So, Julia asked for Catalina's help until we got back, right?

'Oh, yes. Nice...... universe. I'd like to go for once, too.'

'See you next time. If he said... he'd be able to go there forever... right. Next time you go to Boreas or something, you want to stop by?

'A few hundred kilometers up or something... it's not a level to stop by... Maybe you should go to Boreas.

'Well, from the top of the map, it's like a straight line.... so you asked for your order?

'Okay. I'll take care of it'

That's what I'm saying, Julia, disconnecting radio communications. It goes without saying who that correspondent was.

Until recently, Julia was in the royal castle with the waltzes, but it seemed to fly through a town, saying after there was one of the worms that simulated to men. And the destination--

"(... Wow, Dahlia's house, you're unbroken as contacted... Well done. Marie!)"

--There were Dahlia and Rosemary, ”Dahlia's Florist”.


"Sorry to keep you waiting!

Julia descends onto the terrace that was barely left in the florist and turns such words to those who were there. Note that I seemed to think of something different inside, but I discount the explanation.

Then, at that moment. I saw her. Rosemary...

"Sister Julia......!


—— and somehow jumped into Julia's chest. You look like you're going to cry too...

"What's going on? Marie. Did you get abused?... The killer is Dahlia, right? [incomprehensible]


"Of course I'm kidding... but it was a disaster, wasn't it? Dalia. I can't believe the florist was attacked... I guess that means you've been famous sometime, too?

"... I don't want to be very famous for my professional pattern"

"I guess so...... But isn't it just the house that did the damage? The contents of the house seem to have been cleaned up for quite some time."

"... you found out quickly. I was cleaning up because I wanted to go home to Boreas. Then a strange one attacked me and Marie and the others helped me there, so... The house... right. You can't replace your life."

That being said, it's completely destroyed, and it's no exaggeration to look at your own florist, Dahlia. Was there anything quite memorable or thoughtful there, she seemed to wrinkle her eyes small.

Meanwhile, Rosemary, who jumped into Julia's chest, still seemed to shudder small for some reason while holding her in her sister's arms. Seeing that, Julia inquired about the situation.

"What's going on? Marie (I know why somehow...)"

"Sister Julia... I'm sorry... Marie, Dalia, I broke your sister's house...... Tea tools, they weren't there yet..."

"Oh yeah...... Marie is so sweet...... But button-- you already apologized to Dahlia, didn't you?


"You got forgiveness, didn't you? [incomprehensible]

".................." Kokoku


"Then I'm done with this story. There's nothing wrong with Marie. (Rather, I'd like to compliment you for doing well...)" chi


"Ok...... Now I'll be careful..."

With that said, Rosemary walks away from Julia with a sad look on her face, with tea sets, tea sets, and cursed words. She seemed to regret how much she sacrificed the tea set that Dahlia had been using when she broke up the house.

Then Rosemary goes to Eve and watches Eve do something about it... Julia spoke to the two UMAs who were on the spot - the hunter-operated macrophages and the Atlas-operated bear dolls.

"Have you two been contacted by Mr. Waltz?

"Oh. Not directly... I was eavesdropping on Waltz and Cortex talking next door."

"You haven't come to me yet..."

'I'm sorry, Atlas. I was going to talk to you when I got settled, but I think I missed the period......'

'No, never mind, hunter sister. So... does it work? Sister. "

"Right...... It wasn't just Mr. Waltz, but we talked about splitting the squad in two and going to space for a bit."

"Chi (...) heh (...) and (...) into space, nah... So you split the squad in two... So your sister didn't want to go alone, did you?

And, imagine the content of the story that would have been played out at the Waltz's, Atlas reacts like one convinced. Julia and the hunter who were listening to the words, and Eve, were saying, "Ah..." because I could realistically imagine Waltz wasting time...

"I didn't fit on the spot, so I don't know the details...... we adults are leaving messages in the town of Rice. Eve and Marie... you may be an adult now, but please follow me to Mr. Waltz"

Listen to that word--

"Yeah... I'm sorry to distract Julia..."

—— and Eve responding subtly. The opposing adults also seemed to have an unspeakable air, but at least to Rosemary, who was on-the-spot--


—— It seemed like a very irrelevant story.

"Well, let's go back to the castle. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be waiting."

'Ah. Well, Eve or Marie. Can you ask me again? I want you to take this bear thing with you.'

"Yeah...... Marie, do you have it?

"Uh... Marie, be patient, I give you to Master Eve..."

"... maybe I get it (maybe I don't have to give in...)"

That's what I said, lifting a bear doll that was walking on two legs, Eve holding it in her chest. In doing so, she turns her gaze to Dahlia, who was there, as if to ask for help…. Looks like he decided to carry his own bear after seeing Dahlia shake his head to the left and right with all her might ahead of him.

And that was the time.


Out of the streets of Rice, which were visible from the terrace where there were six people, suddenly a bright red coloured light rose towards the sky.