"To the Four Heavenly Kings... what an excuse..."

""... ah... "

Such words that Julia accidentally crushed, thinking about what to do with the magic of the kingdom. Hearing that, both the hunter and Dahlia seemed to understand what was bothering Julia.

"After all, can we just be honest? We didn't break it, and if you keep quiet... you're awkward."

"Besides, even if I was about to be blamed for being in here... uh, well... You can't excuse Margaret for breaking the entrance to this tunnel..."

"Uh, you had that. Well, let's sacrifice the button, shall we?"

"... it won't go out of style..."

You thought you might do it if you were my cousin, Dahlia, who turns her jitty eyes to Julia.

In the meantime, you reacted to the word ”sacrifice”, and you mouth it like this, looking at the big door that the hunter was looking at on the other side of the tunnel.

"By the way, both of you. I'm going to change things a little bit... what do you think is on the other side of that door?

Dahlia asked, not knowing what the situation was, if she noticed the serious look on the part of the hunter who spoke so.

"What's wrong with that door?

"Is it about a year ago now... There was a door in Mid-Eden that looked the same. So, on the inside... it was something terrible that I couldn't speak of anymore... and it was done by Ecleria."

and a hunter who looked a little hesitant when he uttered the name Ecleria. Apparently she wanted to say something else besides the word "eccleria”. But she couldn't seem to speak that word easily. That seems to have had some connection with the fact that the two Sacubas in front of her were both associates of the intelligence forces of the Boreas Empire.

You felt such a hunter's misery, Julia, a former intelligence officer, began explaining to his former colleague, Dahlia, who knew nothing, instead of the hunter.

"... you know the button too, don't you? Rosalie...... about Captain Rosalia"

"Yeah, well, the troops aren't, are they? I mean, Rosemary's real mother, right?

"Right? Actually... she was manipulated by Ecleria... I couldn't take it back in Mid-Eden."

"... eh? Are you serious about that?

"Yep, as much as I still wish I was lying..."

"What is it..."

"... she's not in the world anymore, so the details are in the darkness, but speculation is that she's in the Kingdom of Eccleria —— a demon king who used spiritual magic to rewrite the spirit of Captain Rosalia?

"A demon king? Was there a demon king in the realm of the human side? It's my first ear..."

"He's the king of the demonic kingdom, so he's the demon king, right? So the king of man's kingdom is supposed to be just a king. But I don't know much about it. Maybe I call myself... I can just say for sure that when I mouth his (...) woman (...) name, he dies. Captain Rosalia lost his life."

"So, Margaret... you don't say the name of that demon king, do you?

"Yep. 'Cause if I tell the button his name, he's going to accidentally call his name--Demon King Altair. If you're gonna try, tell me where I'm not looking, okay? Because it's a hassle to reprocess."

Shortly thereafter ——


—— and black piles flying in as usual. Apparently, even today, Demon King Altair is working (?) Seems to be putting the sperm out on.

Julia started talking again as she showed Dahlia the pile she had grabbed, taking it with her phantom magic hands.

"It flies like this, so be careful, okay? By the way, it's poisoned, so just touching it is gonna be a big deal, right? Want to touch a try?

"Yeah. I'll try my best not to..."

"Too bad......"

And, not at all unfortunate, Julia who speaks so with a look close to her true face.

In response to her, Dahlia asked about the core of the story.

"So, what did Captain Rosalia do in Mid-Eden?

"Anyone who's Boreas knows a lot about... making homunculus, right?

"... I mean, Captain Rosalia was making homunculus at the expense of the Mid-Eden people in large numbers..."

"Yep. That's why, Master Hunter, you just asked us.... I wonder what's on the other side of that door."

"... Um... sorry, hunter..."

"No, that rosary is also a victim of Ecleria's manipulation... and now that I'm sorted out my feelings, there's no need for Dahlia to apologize. Besides, it was back then, so now it is. I mean, compared to when it was the previous administration, the economy, technology, because it's already a cloud muddy difference... well, what? Never mind."

That said, after a bitter smile, but a hunter who soon returns to a harsh look.

At the end of her gaze like that, there's a big door to the matter... On the other side of it, she seemed deeply praying that the sight had not spread as she had imagined.