whether you're a human being or not...)"

"Hmm? Did you say something, sister?

"Yeah, it's nothing, is it?

"Yeah...... I hope so"

Lucia then uses gravity-controlled magic belonging to ancient magic to float massive amounts of devices in the sky.

Waltz then floated the rest of the device in the sky using a gravitational control system built on the latest science in the modern world.

"Well...... then, we're competing all the way to South Fortress!

"Yeah! I've been losing to Sylvia lately... I need to work out a little bit!

"But good luck, huh?

And two people floating into the sky.

Then they fly off into the sky at subsonic speeds with tons of devices...

"... hey, sister? Hey today... why don't you stop fighting?

"… an odd encounter. I was just about to say that, too."

And, frowning, two people inadvertently stop in the air.

Somehow, around the two of us, there's been trouble.

In this context, could it be possible that if trouble were to arise, Waltz or Lucia would have dropped part of the device to the ground, or that the surviving micro-machine would have melted the device and started eating it?

But the sight that was in their eyes seemed neither of them.

"Didn't you break all the micromachines that were inside the royal castle?

"... Sounds different, huh?


With that said, Waltz and Lucia turn their suspicious gaze against that 'object'.

in front of them like that...... no, I was behind the

"This battleship...... what the hell do you want?

It was two black-air battleships, an energy and a melon.

Apparently, this battleship, built by a micromachine, is flying with some will, behind a metal clogged internal structure.