And after Waltz finishes his conversation with Catalina...... To communicate the plan change, she was prepared and turned her awareness to those in front of her.

Then there's something--

"" "………" "No."

—— and a pair of hunters, Julia, and Nike, seemed to lean down with a dark aura.

"What, this air...... I haven't said anything yet..."

And, look at the three of you, confused waltz. Alternatively, it was possible that the earlier Waltz conversations had been heard...... But it didn't seem that way.

The hunter started talking about why.

"Waltz... we, we remembered... Not if you're drinking."

"That's a statement I don't think you're a hunter...... What's the matter, sir? Is something wrong?

"Oh, look around you"

"Around...? Unconscious people are sleeping..."

"That's not all. You may not have noticed because you're being put to sleep a little further away, but the truth is, some of the soldiers have been unluckily sacrificed, right? I totally lost track of that... I really shouldn't forget..."

"Those who have sacrificed...? I heard about the city council and the Reapers of Ecleria, but I don't think I heard about them yet..."

With that said, when Waltz turned his gaze toward the wall surrounding the square, there was the figure of those who slept with cloth hanging on their faces... Even a blunt girlfriend seemed to realize that she wasn't in the kind of situation where she could talk about booze.

"By the time we got here, it was already too late for Eccleria's... the..."


"... you have a sword user who speaks in an unusual way... I think maybe he did it.” Ha ha "is a cliché..."

"Huh? Such a cat honking cliche...... no way......!

Looking at the stories about the brothers the hunter used to talk about and the look on her face, it seems Waltz noticed something... In front of her like that, the hunter did not nod or shake his head, but just turned to the sky. If you want to compare that, as if you don't want me to ask you anything......

Just one word ——

"Oh... I want a drink..."

—— Speak those words.

"Uh... Um... yeah... right..."

Waltz who says so and then shuts up, one other line.

Julia, who apparently remembered something in such a bitter air, inquired against Waltz.

"By the way, Master Waltz. What did Master Catalina say earlier?


"I was wondering how Catalina was able to answer the earlier confirmation regarding Vega's awakening…"

"I was so angry."

"" I knew... "


And, as soon as I heard Waltz's words, Julia and the hunter seemed to have been able to anticipate the answer, all together narrowing their eyes. At that time, Nike was also smiling because she could also imagine Catalina's reaction?

Then before their expression changed, Waltz starts talking about the new plan that came out in conversation with Catalina.

"So we all drink... without"

"" "…………" "fits

"... good if you drink at the launch after a paragraph, but you should avoid drinking in situations where you don't know when the world tree will fall, so..."

Listen to that word of waltz, which gradually gets butt-shuffy within what I'm saying--

"... I knew it... right..."

"Some of you have sacrificed... yep..."

"I thought it was a good idea..."

—— and the look stays the same, the threesome that only clouds the brilliance of the eyes. But still, they didn't argue with Waltz's words because, as we talked earlier, there was a victim in a position not so far away...

"I'm sorry, but it would help if we could have alcohol at the launch after everything. We're not supposed to be talking about that, are we? If we work hard, maybe we can do it tonight?

"But if you don't drink... No, if you let me drink (...), how the hell do you recover the magic? Even if you drink mana directly, there are other limitations."

"That's what I'm trying to get unconscious citizens to take diluted mana directly as a" drug. "Catalina said the reason they can't wake up is because they're completely out of magic in their bodies, and if they drink mana, they can regain consciousness, and Nike can recover magic, right?

"Is that what you mean..."

"But a maximum of 30,000...... Even if we all split up, it doesn't seem like it's going to end in a day or two..."

Nike and the hunter each said so and thought about how to make all the unconscious drink mana. Ahead of the two thoughts, however, a large wall seemed to have stood, just like when they were thinking about a drinking plan. Namely -- how do I make him drink mana? That's also within a short time before the world tree leans and falls......

Then that's when.

"... Oh, yes!

It seems that Julia came up with something, and she accidentally raised her voice.