Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

8.2-14 Riverside Country 14

And the next morning.

In the light mornings created by the rain moisture of the previous day….

When everyone woke up, they left only a fragrant good smell of breakfast... and the chef's hunter was gone.

At Cortex's request, Lucia used metamagic to send him back to the capital of Mid-Eden.

At that time, it goes without saying what look the hunter had on his face...


"Why, ha-ha-ha... duh, somehow...... somehow we made it before we left......" snort

"No, sometimes this kind of exercise isn't bad, seniors"

You flew all night to Olija, Julia, full of creativity, and Sylvia, who for some reason had a shiny look on her face, were there.

After all, Julia, even if it has wings, is not suitable for long-haul high-speed flights.

In contrast, unconsciously, even angels have demons (?) It seems that Sylvia, unlike Julia, was very lively, 180 degrees.

In her case, isn't it better to be constantly floating than walking on the ground?

Such a greeting was uttered to the two intelligence officers who had just arrived, Lucia, who looked sleepy because she woke up early, and Waltz, who was eating meals pinched by Teresa, whose tail was turning into a crippled look, waving in the right way.

"You're annoying, both of you. We're ready for breakfast, right?


"Uh, that helps...... I was desperate to move my feathers, so my stomach is already peppered..."

With that in his mouth, Julia casually lowered her back next to Null's seat, which was open.

At that moment,


and, if you look at each other and then look surprised, suddenly stand up Julia and Null.

Apparently, apart from their relationship with their former boss and subordinates, they are becoming more complex.

Then waltz throws this kind of question in a sigh mix against Sylvia, who sat in the open seat, sidelined by how the two were keeping their heads down on each other.

"Something tells me that Cortex... you guys are kidding about Lisa?

In response, Sylvia replied with a bitter smile.

"I don't know, newbie, but it looks like you were tied to a senior by agreement, doesn't it? Something tells me, Master Cortex, that's what it takes to make a character ~, or something, and you seem to have put that into practice. By the way, why, do you ask?

"Yes, no, I know somehow, so it's good... I knew that girl was the culprit..."

and waltz with a frightened look on his face when he heard Sylvia explain.

Then two people, Julia and Null, sat in their seats and everyone restarted their meals... some time later.

On the spot,

"This is, gentlemen. Even today, you look beautiful..."

and Clark, a diplomat for Olija, came in exchange for a morning greeting in the name of flattery.

... but somehow, where he uttered the phrase... it seems to have suddenly solidified.

The reason for this does not seem to be that the waltzes have noticed that they are eating strangely lavish meals…

When the waltzes look strangely at Clark like that, he finally petrifies (?) solved it, he gave a surprised look and raised his voice like this.


Apparently, he was surprised at the appearance of Julia, who had not used transformative magic.

You knew some information about Clark like that, and Julia didn't ask him for his name and started responding.

"Yes. I am indeed Sacubus. That, too, is Lord Waltz's faithful sex guy r...... my servant Sacubus. At Mid-Eden, we are serving as director of the Intelligence Agency. In short, the head of the agency that dispatches spies against each country, right? So... what can I do for you? Dear Ernst-Clark, Head of the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Orija? ♪ Chuckle ♪


"... Julia? You're not a servant, are you? I mean, not really, you can't be jealous about Mr. Clark, can you? For once, right now, we're in an effective relationship..."

"This sounds like words have passed. My deepest apologies, Master Clark."

Against Julia, who bowed her head after saying so...... Clark started explaining the situation, finally regaining her composure.

"No, this is... I'm sorry to show you the mess and this is the one. As a matter of fact... it is very difficult to say that in our country, Sacubas... is like a symbol of the Demon Nation... That's why I was surprised. I hope you understand that."

In response to the words, Waltz purposefully uttered these words.

"What? Demons? How many were here? Um?"

"Does that mean Eve might come in too?

"Yeah, he's from Boreas, and of course he must be a Demon."

"So am I."

"Yuki... you're more of a demon than a demon... no, ex..."

"The present Demon King is here..."

"Yes, sir. When I get back, someone else might be taking the Demon King's throne."

Waltz counts those who are generally classified as Demons, in things like that.

As a result,

"... four?

On that occasion there seemed to be four: Julia, Eve, Yuki, and Nur.

Except for Feilong, which is difficult to classify.

"Hey, four......? No, Demon King?!

"Damn. So... you should be careful what you say, huh? I'm not mad at you for anything, but if anyone asks, Mid-Eden might take a fight or something... or a personal grudge, crisp from your back, and you fuck me, Mid-Eden won't be responsible, will he? I mean, I've been stabbed too..."

"……… and then we shall try to be careful"

And with a blue face, leaning Clark.

Perhaps he has deepened his regrets every time he pursues the day about inviting the Waltz to their king's capital.

Waltz changed the subject and talked about how pitiful he was getting.

"So, what can I do for you? Mr. Clark."

Clark, who was questioned about it, began to talk haphazardly about why he had come here at risk.

"Well, you did. First of all, I would like to thank you over and over again for yesterday. Mid-Eden seems to have powers beyond intelligence..."

"Well... as for you, we don't really understand the principles, either."

"Oh yeah...... So, it's a requirement that my colleagues come here..."

And Clark, after one breath, began to talk about his purpose, as if he had decided to be ready.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could use the same power as yesterday."

"Hmm? What do you mean?

"In order to get to our king's capital, once we get into the deep valley, we have to go up the road that leads to the other side. Because of this, it is only in due course that we will reach our king's capital, which is at the end of our eyes and nose, tomorrow. But if you can bridge it like you did yesterday... I thought you might get there by the end of the day."

"Hmm... that's what I'm talking about"

and waltz hammering Clark's words.

Then the conclusion she made (?) appears to have been an unexpected word for...... Clark.

"If you say the king capital of Olija is close, energy and potential will be left in Mid-Eden for a while now."

"What... well, that's..."

"No? If we keep taking those two ships to town, then there's no need for any more mayhem. Besides, if it was enough to jump over the valley, it wouldn't matter if it was just us."

"Ha ha..."

"So if you have breakfast, let's get going! Today's destination is... Orija's King's Capital!

"" ".................." "Kokuri

and concurrently.

That didn't seem like an exception to the knights who were nearby.

Look at those Mid-Eden people like that...


Somewhere, Clark narrows his eyes in an emotional way.

No one knew what he was thinking, except in person... but at least that look did not seem to have the colour of the fear that had floated until earlier.

Thus the waltzes, not long after eating, began to drive the carriage to the capital of the king of Olija today.