Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

-10.5-28 People and Demons 28

On the side of the pile of bags, two groups were arguing.... No, precisely, one group seemed to have said it unilaterally. The noise was caused by people who thought they were probably residents of the town because of their outfits…. The other packed group of people were suspicious people with distinctive masks on their faces.

The mask the latter wore covered the entire face of the wearer and was a leather mask with something like a bird's beak. Can you tell me what it looked like when it came to the early anti-drug masks and two melons that medical professionals wore in Europe around the 17th century to protect themselves from pesto? The only difference is so much that the ear area was popping out to the left and right.

As far as its appearance is concerned, apparently they know that the disease is caused by micro-organisms. Even Mid-Eden, 1300 years later, was not even known until recently for the presence of fungus, so in that respect it may be said that people of this age have better biological knowledge,.

Town dwellers were stuffed towards such suspiciously dressed people.

"That's why I'm telling you! What are you guys here for! Weren't you supposed to cure me of my illness?!

"Give me my husband, my children... and my family back!

"Shit! It's all your fault!


"Say something!!


You've got a lot of anger on your hands... One resident beat up the person in the mask who was losing his word. His expression is more struck by grief than by anger...... After beating the masked person, he kneels straight to the ground.

All the other inhabitants looked similar to him. The less crying of sorrow. Those whose emotions cannot be contained and who raise their shouts. Those who look up to heaven as if they pray to God...... It was undoubtedly two letters of despair that surrounded the inhabitants of the town.

Before such inhabitants, the suspicious dressers - perhaps doctors and thinkers - looked at each other and wondered what to do. They couldn't find a word to hang on the residents because they were aware that their lack of power had caused the worst.

Beatrix opens his mouth as he takes a far-reaching look at the state of it and the pile of cloth it has made into a square.

"... Hey, Teresa. Is it okay if we stay here?

"It would be awkward to have a disease like an air infection... it would probably be fine"

"How can you say it's okay?

"The causes of infection are largely limited. For example, inhaling bacteria and viruses in someone's cough, or taking a splash such as saliva or runny nose…. Or eating things without washing your hands, getting hurt, getting stung by insects... If there is a danger to the concubines right now, the patient's cough contains a pathogen, and that's if it drifts through the air in town. Isn't that an air infection? But the fact that those wearing masks are alive doesn't mean they're going to get air infections. That mask they wear is like a mask, but it doesn't act as a proper filter, so it's about resting..."

"Then why are the people in town..."

"Well...... perhaps the bacteria and viruses reflux and become infected when worms such as fleas and mosquitoes suck blood from their disease hosts, rats, etc., and stab people as they are and suck blood? It's a common pattern."

"... If Master Catalina hadn't taught me, I'm sure she wouldn't have understood what Teresa was saying..."

With that said, Beatrix tries to stretch his own sleeves to the critical point to keep his exposure as low as possible. I heard Theresa explain, and she was conscious not to be stabbed by a bug.

Lucia, on the other hand, looks at the sights of the square ——


--He had a look that seemed complicated.

She understood that even in front of that tragic sight, there was nothing we could do. Even if powerful healing magic can be used, it will not come true to recall those who have already travelled through the world, nor will they be able to save without Catalina the people who are now ill... And most importantly, this is a past time. I can't act badly.

"You can only pretend not to look..."


In a small word Lucia shrugged, Teresa shaking her head. Looks like Lucia wasn't the only one who was feeling a mess.

Such a fold. At the end of their gaze, one of the doctors and thinkers who has been silent opens his mouth.

"... than this... sets fire"

Tons of wreckage piled up in the town square. It seems the doctors intend to set fire to the body so that another disease does not arise from it.

What the residents were saying and arguing about here seemed to have been prompted by their opposition to cremating the deceased. Despite the fact that it is customary in this town to bury, the doctors are trying to enforce cremation... On top of that, because of their lack of power, a large number of the inhabitants died. What do the residents think of the doctors in such a situation?

"You guys are demons!

"Demons...... yes! Demons!

"Oh, demons! Must be the Demons! If you have people's hearts, you can't be this awful!

And the people of the town who crammed into the doctors with the shovels and sticks that were on the spot. Exactly. Instant. Things sucked.

When Teresa and the others saw how it was, they seemed to be worried to the point of criticism as to whether to intervene in the dispute. Even if we know how the doctors feel, this is a past time. Wherever possible, you shouldn't stick your neck in anything extra.

But I can't pretend not to see and see about the doctors who can unilaterally commit assault in front of me... Lucia and Beatrice tried to use magic and stop the people in town —— that was the time.



One of the doctors held his chest in agony and suddenly collapsed.

And the anomaly didn't end with just one person.




One doctor after another began to fall. As if to go with it, the people of the town fall down as well.

The way it was, it was as if the invisible reaper would prune his life... It was an event enough to terrorize the three girls.